Black dot scrub at home: effectiveness and basic rules of a cosmetic procedure. Black dots scrub recipes


Comedones (black dots on the face) give women a lot of trouble. They do not look aesthetically pleasing, which is why a woman daily has to use all kinds of skin correctors and tonal products. If the dermis is not properly treated on time, comedones can turn into acne. Homemade blackhead scrub is a great way to cleanse your skin from unpleasant rashes.

Why do black dots appear on the face

Black dots in the T-zone region mainly appear for two reasons.

1. The sebaceous glands are disturbed. Any speck of dust that accidentally gets on the skin, instantly "stuck" in the pores. The result is a black dot. Most often they appear in the T-zone - this is the nose, chin and forehead.

2. The second reason is an unhealthy diet. Many women do not think that the constant use of sweet, fried and too salty foods negatively affects the condition of the skin. Clogging the ducts can trigger such bad habits as smoking and alcohol.

How does a home scrub from black dots

The desire to cleanse the skin of unpleasant formations in the T-zone pushes the woman to purchase all kinds of tonics and creams. Cosmetics manufacturers today offer a wide selection of dermis scrubs, which promise an amazing result. However, not all of them are actually effective.

A home scrub from black dots is a completely different matter. When preparing a pore cleanser on his own, a person relies on the features of his skin and uses only natural ingredients.

The regular use of such a scrub will allow:

• open comedones, cleanse the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside;

• get rid of black dots and prevent their further appearance;

• deal with acne and other skin inflammations;

• regulate the sebaceous glands;

• saturate the cells of the dermis with minerals and useful vitamins;

• improve the general condition of the skin and even out its tone.

Blackhead scrub has a complex effect on the epidermis. The tool cleans pores from accumulations of debris and sebaceous plugs. After just a few weeks of carrying out the cosmetic procedure, the skin will become clean and gain a healthy glow. A correctly selected recipe will allow a woman to preserve the beauty and youth of her dermis, regardless of age.

How to apply black dots scrub

In order for the product to really give the desired effect, you need to not only properly prepare it, but also be able to use it correctly. If you do not follow the basic rules, you can provoke the formation of inflammation on the dermis or simply damage its cover.

Instructions for use home scrub from black dots

1. The composition of the tool must include abrasive particles from solid natural ingredients. It can be a shell of grains or chopped nuts.

2. It is strictly forbidden to grind these solid particles in a blender, it will simply turn them into powder. As a result, the scrub will not open the pores and will not clean them of impurities, sebaceous plugs.

3. Before starting the procedure, the skin must be prepared. It is advisable to steam it over a bath of herbs so that the pores open. First of all, a scrub from black dots is applied to the T-zone, the main part of the rashes is formed on the nose, chin and forehead.

4. The product is evenly distributed on the problem area, then massaged with the fingertips. It is not worth pushing too much, as solid particles can injure the skin. Scrub processing lasts 1.5-2 minutes, no less. Massaging movements allow the solid particles of the scrub composition to "capture" the contents of the comedone and "pull" out all accumulations of dirt and greasy plugs.

5. After the massage is finished, the scrub from the black dots must be washed off with ordinary water at room temperature. In this case, you do not need to use various gels and foams for washing, soap. Next, a normal moisturizer is applied in a thin layer to the dermis. It’s best to take it for children, as it has more vitamins and is suitable for any type of skin.

6. Women with oily skin are recommended to use a scrub 2 times during the week. For girls with normal skin - 1 time per week. With dry skin - no more than 1 time in 10 days. It is strictly forbidden to use a scrub more often than the specified period of time as a dermis, as this can injure it.

A black dot scrub prepared at home on its own does have a striking effect. The tool helps to cleanse pores and prevents their further clogging. The main thing is sometimes to find time to prepare it. You also need to choose the best recipe individually for your skin characteristics.

The best recipes for home scrubs from black dots

There are really a lot of recipes for scrubs from black dots that can be prepared at home. Each of them is effective. To choose the best tool individually for yourself, you can try all the recipes in turn. According to the results of the cosmetic procedure, it will become clear which gives the best effect.

It is important to understand that the scrub cannot be used for sensitive and thin skin, as hard abrasive particles will injure it. In such a situation, it will be best to consult a cosmetologist and find another method of getting rid of black spots.

The best recipes for home scrubs

1. 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt without additives are mixed with small salt (1 teaspoon), lemon juice and melted honey (also 1 teaspoon each). Such a tool not only solves the problem of black spots, but also evens out skin tone, eliminates pigmentation. Natural yogurt nourishes the dermis, maintains moisture balance in the cells, and protects against the negative effects of external factors.

2. Oatmeal is crushed by a blender. There is no need to rush so that the powder does not turn out. To them is added 1.5 teaspoons of brown sugar and fresh aloe juice (about 2 tablespoons). The product cleanses the pores, nourishes the dermis, moisturizes it and accelerates the process of cell regeneration.

3. 1 protein of the chicken egg should be beaten with a whisk until foam appears. Then sugar is added to it (half a teaspoon). The mixture is applied to the skin. It is necessary to give it to soak the dermis for 10 minutes, then the face is massaged with the fingertips. After using the product, you must definitely apply a moisturizer.

4. Buckwheat is ground. To 1 tablespoon of the resulting mass is added the same amount of fatty kefir. The scrub is characterized not only by excellent cleansing abilities, but also antiseptic, degreasing. The tool normalizes the sebaceous glands, prevents clogging of pores, nourishes the dermis, evens out its tone.

5. Ground oatmeal mixed with sifted salt (1 teaspoon each). Then they add 1 tablespoon of fat sour cream. The tool quickly solves the problem of unpleasant black spots, nourishes the dermis with a complex of vitamins, improves its general condition.

6. If you have natural coffee at home, it can also be used as a scrub. Make a cup of coffee, add some milk to it and let stand for 5-10 minutes. The drink is drunk, and the rest is applied to the skin. With massage movements, the mixture is rubbed into the dermis, then washed off with cool water. Such a scrub perfectly cleans pores from dirt and greasy plugs. However, it is strictly forbidden to use it more often than once every 10 days. The coffee particles are quite large and can injure the dermis.

The most harmless and effective scrubs from black dots are those that contain oatmeal. Such products can be used for any type of skin. In addition, oatmeal is extremely beneficial for the dermis - they nourish it, soften and moisturize.

Soda: Faithful Black Dot Ally

If for some reason there are no ingredients at home for cooking scrub according to the above recipes, you can use ordinary soda. This food powder not only cleanses the dermis, but also “absorbs” all toxins and harmful substances. The only caveat - a scrub can be applied 1 time in 2 weeks.

Peeling with soda will relieve blackheads and acne, prevent their further appearance and soften the dermis.

Preparing the product is very simple. You need to mix 1 tablespoon of food powder with the same amount of fat sour cream (you can take kefir, cream). The resulting mass is rubbed into the dermis with massage movements of the fingertips for 2-3 minutes. The face is then rinsed with warm water.

It is important to remember that soda dries the skin. For this reason, after a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to apply a baby cream on the face or treat it with a moisturizing cucumber tonic.

The following ingredients can also be added to the scrub from black dots with soda to increase its effectiveness:

• fresh aloe juice;

• olive oil;

• rose essential oil;

• Coconut oil.

A home scrub from black dots is a sure way to cleanse the skin from unpleasant rashes, saturate the dermis with vitamins and give it a healthy glow. The tool can also be used for prophylactic purposes 1 time in 10 days. The skin needs constant nutrition and hydration.

Even with strong employment, a woman should always find time for herself and carry out elementary nursing cosmetic procedures at home.


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