Baby newborn sleeping badly? What to do if a newborn does not sleep well, what are the main mistakes made by parents?


After the baby appears in the family, adults completely change their lives and begin to live in the mode of a baby.

And all would be fine, because he sleeps almost all the time, but on the other hand, he can sleep a little one restlessly, constantly waking up, or not at all. Why is this happening, why is this little man - a newborn - not sleeping well - let's try to figure it out.

The norm of sleep in babies

According to the assurances of pediatricians, the duration of sleep of recently born children should be at least eighteen to twenty hours a day. The baby grows up and sleep time gradually decreases.

For a two-month-old baby, sleep time is already slightly reduced - up to 17-18 hours, for one who has reached four months of age - 16-17 hours. Godovasik has already been sleeping for about 14 hours, for babies under the age of three years - from 10 to 13.

Peppy pastime crumbs replaced by a good sleep and vice versa. Such segments in time, days and nights, are approximately equal in duration.

Parents must remember: if the totality of the baby’s sleep is too different in one direction or another from the age necessary for him by about 4-5 hours (the little one sleeps very little during the day or, on the contrary, sleeps for the whole day), this indicates that it is necessary to consult a neurologist .

Breasts and daytime sleep

A prerequisite for the health of a baby is its daytime sleep. In adults, sleep takes 1/3 of their lives, but many do not want to spend time on their own vacation, reduce the duration of sleep at night. The result is disappointing: during the day, as a rule, low efficiency and lack of any activity. In the worst case, a variety of diseases can develop.

A baby who has just been born should sleep much more than adults. So that he develops well mentally and physically, you should teach your baby to relax not only at night, but also during the day.

Psychologists believe that sleep is not the wish of lazy parents, who during this time can rest a bit from worries about their baby. This is a guarantee that the children's psyche will develop as harmoniously as possible.

If the baby does not sleep during the day, some consequences may arise over time:

- immunity will decrease;

- increased excitability;

- the baby will quickly get tired;

- The physical and mental development of the child will occur with a delay.

As a result of this, mothers and fathers should not think about whether their little one needs a day's sleep. Another important point that they need to remember: the younger the little man, the more important for him rest throughout the day.

A newborn does not sleep well: the reasons why a baby can sleep insufficiently or poorly

As a rule, all newborns have a good sleep. A variety of problems can be found quite infrequently.

What causes newborns to sleep poorly? If the baby does not want to sleep, the most likely reason is that he is worried about something or is there any discomfort.

In most cases, the reluctance to sleep the baby additionally argues with quiet tears or loud crying.

If parents can eliminate all the reasons that impede productive sleep, the baby will fall asleep very quickly and sleep as much as he needs in this case.

Hot room

This is the most common reason that the tiny baby is anxiously sleeping both day and night. If the bedroom in which the baby is sleeping is hot, he will be very uncomfortable. In infants, heat transfer occurs much more intensively than in their parents, therefore, in the room where the babies are constantly, it should be fresh and cool. In the case when the bedroom is always filled with hot air, there is a chance that the baby will experience childish colic and irritation on her delicate skin much more often than in a room where it will be cool.

To normalize the situation are capable of constant ventilation or the installation of an air conditioner. Only during ventilation it is necessary to check that this stream of fresh air does not fall on the tiny.

Colic interferes with sleep

If the newborn does not sleep well, the causes are quite often colicky. Such an ailment occurs in about 4/5 of newborns. How can mom correctly understand that the baby is suffering from discomfort in the tummy? Baby knocks knives, trying to pull them to his tummy; and the crumb tummy is tense and hard.

Now there are many drugs that help to cope with this situation. It is better to use them after consultation with a pediatric doctor. Many such medicines are available in the form of sweet syrups that babies drink without being capricious. But if the baby has a tendency to allergic reactions, then with such syrups you need to be very careful. And, of course, do not overfeed the little one.

