Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults: causes and consequences. How to treat intestinal dysbiosis in adults


Dysbacteriosis is a laboratory-clinical term denoting an imbalance of intestinal microflora in the direction of pathogenic flora.

Most often, this pathology affects children, because their digestive tract has not yet come to a stable state. In adults, dysbiosis is much less common, but the severity of the condition does not depend on the frequency of occurrence.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults "rests" on four pillars:

• Normalization of the diet and the selection of the optimal diet.

• Suppression of the active activity of pathogenic intestinal microflora.

• Support the growth of normal microflora.

• Activation of natural immune processes.

To solve these problems are shown: diet, herbal medicine, medication.

Normalization of the diet and diet selection

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults should begin with proper nutrition and lifestyle changes. What foods are acceptable to use:

• Caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee).

• Juices. Vegetable, fruit, berry (both juices and decoctions).

• Explosions of rose hips, wheat bran.

• Rusks from wheat groats.

• Bread (rye, wheaten white). It is important that the bread is stale. Fresh bread is rich in yeast, which will certainly begin to ferment in the digestive tract, creating an additional breeding ground for pathogenic flora.

• Sauces based on fish, sour cream, tomatoes.

• Broths based on lean meats (turkey, chicken). Soups with finely chopped vegetables.

• Butter (in small quantities). It creates a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial microflora.

• Meat and offal: the use of lean meats, chicken, turkey, beef, veal is acceptable. It is important that the dishes are cooked by steaming, by baking.

• Fresh fruits, berries, vegetables. They create a ballast load, removing pathogenic microflora and its metabolic products.

• Vegetables and fruits, as well as berries in the form of jelly, decoctions.

• Fish and fish dishes: boiled fish, baked fish, etc.

• Vegetables in any form, including mashed potatoes, salads. Especially useful are zucchini, cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage).

• Mineral water (used only as directed by a doctor and only in prescribed amounts).

• Porridge made from rice, semolina, and oats. They have an enveloping effect.

Products that can not be consumed:

• Alcoholic beverages, chilled sparkling water, cranberry juice, dried fruit compote. Kvass is also prohibited.

• Spicy dishes and seasonings: horseradish, table vinegar, chili pepper, black pepper and other products of this kind. Irritable bowels irritate. Abuse of these products can lead to inflammation of the colon - colitis.

• Fresh bread, from freshly baked dough, pastry (buns, donuts, pies, pancakes). All products containing yeast are prohibited, as the process of fermentation in the intestines will intensify. Preference should be given to bread on a yeast-free dough.

• Fatty meats: fatty beef, pork, lamb. They create a nutrient medium for pathogenic flora.

• Fatty fish: especially in the form of canned food, smoked meats, etc.

• Fish oil, beef tallow.

• Dairy products with a high percentage of fat content: sour cream, cream, milk, etc.

• Coarse vegetables, including carrots, turnips, etc. Beans, mushrooms in fresh and pickled form.

• Sweets: honey, sugar, condensed milk, chocolate, jam.

In the complex of these nutrition recommendations is enough.

An approximate menu for a week with dysbiosis

Day 1 (Mon)


Steamed chicken cutlets;

Tea with lemon;

Mashed potatoes.


Cottage cheese with a small amount of sugar (better to use in its natural form).


Beef broth soup with vegetables;

Stewed apples;

Carrot cutlets.


Tea with dry biscuits.


Curd Pudding;

Tea with sugar.

Before going to bed, you can drink a small amount of kefir.

Day 2 (Tue)



Tea with sugar.


Beef broth;

Fish cutlets;

Jelly from fruits.


Carrot cutlets.


Steamed fish cutlets;

Meatballs in tomato sauce.

Tea with sugar or nonfat milk.

Day 3 (Wed)


Buckwheat porridge in milk;

Rice broth;

Tea with sugar.


Meat soup with rice;

A decoction of rosehip berries;

Potato casserole.


Blueberry Kissel.


Pumpkin puree;

Fish balls.

Day 4 (Th)


Boiled egg;

Hercules porridge.


Noodle soup with chicken stock;

Apple mousse;

A decoction of berries (compote).


Rosehip broth.



Steamed Rice;

Sweet tea.

Day 5 (Fri)


Cheese with cottage cheese;

Sweet tea;

Rice porridge.


Pearl barley soup with vegetables;

Fruit jelly;

Meat cutlet.


Steamed apple.


Fish cakes;

Mashed potatoes.

Day 6 (Sat) Monday menu.

Day 7 (Sun) Environment menu.

The principles of nutrition:

• Fractionality. You need to eat often and little by little.

• Method of preparation: steamed or boiled.

• Do not overeat in any case.

Adhering to these rules, the patient will very soon be able to get rid of the problem of dysbiosis. The right diet is the foundation on which the health of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract as a whole is built.

Suppression of pathogenic microflora

The next step in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults is the elimination of the activity of pathogenic flora. Such therapy should begin with the use of special drugs: intestinal antiseptics. This is furazolidone, nitroxoline. Such pharmaceuticals act gently without causing a generalized effect on the body. In extreme cases, antibacterial drugs are indicated. Specific names are selected based on the severity of the condition and type of pathogenic organism.

Supporting beneficial microflora activity

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults should also be based on probiotics and prebiotics. These drugs are widely distributed and available, but it is not recommended to take them on their own. Only a doctor should prescribe such a treatment.

Immunity support

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults involves the restoration of normal immune function. The diet presented above is suitable for these purposes. In exceptional cases, administration of immunomodulators is indicated.


It is an excellent tool in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults. The following remedies are most effective:

• A decoction of lingonberry berries. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic fungi.

• A decoction of strawberries.

• Decoction of oak bark. For cooking, you should take 10 grams of bark, pour half a liter of water (boiling water). Boil in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Then you need to cool. Take 5 tablespoons every 3-4 hours.

• Fennel seeds. Chew them immediately after eating. They have anti-inflammatory and carminative effects.

• Infusion of galangal. Take raw materials (3 teaspoons), pour 300 ml of water (boiling water). Boil for 10 minutes. After this, strain, cool and take 5 tablespoons 4 times a day.

• Infusion of St. John's wort. Take 5 grams of crushed raw materials, pour half a liter of boiled water. Leave to insist. Take 6 tablespoons 3 times a day.

The recipe improves digestion.

Dangerous products or prescriptions to avoid:

• Alcohol tinctures. Negatively affect the entire digestion process. The walls of the affected intestine are irritated, creating a favorable environment for the further development of pathogenic flora.

• Lemon, recipes based on honey and milk. All of these products contain organic acids that irritate the intestines.

• Vodka with radish. An almost universal recipe for all occasions. Vodka is ethyl alcohol, and radish is contraindicated due to the content of a large amount of essential oils.

• Means based on horseradish, garlic. Although these herbal preparations have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, they should never be used for intestinal dysbiosis.

Adhering to these rules, the patient will very soon "get on his feet." It is necessary to solve the problem of dysbiosis comprehensively and only in tandem with an experienced gastroenterologist.


Watch the video: Gut Dysbiosis: Starving Our Microbial Self (June 2024).