Sorrel soup on chicken stock - spring-summer menu. Sorrel soup on chicken stock - quick first-course recipes with healthy rationalism


Sorrel is a valuable product, and green cabbage soup and soups are great! The love for the first dishes of sorrel is preserved in our genes. The first dishes of sorrel, and even on a diet chicken broth, are charged with energy and health, without taking a lot of time to prepare them, without requiring a lot of energy from the body to absorb food.

The first tender leaves of vitamin greens cheer up, help in the fight against spring vitamin deficiency, automatically rebuild on a spring-summer diet. Ancestors discovered sorrel when there was still no cabbage, then there was nowhere to store it, and, probably, it did not grow in the northern regions in the right amount. Therefore, the ancestors eagerly awaited spring, the appearance of sorrel, which was the main leafy vegetable for cabbage soup, until a new crop of cabbage.

Sorrel soup in chicken broth - basic technological principles

Each chef should be a little nutritionist, at least approximately understand the properties of various products in order to properly prepare them, with the benefit for health. Indeed, a person needs food to restore strength and energy, which are added only when healthy and healthy food is on the table.

The huge content of vitamin C and oxalic acid in sorrel, spinach, nettle is very useful, but, on the other hand, the cook must take into account that these vitamin products can equally harm people suffering from impaired digestive system. Sorrel refers to foods that need to be consumed in a reasonable amount.

The very first and gentle shoots contain much less oxalic acid than the leaves of a later harvest during the flowering period of the sorrel. Therefore, having cut off the first leaves of sorrel for soup or cabbage soup, you can safely throw them into the pan, without preliminary blanching. More mature leaves need to be sorted, cut off the coarsened stems, scalded with boiling water and kept in hot water for 3-4 minutes. After that, you can add them to cabbage soup. Sorrel, due to the very delicate texture of the leaves, is added when cooking soups at the very least, and undergoes a short heat treatment.

The action of oxalic acid neutralizes dairy products, since milk, in addition to lactic acid, contains a large amount of calcium, and the addition of dairy products to sorrel first courses is determined by the principles of a healthy diet. The remaining components of soups and cabbage from sorrel are added according to recipes, technological processing principles: harder foods are lowered into the broth earlier, tender leafy vegetables - last. Spices and spicy roots are also subjected to a short heat treatment to preserve their aroma.

Chicken broth, as the basis of soups and sorrel soup, and one of the most dietary foods is an excellent choice for summer dishes, providing additional ease for the digestive system. This is very important when in hot weather it is necessary to provide the body with full-fledged food, while not overloading it - the more nutritious the food, the more energy is required for its absorption. Such loads in hot weather are not useful. The summer motto for the family menu should definitely be: minimum energy costs, maximum vitamins and energy.

But you can sometimes make an exception to the rule by adding more foods containing fats, animal proteins to chicken sorrel soup, because, in combination with vitamin C and oxalic acid, they are quickly broken down and absorbed by the body. The principle of healthy rationalism is maintained even if fatty pork appears in sorrel soup, which is necessary for nutrition during heavy physical exertion. Here, the choice of dish components depends on the composition of the family and the physical activities of each of its members. But remember that dishes with sorrel, however, are not desirable for babies.

The assortment of sorrel first courses is very extensive, and the methods for their preparation are varied. But it’s better to try once than to tell. Take a look at the recipes - maybe something will be pleasant from the offered options, or they will inspire new culinary ideas.

1. Light, summer sorrel soup on chicken stock


Potato 0.5 kg

Onion, green 200 g

Carrot 150 g

Oil 90 g

Flour 30 g

5 eggs

Sorrel 300 g

2.4 l broth

Kitchen salt


Sour cream 150 g

Meat (chicken fillet) 600 g

Parsley, dill 70 g


Dice the potatoes in a boiling broth and cook until soft. Add carrots, passaged with flour, chopped onions and spicy leafy greens, eggs. As soon as the cabbage soup begins to boil, drop the chopped sorrel, season with spices, return the slices of meat fillet to the cabbage soup to warm up. Serve cabbage soup with sour cream, sprinkled with chopped parsley and dill.

2. Cream of sorrel soup in chicken stock, with celery and cheese


Extra oil 150 g

White onion 300 g

Bouillon 1.6 L

Sorrel (or spinach) 300 g

Soft cheese 400 g


Potato 700 g

White pepper

Celery Root 400 g

Lemon zest 25 g

Flour 70 g

Curly parsley for decoration

Cooking method:

Pass the flour and chopped onion in melted butter. Add potatoes, celery, sorrel, pour in part of the broth, simmer until soft. After removing from heat, break the soup with a blender, bring to taste with spices. Adjust the density of the soup with the remaining broth.

When serving in broth cups or tureens, add cheese cubes and a sprig of parsley, sprinkle with fresh lemon zest.

3. Sorrel soup on chicken stock with nettle and spinach


1.5 L broth

Spinach, sorrel, young nettle - in equal parts 600 g

Boiled chicken fillet 750 g

Onions, 150 g

Fat, pork 70 g

Eggs, raw 3 pcs.