Sleep does not go to a hungry baby either

Why a newborn does not sleep well, it is quite easy to understand. Recently born babies should be fed strictly on time. It is somewhat difficult to do this at night, because the young mother has already managed to get tired for a whole troublesome day and may well, without waking up on time, miss the necessary time. The kid himself will tell her that he wants to eat, crying loudly.

If the baby often wakes up due to the fact that he is hungry, mother should understand that he does not have enough milk during breastfeeding or the norm of the mixture during artificial. It may be that the portion offered by the mother is simply small.

Wet diapers or diapers are the motive for a tiny little baby to wake up

When the baby is only a month old, he may not notice that his diapers are wet. But growing up, it begins to annoy him and the baby is filled with bitter tears. Moreover, this happens both day and night. When the diaper or diaper is changed, the problem will go away by itself and the baby will sleep quietly further.

Noisy surroundings or more than necessary lighted room

Another stumbling block in the problem of why the newborn does not sleep well can be determined as follows. For days, the baby may refuse to go to bed if its room is very bright. He will not like it and will even be annoying. You can curtain the windows, or lower the blinds.

It is necessary to pay attention to the noise level around. Of course, complete silence is not necessary, especially if the baby sleeps in the same bedroom with someone else. But it’s not necessary to turn on loud music or scream while the little one is trying to sleep.

Why the baby does not sleep well: natural causes

Another reason why the baby may refuse to sleep (and this has long been proven) is if mommy is not around. And in order to understand whether mommy is nearby, the little one uses its own physiological mechanism - the so-called scanning cry.

If a child whimpers or sobs in a dream, this is considered normal. Indeed, this is how he can determine whether his mom is nearby. What to do if a newborn does not sleep well? If the baby did not hear Mommy’s soothing voice or did not feel her gentle embrace or touch, then he will cry very loudly, with feeling.

Of course, mommy cannot be in close proximity with her baby 24 hours a day. But you should not leave it alone for a long time either. In such a simple way, you can calm the baby in time, preventing his final awakening.

How to organize the sleep of newborns?

If the baby has a bad day or night sleep, parents can use the following recommendations to help them figure out what to do if the newborn is sleeping poorly:

- Mommy can come up with a certain ritual of preparation for bed, which would be repeated daily. Thus, the baby gradually develops a habit of falling asleep. The order can be this: to bathe a peanut, make a massage or gymnastics, feed, read a fairy tale or sing a lullaby. The kid falls asleep. It is very important to put the baby to sleep at the same time. Changing the time can cause not only moodiness, but also insomnia.

- buy grass valerian and sew from it a small sachet, which put in the head of the crib of the baby. This will help make his dream a little stronger;

- while swimming, you can add soothing herbs to the water - lavender, string or chamomile;

- in the evenings, it’s better not to play fun outdoor games with the kids, it’s better to choose quieter activities; It is also better to exclude noisy watching TV shows and loud music. The first days and weeks after birth, the baby does not respond to the sounds that surround them. But when he falls asleep, all this may interfere with him - knocking, noise, any loud sound;

- when the newborn grows up a little and reaches about 4-6 months of age, he can already be taught to go to bed with a toy (it should be soft, without sharp corners, so that you can wash it in a typewriter), which the baby will feel next to and will be sleep better;

- Be sure to air the children's room before going to bed;

- to improve the quality of sleep the baby will be useful to walk longer with him in the fresh air before a night's sleep or throughout the day;

- most experts advise a joint sleep between mother and child for better prevention of sleep disorders in babies; if such actions are acceptable to the family, then this will be the best solution. Throughout pregnancy, the baby was in the mother’s womb, heard her heart beating, which made me feel completely safe. And after birth, when he is put in a crib, he can get scared and panic.

As it is already becoming clear, the causes of sleep disturbances in newborns are not so scary and completely removable. If you approach the solution to this problem correctly, then the baby's dream will be established. And this is a very important point, because it is a guarantee that the baby will develop correctly, and mommy can fully relax.


Watch the video: How to Get a Baby To Fall Asleep Older than 3 Months (July 2024).