Why do I dream of many eggs: raw, boiled, rotten, broken, huge? The main interpretation of what many eggs dream of -


According to many dream books, dreams come true on certain days. Dreams are a special world in which everyone receives not only answers to questions, but also many new puzzles and secrets.

To reveal them, it is worth interpreting the dream and understanding what it is about. Why do I dream of a lot of eggs?

It’s worth sorting out.

What many eggs dream of - the main interpretation

It is worth noting that the egg is an ancient symbol used by our ancestors. It meant the birth of life, the beginning. For many nations, the shape of an egg was associated with a higher spiritual principle. Its top is the highest mind, the foundation is man.

That is why in many esoteric movements there is the use of egg-shaped objects in rituals. So, if you want to get prosperity in the house and prosperity - you should buy a jade egg and place it in the eastern part of the house, then with sunrise, your wealth will increase.

If you in a dream, how you break an egg - you should be wary of financial losses and quarrels with relatives and friends. If a woman is pregnant and she dreams about how she breaks a lot of eggs, then she is likely to lose her baby, and will continue to try to get pregnant again, but in vain.

If woman dreams that she found many eggs in a basket - She may soon become a mother in reality. If you dream that you want to lay eggs, but break them, your hopes for profit and prosperity will also be shattered. It is worth now to analyze what you were wrong about and try to prejudice the negative consequences of making wrong decisions.

If you see only an empty shell from eggs, then you are on the right path of spiritual growth and renewal. Everything old is left behind, everything is dead. You have to boldly go forward and no longer be afraid of the future. Your past no longer rules you; you are your own master.

if you dreamed raw raw size eggs - you will soon acquire something very important for you. If the eggs are huge - such a dream suggests that you do not control your fate. You are actually led by other people and depend on their opinions.

If a you will dream of boiled eggs - intrigues and conspiracies are woven secretly from you, you should be more careful. If you see how the eggs boil for a very long time - you should also carefully look at your surroundings, since you have not noticed for a long time what was happening before your eyes.

If you I have a lot of boiled eggs and they are all incredibly tasty - all the obstacles in your path will be dispelled, you only need to want this. If you eat eggs and they are bitter, your tears will be just as bitter because a loved one offended you. If you see how the chicks are going to hatch from the eggs, a high income awaits you for women who are pregnant - easy and good birth.

Why do I dream of a lot of eggs in the Small Velesov dream book

Why you may dream a lot of eggs:

• Many eggs dream of profit, harvest;

• If all the eggs are clean and whole - good will await you;

• If the eggs are in the nest at all - quarrels cannot be avoided;

• If the eggs are colored - a quarrel will break out between households;

• Red eggs - to the good news;

• To break eggs - to illness, to death;

• There are eggs - to temperature, heat;

• Seeing only egg yolks is disappointing.

If a man dreams about how he feeds his chosen one with eggs, then soon they should expect replenishment. If a woman dreams about how she feeds her lover with eggs - she should be afraid of treason.

Why dream a lot of eggs on Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book says that if you find a nest with eggs in a dream, you will soon become immensely rich and very successful. You just need to wait for this time. For a single woman, such a dream can promise frequent romantic encounters. If you eat eggs in a dream and everything is small and small, anxieties and fears will settle in your house. If in a dream you see precisely broken and fresh eggs, fate will be generous to you.

If the eggs were fresh and suddenly rotten - You should expect a catch from your good friends and even close friends. If you see a whole basket of eggs - you will take part in a large project of your own free will, and it will bring you huge profits. If you find eggs in the forest, you will soon leave your father's house and go very far.

If in a dream you crushed eggs and got dirty - you will suffer from the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers. If you collect white eggs - you expect profit and prosperity. If you eat eggs slowly in a dream, you will be confident in yourself and as a result of all your actions. If you eat eggs very quickly and nervously - you will get very sick, they will cause irreparable damage.

Why do I dream of a lot of eggs on Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that an egg in a dream represents the male principle and to see many eggs in a dream, especially if a girl dreams about it - such a dream means many options to start new intimate relationships. At the same time, you should not count on a long-term relationship, most likely the partners will be satisfied with each other and stop communication.

If a woman dreams about how she eats eggs and they have a sweet taste - She will take great pleasure in intimate relationships. If the eggs seem bitter to her, such a dream can mean a breakdown.

What to do if you dream a lot of broken eggs? Quarrels should be avoided. They will be empty and seriously injure the soul of each of the partners. In order to avoid them, it is mandatory to revise the attitude towards each other. Perhaps partners do not value their relationships and feelings. They need to think about what will happen if they lose this relationship. Are they ready for this?

If a man dreams how his lover eats eggs - they should wait for posterity. If a man is not ready to become a father, he needs to make every effort to prevent an unplanned pregnancy from occurring. If a man dreams about how another man feeds his beloved with eggs, she has an affair on the side, and she is ready to end the relationship that she had with her current partner.

Why do I dream of many eggs in other dream books

In the idiomatic dream book it is said that:

• Hatch eggs - you will expect an important event, event;

• If you throw someone rotten eggs - you will protest against the point of view of another person;

• If you take care of the eggs before the appearance of chickens - in reality you will run around with a problem that turns out to be petty.

In the female dream book it is said what many eggs dream of - for the benefit. If you ate a lot of eggs in a dream - the alarm settles in your house, you should be more prudent. If you dream of fresh, but broken eggs - you should expect gifts of fate, you will get what you have long dreamed of. If in a dream you find a huge number of eggs in one nest, prosperity and a happy marriage await you. A huge basket of eggs - for wonderful events in life and acquisitions. Rotten eggs dream of loss.

In the dream book of Medea it is said that eggs dream as a sign of the origin of an idea, a new initiative that will illuminate a person’s life and give a lot of new and mysterious. If you dream about chicks hatching from eggs, you should expect a new period in life. Everything will be spontaneous and unexpected in it. If you crush eggs in a dream, you should be wary of external pressure and managing the situation from the outside. To break a lot of eggs is to a protracted strip of troubles and misfortunes. If you dream of an egg shell, your hopes will not come true.

In the spring dream book it is said that the appearance of many eggs in a dream symbolizes the arrival of the long-awaited guest in the house. It is also worth taking a closer look at that dream, in which you will not only have fresh eggs, but also already hatched chicks. Such a dream suggests that you should pay more attention to the full and equal distribution of free time. You can not direct it only to the solution of domestic issues, your family people also need attention.

If you hold eggs in your hands in a dream, and they sharply become golden - you will be able to realize a lot of ideas that until this moment seemed absolutely absurd to you. They will not only bring you fame and honor, but also a good profit.

If you dream about how a child breaks eggs - you should be more attentive to the needs of your relatives - you can lose them if you remain as indifferent to their problems.

It is worthwhile to carefully interpret the whole dream, not missing even the smallest detail. Sometimes it solves everything and allows a person to determine the further path of their development.


Watch the video: What does eggs dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).