Prayers for help in work


Fear of dismissal, staying out of work and its fruitless searches, unloved or hard work, difficulties in the material sphere, an unfriendly team - the list of problems that people face in their professional activities is endless. This often leads to depression, and the gap is no longer visible on the horizon. In moments of great despair, read the prayer to the saints.

The strongest prayers for help in work

Some people perceive work as a source of earning money, others see it as a happy hobby, and still others can not sit back because the profession gives them a chance for self-realization. But the result is the same: existence without work is available to few, and for most of us it is necessary for vital activity. If there is no profitable occupation, it can become a huge problem or make existence impossible. To fall into despair is to commit a sin. Do not wait and ask for help from the saints.

You can pray for assistance in finding a job or improving working conditions and professional activities:

  • The Most High;
  • The Virgin;
  • Nikolai Ugodnik;
  • Saint Matron;
  • Martyr Trifon;
  • Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Spiridon Trimifuntsky.

Nikolai Ugodnik

Unemployment for a modern person is a nightmare. Losing your favorite activity, which brings a stable income, is always hard, but finding a new workplace is no less a stressful process. You can contact Nicholas the Wonderworker for higher help. In Russia, he has long been considered the protector of the suffering, providing them with any assistance to solve problems with work, helping to feed the children and themselves.

To solve the issue of employment can and should be. It has long been in Russia, our ancestors with a similar problem turned to the saints, often to Nicholas the Wonderworker. He always helped the suffering earn honestly and enough to feed himself and his family.

Prayer to find a good job with a good salary. looks like that:

"I appeal to you, Satisfaction Nikolai, and ask for miraculous help. Let the search for a new job succeed, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve. Let the boss not be angry, but the case is molded. Let the salary be paid, and the work will be pleasant. the evil will fall apart. Forgive me all the sins and do not leave as before in difficult days. So be it. Amen. "

Matrone Moskovskaya

It is unlikely that we will exaggerate, saying, almost all of us at least once faced with career difficulties. Each has its own history: problems with the business, lack of clear perspectives in the profession, low salary, delays in payment. One wants to escape from all this, but life forces one to adapt and look for a way out of the most difficult situations. In this matter, it is useful to enlist the support of the holy saints.Prayer that everything is good is read in the name of Matrona of Moscow in the Old Slavonic language:

"Our blessed holy Mati Matron, help your holy servant God's name (river name) to get a job convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that you can rich him in God and not waste your soul on worldly things - sinful and sinful. Help him to find a gracious employer, not He tramples on the commandment and does not force those who labor under his authority to work on Sunday and holy holidays. Yes, the Lord God will protect the servant of God (the name of the rivers) at his place of work from all evil and temptation, let this work for his salvation, the Church and the Fatherlandand favor, to the delight of parents. Amen! "

St. Trifon

When it’s impossible to get a job for a long time, even the most talented or arrogant person can lose confidence. To sow discord and fear in the soul, to plant a seed of doubt into it, to poison the joy of life — all this is capable of causing fruitless labor searches.

Seeking help in the work of the martyr Trifon bears tremendous power. There are stories when, the day after the prayer was uttered, the suffering one found a decent job and professional success. There is no fixed number of times and a time period for reading a prayer. The main thing is to believe in its power and carry in your heart a sincere desire to change the situation for the better. Turning to the saint, say this:

"O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, hear for us now and for every hour, the servant of God (names), and prosecute us before the Lord. You were once a daughter to the Tsar, in the city of Rome from the devil, tortured, healed you: see you and his cruel preserve all our days the lives of our lives, especially on the day of our last gasp, prosecute us, pray the Lord, may the participants in being present joy and joy, and with you we will receive the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever! "

Seraphim of Sarov

In the Christian religion, the Holy Seraphim is considered a comforter and healer. His help is unconditional and disinterested, he does not refuse to anyone, giving the aspirant tranquility and finding the desired. If you can’t get a safe, decent place, contact Seraphim of Sarov. Prayer to be hired pronounced in the morning. Formulate the request clearly need to think, and the words are read universal:

"O Reverend Father Seraphim! Exalt about us, servant of God (names), your pious prayer to the Lord of strength, so grant us all the good things in this life and all to spiritual salvation, save us from the sins of sin and true repentance and teach us , on the other hand, bring us into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom without exception, now ideally you will shine with glory in this ghost, and tamo chant the Holy Trinity with all the saints for all eternity! "

The prayer of the martyr Seraphim bestows blissful peace and faith in his abilities.

