18 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 18 weeks of gestation.


At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the tummy is already significantly increased, and weight gain can be about five kilograms. Due to the increased load on the spine at this time, back pain may appear. Some women already feel the first movements of the baby, although they are still barely noticeable, but they are already significantly different from other sensations in the female body.

Fetal development at 18 weeks gestation

The child has also grown significantly. At eighteen weeks, its length can reach twenty-two centimeters, and weight is about two hundred grams. The baby's hearing organs are actively developing, he is already able to distinguish external sounds. The retina also becomes more sensitive, the child easily determines the dark and light time of the day. At this time, the phalanges of the baby's fingers are fully formed, and even their individual imprint.

Given that there is still enough space in the uterus, the baby is actively moving, tumbling and moving from one wall r to another. By the end of this week, the external and internal genital organs are in their final position. Therefore, during an ultrasound examination, with a high probability, the doctor can determine who is born - a boy or a girl.

The placenta also functions in full force, it provides the growing organism with all the necessary substances. Its thickness is a little more than twenty-one millimeters. During the production of pregnancy hormones, the placenta causes changes in the female body that are required to support the bearing of the baby.

Changes in the body at 18 weeks of gestation

At eighteen weeks, the urinary tract continues to be in an expanded condition. There is a threat of fluid retention in the body, various swelling on the legs and arms may appear, especially they become noticeable after wearing socks or rings. Now you need to strictly monitor the amount of salt used and various fluids.

If the vision before the conception of the baby was not ideal, in the second trimester it can still deteriorate. It is mandatory to visit an optometrist and, if necessary, select the right lenses or glasses. With very poor eyesight, there is a chance that doctors will prescribe a pregnant woman with cesarean delivery.

Excretions from the genital tract become more abundant due to the influence of the hormone progesterone. This occurs in order to protect the uterus from penetration of pathogenic microbes. If the vaginal discharge has changed significantly, become a different color or white appears - this may indicate the attachment of an infection. A fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy is thrush. Today, she is treated fairly well, however, it is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor to avoid more serious complications.

Dangerous symptoms

In case of pain in the abdomen or if spotting is detected, an ambulance must be urgently called. These symptoms may indicate an involuntary abortion or an existing threat of abortion. If the spotting from the vagina is scarce - this may be an indicator of the low location of the placenta. In normal condition, it should be closer to the bottom of the uterus, but in some cases, the placenta drops very low and sometimes even closes the cervical canal. It is also a rather dangerous sign and requires an urgent visit to the gynecologist.

Nutrition and exercise at 18 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at the indicated time should be calculated in such a way as to satisfy all the needs of the growing fetus in minerals and vitamins. The missing components can be obtained by using ready-made vitamin complexes, which should be taken only after consulting a doctor. In this period, if there are no medical contraindications, you can do special exercises for pregnant women. However, when doing such exercises, it is worth listening carefully to the sensations that arise in the body. With the slightest deterioration in well-being or the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to immediately stop exercising.

Tests and examinations

At this stage, a routine examination of the gynecologist is carried out, blood pressure is measured, the height of the uterine fundus is determined, the abdominal circumference is measured, and the baby’s heartbeat is heard. For a period of eighteen weeks, the doctor may suggest that the pregnant woman take a blood test to determine the level of the hormone alpha-fetoprotein. This analysis helps to identify severe fetal malformations such as Down syndrome, hydrocephalus, or other chromosomal abnormalities. Although this examination is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended for women who are over thirty-five years old or who are pregnant with a heredity. Scheduled general blood and urine tests are also performed, according to existing medical indications, pregnant women are given repeated consultations with an oculist and a general practitioner.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Katya 03/30/2016
The tummy is growing by leaps and bounds! It became noticeable that I was pregnant, even to strangers))) A very pleasant feeling))) After all, I want everyone to know about this, what happiness you have! I don’t do any exercises, I get tired, no matter how when!

Lily 03/30/2016
I was engaged with a group of mothers, but after two classes, I started to have some suspicious feelings ... And I quit classes. Itself, of course, I do not allow myself to relax, I am doing not difficult exercises, I try to move more, to walk.

Lisa 03/30/2016
Today we have passed another test, additional. I was very worried, because there were not good suspicions. I still don’t know everything for sure, but I hope for a positive outcome. The second pregnancy, the first child is already 4 years old, completely healthy.

Sveta 03.30.2016
I have a second pregnancy. The first was difficult. I was afraid for the second time to get pregnant. But everything is in order. And I do gymnastics, go to classes, and take vitamins. And nothing suspicious happened.

Vera 03/30/2016
I had slight pains and discharge. A nightmare, as I got scared, called an ambulance, threw a tantrum ... And it all went away ...))) Right without the intervention of doctors! They checked me, passed the tests - everything is fine! And now for a week, that does not bother anything.


Watch the video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).