How to store salted mushrooms at home. The subtleties and tricks of storing salted mushrooms: rolled up in cans or without seaming


A good harvest is always good. It doesn’t matter - grown by oneself or harvested, like mushrooms or berries, in a nearby forest.

But then the next problem arises - how to keep the crop? It's a shame when both time and effort are spent and mushrooms are salted, but not worth it. In the container, mold or judging by air bubbles and an acidic smell, is actively fermented. How to store salted mushrooms for a long time?

How to store salted mushrooms at home. General recommendations

Before you start to salt the mushrooms, you should take care of the place where the pickles will be stored. Experienced chefs and lovers of quiet hunting recommend:

1. The temperature in the room or refrigerator should be from +2 to +4 degrees. Fluctuations are possible, but no more than 2 degrees in both directions.

2. Below 0 degrees - the pickle will freeze and lose its nutritional and taste value. Above +7 degrees - the ideal temperature for the development of pathogenic microflora.

3. The room should be ventilated and dry.

4. Mushrooms should be in brine. As soon as the product stuck out the tip from the can, it immediately begins to mold.

5. Do not cover cans and other containers with paper, plastic bags or plastic cans. At temperatures above 0 degrees, water evaporates from the brine. Moisture drops will accumulate under the makeshift lid - this is an ideal medium for the growth of mold and yeast.

6. When salting, it is important to monitor the salt ratio in the brine. Excess sodium chloride will provide long-term storage of mushrooms, but will make them inedible. The deficiency promotes the activation of yeast and will cause lactic acid fermentation. Mushrooms will remain edible, but it will be unpleasant to eat them.

7. For long-term storage, glass jars, wooden containers, enameled pots should be used. Important! The material from which the dishes are made must not be oxidized!

Storage of salted mushrooms. Culinary Tips

At home, they recommend pickling mushrooms. Vinegar in the marinade and the product will save, and protect from botulinum toxin. But the taste of such a mushroom is not the same. Experienced cooks offer the following storage methods for salted mushrooms:

1. In the absence of a dry basement, it is recommended to drain the liquid after salting. Dry the mushrooms lightly, place in portions in plastic bags and send to the freezer. Such mushrooms are stored for a long time without losing taste, color and other consumer qualities. After defrosting, no additional product treatment is required. Salted mushrooms are ready to eat.

2. After salting, rinse the finished product. Make a fresh pickle, immerse mushrooms in it and boil for 2 minutes. Fold in a sterilized jar, pour boiling brine and roll up. Keep the workpiece in a cool place.

3. Salted mushrooms should stand in brine for 7 days in the refrigerator. Then drain the liquid, and pour the finished product with vegetable oil. Fat will not give mold a chance. Before use, drain the oil and eat with pleasure.

4. Salt salted mushrooms in banks. The product should lie tightly without voids. Moisten a cotton cloth in vodka or ethanol and put on mushrooms. Press fabric with a wooden cross. The brine should be 1-2 cm above the level of the caps. Close the top with a polyethylene cover, the walls of which are moistened with vodka or alcohol.

Storage of salted mushrooms. Hermetic seaming method

It would seem that the easiest way to preserve the cooked product is to close it tightly. Air does not enter, dust does not fly in and liquid does not evaporate. But just such conditions are ideal for the life of botulinum toxin, which is the strongest poison.

When working with mushrooms, you should adhere to 2 principles - either work strictly according to the rules or do not roll salted mushrooms in jars.

Method for processing mushrooms:

• thoroughly wash and clean the raw materials before salting;

• thick parts of mushrooms - cook boiled and boletus legs 1.5 times longer than other varieties of mushrooms;

• use only recipes with vinegar;

• when laying in jars, the finished product must be sterilized for a long time - either using autoclaves at a temperature of 120 degrees, or sterilize jars with mushrooms for 30 minutes;

• if you have any doubts about the quality of the finished canned food, then its contents should not be eaten;

• mushrooms must be eaten within 48 hours of opening the can.

Homemade pickles, including mushrooms, are simple and delicious. Keeping cooked is much harder. It is important to adhere to the recommendations of specialists in the preparation of premises, containers and raw materials for home cooking. A little scrupulousness and all winter you can enjoy your own salting mushrooms.


Watch the video: How to Successfully Freeze Mushrooms (June 2024).