Mother of God

The Mother of God is the mother of all people, and it is natural for her to extend a helping hand to her child. To forgive, heal, direct you to the right path and, of course, help you get a job - for this you can read the holy words addressed to the Heavenly Queen. She gives her favor to the most desperate, so do not hesitate: help will come. Reading the prayer, call for the image of the Mother of God on the icon. You can pray both at home and in the temple, before the images. There are a lot of prayers addressed to the Mother of God to help with work, but you can read the simplest, because it is not the volume that is important, but the purity of thoughts and the power of faith:

"Oh, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary. Help me in my search for a new job and protect me from deceitful people. Ask the Lord God for holy blessings and repay in my faith. So be it. Amen."

Remember that if the execution of the request is delayed, it is impossible under any circumstances to renounce the faith. Divine Providence has no statute of limitations. Be patient.

Lord god

If a new job is needed very quickly, since you have to support a family, do not be intimidated by doubts and apply for help from God. The Holy Father is the concentration of universal power in the Universe, in his hands is the greatest power, but he gives it to those who are willing to let faith in their heart. Those who are trying to find themselves in life and not get lost in the difficult battlefield for success and consistency, should set aside egoism and appeal to God for sincere help like this:

"Blessed Lord God, nothing is impossible for you! You created the world and gave man a command to work! You yourself said in your holy commandment about the Sabbath:" Six days work and do all your work, and the seventh day, Saturday, to the Lord your God "I believe in your words and really want to fulfill your command:" Six days work! "But, merciful Lord, I cannot find a job that I would like (a) to have ..." (Download the full text of the prayer here).

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

If you are addressing a higher power, remember: the request must be sincere and not have a bad intention towards other people. If all is true, then the Holy Protector Spyridon will definitely not refuse to help. But false and hypocritical thoughts, aimed at enrichment at the expense of another's misfortune, are denied to him. To gain help from the righteous one can say the following prayer:

"On the holy blessing of St Spyridon! Beg not the human philanthropist’s mercy of God, do not condemn us because of our iniquities, but let us do it with us by His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), Christ and God have our peaceful peaceful living, good physical and physical health Deliver us from all misfortunes of the soul and the body, from all the longings and devilish slanders. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray the Lord, give forgiveness of many of our sins, give us a peace and peace, give us death, and the disobedient and peaceful and blissfulness of eternal belly death in the future m Weeze grant us, but constantly we ascribe glory and thanksgiving to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. "

Another prayer book addressed to Spiridon Trimifuntsky also helps:

"O Great and extraordinary saint of Christ and Spiridon, miraculous, Kerkir praise, all light of the universe, warm to God, a prayer book and all who come to you and with faith and prayer, a quick intercession for intercession! Trinity with miraculous power showed the esters and heretics utterly disgraced the ecstasy: Hearing us, sinners, the Hierarch of Christ praying to you, and with your strong intercession from the Lord deliver us from every condition of the surroundings: stamp, fire and smertonosnyya ulcers. Thou in time his life from all these disasters hast redeemed thy people ... " (Download the full text of the prayer here).

The power of prayer for help and success in work

How to pray correctly so that what you want comes true as quickly as possible and yields fruitful results? You need to visualize in your mind the image of the work you are dreaming about. If this is the position of a pastry chef, then draw a picture in your imagination, how you bake cakes, come up with new original recipes, shoot finished products with a professional camera ... Please note that you need to fantasize in detail, and there is nothing funny about it. So you can believe in personal success, and the higher forces will do their part and help the employer find you.

It is not worth telling that you sent a request to holy saints. In such cases, the third - definitely superfluous. When the long-awaited work will be in your pocket, go to church and give thanks to the one who asked for help. Prayer after the interview to be recruited is also pronounced alone. Talk about plans and requests can not even relatives and friends.


Watch the video: Prayer For Success At Work - Job Success, Favor and Promotion (July 2024).