Female opinion: All lotteries are a commonplace scam


Our whole life is a continuous lottery. No wonder lotto (lotto) translated from Italian means "fate". Someone is luckier in life, someone less, but everyone wants to win a jackpot ... In Soviet times, the Sportloto lottery was popular, and today every well-known manufacturer is trying to lure a potential buyer with a win under the hood. The average chance to hit a really big jackpot in the lottery is about 1 chance for 120 million. Do they play lotteries today? The Women's Opinion portal decided to ask the residents of the Russian Federation this question.

They play the lottery and sometimes even 8.3% of the respondents win it. These people believe in fortune, and the fact that it does not leave them with its supportive attention. The main thing is not to play too much, they say. After all, Fortune is a very changeable person, and at any moment she can turn her back. And the anticipation of easy prey sometimes turns into an obsession and becomes a kind of addiction.

“Yes, I play periodically. But I never win,” 21.2% of them turned out to be. But, as you know, those who are unlucky in gambling should be lucky in love! Therefore, do not be upset. Indeed, happiness by and large does not consist in money, and even more so, not in easy winnings. In addition, many people buy a lottery ticket just for the sake of excitement, even not particularly hoping for a win ...

“I never play,” 70.5% of those who voted answered. Most, as it turned out, did not believe in such luck and therefore did not even try to catch it by the tail: “I never played in the lottery, and I never even thought about it, because I think that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, a scam , and only ". Russians have already learned bitter experience and do not believe in easy wins. There is even such an aphorism: “Someone always wins the lottery, but it’s always someone else” ...

According to the results of studies, it is known that people of low and middle income usually play the lottery in the hope of slightly improving their well-being. There is a second category of players - these are people who plan to hit the big jackpot. It is they who become “professional players” and come up with all kinds of systems of “regularities of numbers”, playing for years and losing much more than they win ... But there is no system in the lottery and it’s impossible to somehow calculate the win ...

The survey voted 1930 people aged 20 to 45 years from 142 cities of Russia.


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