Milk (or cream) 250 ml

Potato 300 g


Dill 100 g

Bay leaf 2 g


Boiled eggs 3 pcs.

Sour cream 120 g


Combine milk with an equal amount of hot broth to get a warm liquid. Bring the rest of the broth to a boil, cook in it potatoes, chopped into small cubes. Cut the onion randomly, combine it with pork fat and beat with a blender. Add the resulting mass to the broth. Salt cabbage soup, add bay leaf, pepper.

Blanch spinach and young nettle leaves; dip in the pan. Add sorrel to cabbage soup fresh, having previously cut it.

Beat raw eggs into a lush mass, combine with a mixture of milk and broth, warm the mass to thicken and pour into cabbage soup. Add fillet, diced, and chopped dill to the dish. Serve with boiled egg halves and sour cream. If desired, sour cream can be combined with a spoonful of mustard.

4. Sorrel soup in chicken broth with cream and lemon


4 eggs

Sorrel 700 g

Wheat flour 120 g

Cream (15%) 400 ml

Onions 300 g

Butter 160 g


White pepper

Lemon 1 pc.

Bouillon 1.6 L


Breast, chicken 150 g per serving

Spicy greens (leaves)


Fry the flour until creamy, add oil to it, melt in a saucepan, intensively mixing the mass with a spatula. Add chopped onions, stew, not allowing to brown.

In a small amount of broth, blanch prepared sorrel leaves. Combine both parts of the mashed soup, beat until smooth, adding the remaining broth and cream. Put the soup on the stove, bring to a boil. Add salt, nutmeg, pepper.

Serve the soup puree on the table with a boiled breast sliced ​​across the fibers in portions, a slice of lemon, sprinkled with grated eggs and garnished with a sprig of dill or parsley.

5. Sorrel soup on chicken broth with tomato dressing


Tomato paste 80 g

Onion 200 g

Carrot 100 g

Fat 150 g

2.4 l broth

Celery (root) 70 g

Ground Hot Peppers



Flour 50 g

Potato 600 g

Sorrel, canned 0.5 L

Sugar 40 g

Eggs 3 pcs.


Onions and carrots, having prepared, pass with the addition of flour and fat. In the finished broth, boil the potatoes, add spices, sugar, salt, tomato dressing and sorrel. Pour the beaten eggs into boiling cabbage soup in a thin stream, quickly stirring the contents of the pan: rotate the mass in one direction, clockwise, pouring the eggs at one point - the brewed protein should turn into strings similar to noodles.

Add chopped dill immediately, cover the cabbage soup with a lid, remove from the stove. After half an hour, serve with sour cream and rye bread.

6. Sorrel soup in chicken stock with garlic-nut dressing


Boiled chicken (wings, drumsticks, thighs, breast) 1.6 kg

Muscat 10 g

Garlic 40 g

Carrot 500 g

White pepper

Flour 100 g

Onions 300 g

Butter, ghee 180 g

Broth (prefabricated) 2 l

Cream (10%) 0.5 L + 100 g (36%)

Cilantro 80 g

Sorrel 400 g


Almonds 150 g + 50 g


Divide the chicken into portions. Add white pepper, ground nutmeg, salt to flour, roll meat in this mixture. Fry it until golden brown, in ghee warmed in a pan. Transfer the prepared meat to a ceramic pan.

Grind carrots and onions, sauté vegetables in the same pan, until soft. Transfer the vegetable mass to a blender, add the garlic, cilantro, roasted almonds, and beat the mass with a blender, gradually adding to the broth combined with cream. Season the mass with spices and pour into the pan, to the meat, covering it on top. Bring cream soup to a boil at minimum temperature. Take care not to get burnt. Cut the sorrel and throw it in the soup. Remove the pan from the stove, soak the soup for several minutes, so that the sorrel is slightly swept. Serve by sprinkling with almond flakes, adding a spoonful of cream or sour cream to each serving, garnishing with a sprig of greens.

Sorrel soup in chicken stock - tips

Salting soups and cabbage soup is necessary after the potatoes are cooked. Add acidic ingredients after potatoes are ready. This vegetable, due to the high starch content in salt and acidic water, becomes more dense, which delays the cooking process of the first dish.

After preparing the first dishes, do not forget to remove the bay leaf from the pot with soup. With prolonged insistence, it gives the dish an unpleasant bitterness.

Add sugar to sour dressings and sauces. Contrast will improve the taste of the dish.

Vegetables, fish and meat, sautéed in butter, acquire a pleasant creamy taste and a light nutty flavor. But butter has the ability to quickly burn and spatter when heated. Begin to passerize products at the lowest temperature, in a mode of languishing, gradually increasing heating. To prevent butter from burning, pre-grease the pan with vegetable oil or put a pinch of salt. You can also pre-place flour in a preheated pan to avoid splashing, if allowed by the recipe.


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