Proper nutrition: dinner - what and how much to eat? How to have dinner correctly to maintain a figure and health: principles and recipes


Few adhere to the saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with your neighbor, and give dinner to the enemy." Often we, tired of the day, having a snack on the go, treat dinner as the main meal.

For many, a good night snack is the norm. But there should be moderation in everything. Therefore, we will learn to cook dinner, which will be useful and well digested.

Proper nutrition during dinner

For dinner, no more than 20% of the daily calories. With a standard of 1200 kcal per day, in the evening there are 240 kcal, a maximum of 340-360. Proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates are the basis of the diet.

Important rules for a healthy dinner:

1. He must digest and assimilate before bedtime, so eat 3-4 hours before rest. And getting up from the table, we do not experience a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. At night, the digestive system should not actively digest food.

2. A high-calorie dinner will not only make the digestive tract work, but also add calories to you.

3. We don’t load ourselves by preparing complex dishes, especially after work, if you are very tired.

Important: You must also consider what calories you eat. One thing is a light dinner combining easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates, and another is a few chocolates or a cake, which will make up the required 240 kcal. Such a dinner can hardly be called right.

New cells are built from protein and old ones are updated. With moderate consumption, it practically does not turn into fat. It is processed for a long time by the stomach, which is why there is a feeling of satiety. This will ensure proper nutrition, dinner will be less high-calorie, but hearty.

The meat of animals is digested for a long time, since it has a lot of connective tissue. Digest faster: eggs, chicken, fish and seafood. The most suitable option is grilled or steamed chicken or fish (100-150g).

As a side dish and a great addition to proteins, we use complex carbohydrates: fiber and vegetables. Any vegetables other than potatoes are suitable, so use them regularly based on the season. You can eat them raw or cook vegetable stew. The amount of oil for refueling should be at least -1 tsp. per serving.

On a note: The easiest option, if you are tired and do not have time to cook, then mix 100-150g of low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of milk yogurt. Get a light protein-carbohydrate dessert. This is an option of proper nutrition, supper "without fancies".

Once again about food and nutrition after 18 pm

When you go to bed at 9-10 o’clock in the evening, then in this case, the rule "do not eat after six." But if you work late and sleep occurs at about 12 at night, then hunger can not be avoided.

Then there are 2 options: how to eat and go to bed hungry (if there is willpower). But both of these options are losing. It is advisable to eat at 8 pm and drink kefir for the night. In any case, a light dinner is needed. Excessive food is harmful, but its absence is no less harmful.

Attention! If you eat irregularly, this is not the way to lose weight. On the contrary, the body, knowing that it does not receive food on time, begins to stockpile everything for the future. Eating at bedtime leads to its reserves in adipose tissue, as the body spends a minimum of energy at night.

We often hear and talk about a balanced diet, but do little to really make it. The main source of energy is carbohydrates, it is advisable to consume and spend at the beginning of the day. Therefore, the saying "eat breakfast yourself" is very relevant, although most people in the morning are limited to a light snack.

People spend different amounts of energy throughout the day, which is associated with physical activity. Therefore, the menu should be composed taking into account the energy spent, the reserves of which must be replenished.

- With low physical activity, when mental labor prevails, it is better to put a protein dish on a plate. It should not be fried or greasy. A light side dish of vegetables will not hurt. This is the perfect dinner, the proper nutrition of which is aimed at restoring strength.

- If a lot of energy was spent during the day, then we draw up a menu of nutritious dinner. The main course is protein, but you can use potatoes, cereals or pasta as a side dish.

How to calculate calories - KBZhU

KBZhU is deciphered as calories of proteins of fats and carbohydrates. How to calculate your CBJU? Very simple:

1. For example, my weight is 50 kg. The daily calorie intake will be 1730.

2. We double proteins, multiplying by weight: 50 × 2 = 100g. The required calorie content is 100 × 4 = 400cal.

3. Fats are multiplied by a factor equal to 1: 50 × 1 = 50g. Calorie content 50 × 9 = 450cal.

4. Adding proteins and fats and subtracting them from the total calories, we get the amount of carbohydrates: 1730-950 = 770cal. In grams, it will look like this: 770: 4 = 193g.

5. To keep the weight normal, my KBJU looks like this: 100g of protein, 50g of fat and 200g of carbohydrates. Total calories - 1730.

You should not constantly count and write down everything. There is a food diary application that can be installed on the phone. The necessary programs (several of them) will help you to calculate your KBZhU. In the food diary, add those products that you think are necessary.

On the Internet there is an analyzer of calorie content of ready meals, which can be calculated taking into account their components. This will make it possible to always be aware of whether you overeat or, on the contrary, lack the number of products.

Important: Properly selected KBJU looks like this: 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat. On average, you must adhere to these standards.

Nutrition Options: Dinner

The main requirements for dinner, which must be met - it must be well digested, not very high-calorie and beneficial. What dinner options can you offer your loved ones? So, the menu for one dinner:

Salmon with Herb Sauce

Rinse and salmon fillet (800g) with a paper towel, add salt and pepper to taste and slightly sprinkle with lemon. Put the fish in an oiled pan. Cut greens (parsley, dill). Add greens, yolks (3pcs), lemon zest to the creamy mixture. Pour her fish. Bake at + 200С for 25-30 minutes.

Salmon just “melts in your mouth.” So you can cook any fish. Other seasonings are added to the cream sauce at your discretion. KBZhU per 100g dishes: 144.79 / 12.75 / 9.27 / 1.73.

Vitaminka salad, which includes:

• Beijing cabbage - 215g.,

• sweet bell pepper - 100g.,

• cucumbers - 100g.,

• tomatoes - 160g.,

• olive oil - 10g.

We cut everything, mix, pour oil. KBZHU per 100g of salad: 34/1/2/4.

Prune Muffin, consisting of

• oatmeal - 230g.,

• water and kefir - 0.5 cups each,

• eggs -2pcs.,

• baking powder - 2 tsp,

• prune - 80g.,

• salt and sugar - to taste.

1⁄2 flakes pour half a glass of boiling water. Grind the second half in a coffee grinder and pour kefir. Combine everything together, add the rest of the components. Put the resulting mass into a mold and bake for 50-60 minutes. KBZhU per 100g: 163.3 / 6.33 / 4.13 / 27.09.

The body is not a firebox where you can throw everything in a row. Be wise in the evening meal and you are guaranteed a good sleep, good mood in the morning and an active working day.


Watch the video: 6 simple ways to lose a little weight (July 2024).