Sparing diet for weight loss: weight loss without starvation. Sample menu of a gentle diet for weight loss


Most often, a person’s diet is associated with severe restrictions on food. To withstand such a rigorous technique is not for everyone, because there are so many temptations and temptations. A sparing diet for weight loss is an excellent way out. The technique allows a person to eat tasty and healthy, while losing weight. The essence of the system is to lose weight gradually. Most often, the diet is calculated for a month. The advantage is that a gradual loss of kilograms reduces the risk of their return.

The advantages of a sparing diet for weight loss and its disadvantages

The weight loss system was designed so that everyone could afford it. The portions are normal, the person will not feel hunger. The dishes on the menu are useful, the body will receive vitamins that are important for normal functioning.

Benefits of a Sparing Weight Loss Diet

1. Weight leaves gradually, slowly. For a month, the weight loss technique allows you to get rid of 5-8 kg (it all depends on the initial weight).

2. The diet is allowed for pregnant women, nursing mothers and even those people who have gastrointestinal tract diseases. True, in this case, the daily menu will need to be discussed with the attending physician.

3. The dishes are varied, tasty, and most importantly, healthy. The body will not be depleted.

4. Lost weight will not return. A sparing diet for weight loss, even if it is designed for a month, but it is allowed to follow it much longer. If a person enters the rhythm, and will constantly follow the rules of building a diet, he will not need to worry about excess weight in the future.

5. Proper nutrition favorably affects the general state of human health. Accumulations of slags, toxins and salts of heavy metals will be removed from the body. The condition of hair, nails and skin will improve.

A balanced weight loss technique has virtually no shortcomings. It guarantees a gradual weight loss without starvation. The diet does not fit only in that it wants to lose kilograms in a short time.

Allowed and prohibited foods for a gentle diet for weight loss

In order to lose weight, you do not need to deny yourself all your favorite dishes. However, this does not mean that you can afford to eat kilograms of sweets daily. Of course, so kilograms will never leave. Menu sparing diet for weight loss should be built correctly. The presented lists of allowed and prohibited products will help you not to be mistaken.

The following products are allowed on the menu:

• beef meat (you need to choose lean slices of pulp);

• turkey, rabbit, smoker (only without skin);

• any low-fat fish;

• any dairy products will be very useful, you just need to choose them with a minimum percentage of fat content;

• hard cheese;

• porridge;

• pasta of the highest grade;

• fresh vegetables and fruits (do not abuse bananas, grapes and potatoes);

• vegetable and butter;

• only bran bread.

The following products are prohibited from the menu:

• semi-finished products;

• fatty meat products (pork, duck);

• strong tea, brewed coffee;

• alcoholic and carbonated drinks;

• bean;

• garlic and onions;

• chocolate and other confectionery;

• White bread;

• halva;

• smoked meats;

• any canned foods.

Based on these lists of allowed and prohibited products, it will be possible to prepare delicious dishes with minimal energy value.

Weekly Weight Loss Diet Menu

It has already been mentioned that a sparing diet for weight loss is designed for a month. During this period, the body gets used to the new diet, so it will not be difficult to hold out. You won’t have to come up with dishes daily. The presented daily menu by week is approximate. Some products can be replaced at their discretion based on lists of allowed and prohibited products.

Approximate daily menu for 1 week

1. Morning. 2 slices of bran bread. You can drink green tea without sugar or a glass of warm milk.

2. The first snack. For snacks, fruits and vegetables are best. You can eat one green apple and several tomatoes. They perfectly satisfy hunger.

3. Lunch. Vegetable soup cooked without adding frying. The optimal serving is approximately 250-300 ml.

4. Second snack. 100 grams of cottage cheese

5. Dinner. 300 ml of fresh low-fat kefir. It is also allowed to eat 2-3 chicken cutlets, steamed.

For the first week, do not expect significant weight loss. The body is just getting used to the new regime. During this period, it usually takes 1-2 kilograms.

Approximate daily menu for 2 weeks

1. Morning. 1 cup freshly squeezed juice from fruits or vegetables.

2. The first snack. A slice of black bread with a slice of feta cheese or buttered with butter. You can drink green tea, the main thing is not to add sweeteners to it.

3. Lunch. Low-fat chicken broth with crackers - serving 250-300 ml.

4. Second snack. 2-3 oatmeal cookies and a glass of warm milk.

5. Evening. Salad made from raw carrots and white cabbage. Salt can not be added, the dish is seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

The second week of a sparing diet for weight loss will allow you to lose another 2 kg. The final result is a weight loss of 3-4 kg.

Approximate daily menu for 3 weeks

1. Morning. 2 slices of bran bread with fruit jam. It is allowed to drink coffee, but only natural without milk and sugar.

2. The first snack. 1 boiled egg, a glass of green tea.

3. Lunch. Vegetable salad without potatoes (any without mayonnaise), 2 steam chicken cutlets.

4. Second snack. 2-3 baked apples.

5. Dinner. 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. You can add 2 tablespoons of sour cream to it so that the dish is not very dry.

The third week of a sparing diet for weight loss removes another 1 kg. The final result is a weight loss of 4-5 kg.

Approximate daily menu for 4 weeks

1. Morning. A glass of warm milk. It is allowed to add 1 teaspoon of honey. 1 boiled egg is also eaten.

2. The first snack. Two slices of bran bread with doctor's sausage (it is forbidden to take smoked).

3. Lunch. 300 ml of chicken stock, 1 cup jelly. It’s best not to buy jelly in the store, but to cook it at home yourself.

4. Second snack. A glass of dried fruit compote (without sugar and honey).

5. Evening. 150 grams of chicken boiled liver and 1 cup of kefir.

The final result after a month of a sparing diet for weight loss is a weight loss of 5-6 kg. It is important to understand that these are approximate indicators. It all depends on the initial weight of the person. The more extra pounds he has, the better the result will be achieved.

Important rules for organizing a diet for a gentle diet for weight loss

Despite the simplicity and accessibility of the weight loss system, there are important rules that you must know.

1. An important principle of nutrition is to try to exclude fried foods from the menu as much as possible. It heavily loads the stomach and is characterized by high energy value. In addition, even vegetables after frying lose their beneficial properties.

2. Any spices and sauces must be discarded. Salt arouses appetite and slows down the metabolism, sugar is poorly absorbed by the body and deposited in excess weight. As for mayonnaise and other sauces - there is nothing useful in them, these are just empty calories.

3. You need to train yourself to eat fractionally. A sparing diet for weight loss involves 5 meals. This is the best option, a person can not overeat, while not starving.

4. Drinking plain still water is very important. A person needs 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. Its lack leads to a slowdown in metabolism, which negatively affects weight loss.

5. Drinking extra vitamins is not necessary, but they will be extremely useful for the general condition of the body.

6. A sparing diet for weight loss does not cause discomfort and weakness, therefore, it is recommended to spend 20-30 minutes daily physical activity. For classes, attending gyms is not necessary. It will be enough to accustom yourself to morning exercises.

A sparing diet for weight loss is an affordable and effective way to lose kilograms so that they do not come back later. Following all the rules and advice, a person will be surprised at what result you can achieve after a month of proper, balanced nutrition. In addition to weight loss, a significant improvement in well-being will become noticeable - headaches will not be tormented, skin condition will improve, stool and digestive processes will normalize.


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