Loneliness. Advantages and disadvantages


300 million people choose a lonely lifestyle. This is evidenced by statistics recently collected. People around the world consciously decide not to start a family, but surrender to their own careers. Loneliness, let's talk about his strengths and weaknesses?

The benefits of being alone

You don’t have to adapt to anyone

You only cook out of necessity and eat what you like. If you decide to go on a diet, your fridge will not have banned products that beckon with their colorful wraps and aromas, treacherously making their way even through unopened sealed packaging.

If you are single, then you do not have to sacrifice watching a movie with a glass of wine for the sake of a boring reception with some relatives. Being in a relationship, you will have to pretend that you are interested in recipes for cooking chicken, the merits of other people's children, instructions on which dishes to put in the microwave and talking about flowering clematis this season.

Only you decide what you will watch today

This is one of the main advantages of loneliness. You don’t have to hide that you like House 2, you don’t worry that the man will scoff at Twilight, and you don’t have to watch the action movies with Stetham.

Do you like old, black and white films? New Bridget Jones Diary Released? Are all Sex and the City episodes shown on TV? Forget about all this.

No matter how perfect a man is, but he will not tolerate all women's shows. Someday, his voice will erupt and you will also have to learn to adapt and love all these terrible fighters, and maybe even TV shows with Porechenkov!

You control your life

You do not have to ask anyone for permission. You shouldn’t inform anyone about your plans, if you are going to go. You certainly will not be tormented by periodic bouts of jealousy and anger.

Believe me, no matter how ideal a man is, he will cease to be jealous only after several years of marriage. He may not express his dissatisfaction, but he will meet you like a needle after each event and wait for a detailed report on how you spent the evening without him. This can only be like at first ...

There is time to learn and work

When you do not have a young man, all your free and non-free time is dedicated to you. You can calmly work overtime, do your own business at home, while no one looks at you through the eyes of an unfortunate kitten with the question: “Well, when will you finish?”.

If this is not about your ideal man, then you do not have to put off all affairs in order to be with your chosen one. He suddenly does not have his own affairs. And you won’t be hanging around all evening alone: ​​disappointed, upset, broken. Your life is calm and predictable if you are single.

You can go learn English, play sports. Anytime! Whenever you please, you will not have to calculate when it is convenient for both of you.

You are a good mistress!

You don’t have to think about the cleanliness of someone’s socks, constantly lick the apartment, and most importantly, you don’t get nervous if an adult who has a pair of arms and legs to eat and eat will eat.

Nobody reproaches you for not having time to cook or for making the soup tasteless. Although it may be worse, for example, to see a man choking on your charred cutlets, pretending that they are tastier than snails with bechamel sauce, which he enjoyed while traveling on the left banks of the Seine in Paris. Here's what to do in this situation? Allow to spit out all this splendor in a bucket or play along? If you do not have a man, then you are guaranteed to be a good housewife and you do not need to earn this status!

Nobody will say for sure: “You have such a thin husband!” Dear ladies, if you ever still decide to say goodbye to loneliness, then try to choose your husband a fatter, sort of Christmas goose. Otherwise, your mother-in-law will certainly poke your nose into the fact that you are not able to feed her son. She could not do this for 25-30-45 years, but you are his wife, you have to overcome mother nature. By the way, no mother-in-law is also a big plus of a lonely life.

Flirt with anyone

The first day of dating, the first date - they can be any number! Married couples can only remember, and you have these happy moments can be repeated at least every week. By the way, from men's attention, women always look better and feel younger.

Do not have to lie

You yourself understand that you have to lie married, at least in the details. A harmless meeting with a childhood friend in a cafe turns into an event that you plan with special care. In this case, Kutuzov’s ingenuity and the strategic wisdom of Alexander the Great are needed. Where to tell the truth to a young man, where to keep silent or even lie. And notice, if it doesn’t work out - an explosion, scandal and abuse. And all this so spoils the nerves.

If you really choose loneliness, and you can really come to terms with it without crying in the pillow in the evenings, then your nervous system will be much stronger than that of many married women.


Many magazines talk about the benefits of having regular sex. But if you really look at the health of a single woman and a woman in a relationship ...

- Regular nerve stress. Our married brothers are brought to such exhaustion that they lose their temper, even if they see a sock thrown in the wrong place.

“You share all of his addictions.” If he likes to spoil his health, then you will get used to sharing his habits.

- There is a permanent drinking companion, but because the frequency of taking alcohol is higher than that of single girls.

- If a man smokes, then you suffer through his fault. Passive smoking is much more dangerous than active. And quit smoking together, in general, beyond reality.

- A woman in a relationship is always in close proximity to the source of potential danger. A man can bring harmful microbes on himself, forget to turn off the iron, turn out to be a secret FBI agent or superhero and bring the Russian mafia or other criminals to his family (mainly to the girl).

Disadvantages of loneliness


It is very difficult for a single woman to decide on the birth of a child. So, nine months of nausea, one day of hellish torment, more than a year without alcohol and junk food, teeth and hair dropped out during pregnancy, sleepless nights and “Mom, well, everyone has a seventy-third iPhone, but I don’t” - this, of course, dignity!

You will wear a white dress

Every girl dreams of a beautiful white dress, which really has nowhere else to put on, except for a wedding. This day is really for you ... you are the most beautiful!

You are embraced by many strangers, it is you who need to take care that all guests feel good, you regard your uncle's displeased face as a personal insult and can no longer calm down - we prepared so much, and he doesn’t like something. WHAT??? What did he not like? !!

To spend a lot of money to get everyone to rest, and then, in the future, for another five years, every year someone would sometimes say: “Yes, but you had a wedding that you needed.” It is for this sake that it is worth spending so much time, effort, money and nerves.

Married girlfriends

This plus is really worth a lot. If you are not married and you do not have a young man, then you periodically feel the sad look of your friends on yourself. Many want to introduce you to someone. Either out of pity for you, or to him - we will find out only on the first date, having seen who looks worse.

Mom’s upset face, sighs that she will never have grandchildren, also put pressure on the psyche. Well, what to do? Happiness requires sacrifice.


In fact, the main minus of loneliness is that you have not yet met your man. But how to make it appear, how to rush time? Meet a lot of guys? Go to TV shows, visit dating sites, sit in clubs every Friday? Will it really help?

The main thing is not to be nervous no matter how much you are. Yours, it’s not going anywhere from you. Every woman has a chance to get married, and many take this chance more than once. So is it worth tormenting yourself and tormenting yourself? Perhaps only by learning to get the most out of this situation, will higher powers give you the opportunity to get used to the new?


Lekachka 02/28/2016
I agree with the author of the article 100%. I was married for 18 years, lived for 12 years, decided on a second marriage, I had patience for 6 months. I ran away from him. On my first lonely night I’m lying and thinking, well, really, to appreciate all the charm of freedom, we must be in custody. I call marriage the conclusion. I am lonely and happy !!!!!

Irina 02/21/2016
What an awesome article, thanks! everything is very accurately noticed, for example, I am lonely and happy, I have a lot of free time, I do what I want! But there is a significant drawback - sex from time to time ...


Watch the video: Difference between Loneliness & Aloneness Tamil (July 2024).