Effective masks for deep cleansing the face. The best recipes for deep cleansing masks at home


Every day, exposed to the negative effects of exhaust gases, dust, dirt, sweat, various creams and other substances that are hardly noticeable to us, the pores of the face become clogged, the color fades, rashes and inflammations occur, and the skin acquires an unhealthy color. To prevent bad environmental effects, to protect your own body, it is necessary to systematically carry out procedures to cleanse and maintain beauty. The best option for deep cleansing pores and restoring healthy skin balance are masks for deep cleansing the face.

The result of the use of masks for deep cleansing the face

Properly selected complexes for skin care will help maintain her youth for a long time. In addition to the use of many creams, lotions, foundations, the use of masks for deep cleansing of the face can be attributed to the mandatory stages of skin care.

With a proper choice of funds, the result will be visible almost immediately after application. With the help of masks, it is possible to improve the appearance of the skin in many ways.

1) Deep cleaning of skin cells from excess accumulations.

2) Exfoliation of dead cells.

3) The narrowing of the pore size to their normal state.

4) Saturation of cells with oxygen, the resumption of a healthy metabolism of the skin as a result of the removal of dirt.

5) Delivery of nutrients directly to the skin cells and improving the appearance of the face.

6) Disinfection of the epidermis.

Important conditions for the proper use of masks for deep cleansing the face

Cleansing the face with a mask gives many positive results. However, to achieve them, you must strictly adhere to certain rules developed by cosmetologists over many years of work. Only a person who is consistently prepared for the cleansing procedure and strictly adhered to the rules will be able to please the owner with the expected effect.

1) Steam bath before applying the mask. Opening the pores with steam will help achieve a better cleansing effect.

2) Refusal of scrubs. The use of peelings before the procedure is not recommended by specialists.

3) Testing the mask before use. To avoid allergic reactions and not harm the skin, before the application procedure, you need to test the substance on a small area of ​​the skin.

4) Strict observance of the time interval. The time for applying the mask should be no more than a quarter of an hour, otherwise a thermal burn may occur.

5) Remove the mask from the skin by using water diluted with lemon juice.

6) Frequency of implementation. Perform the procedure for applying a mask for a deep face at least once a week.

7) Clean skin after mask. The procedure should not be completed by any means. The pores should be in their natural, purified state.

The best masks for deep cleansing the face of famous brands

The facial cleansing procedure can be carried out using ready-made masks purchased at the store. Or trust in folk remedies and prepare the composition at home.

Many brands offer masks for deep cleansing the face in their product lines. Below are five of the most effective, according to experts products.

1) Giovanni D: Tox System Boscia. An ideal mask for sensitive skin owners. Delicate composition of oatmeal and concrete, complement the extracts of various berries. The mask softens and moisturizes the skin, does not cause dryness and protects against harmful external influences.

2) Givenchy Skin Targetters Active Pure Detox Mask. One of the fastest, most effective and most expensive masks. The face will become noticeably cleaner after the first application, after a few cleaning complexes there will not be even minor rashes left. The composition includes vitamins E and C, giving the skin a silkiness and shine. Ideal for mixed and oily skin.

3) Caudalie Instant Detox Mask. The composition of the mask is almost completely natural. The basis of the active substance is grape seeds and squeezed peel. The effect of cleanliness and smoothness is achieved after the first application.

4) Boscia Luminizing Black Mask. Unique in its properties, the legendary mask with an instant effect is based on natural ingredients. The composition includes natural extracts of jojoba leaves, flowers, French clay and many different oils.

5) Holy Land Cosmetics Special Mask. A multi-functional tool helps deeply cleanse pores, normalizes fat balance, heals wounds, has a calming and smoothing effect. One of the best masks to normalize the color and texture of the face after inflammation.

The most effective recipes for deep cleansing masks at home

Proponents of home procedures using affordable natural ingredients and those who do not have the opportunity to spend large sums on the development of production companies, suitable home masks for deep cleansing the face. Variants of compositions and cooking methods, there is a huge amount. Their effectiveness and safety has been proven by many generations of women, you just need to choose your effective recipe.

Below are five of the most effective masks for deep cleansing, which can be done at home from the usual components.

Oatmeal Flakes Purifying Mask

Oatmeal is found in many well-known peels. This product not only perfectly exfoliates dead skin cells, but also enriches the face with nutrients, restores a healthy color.

The mask is easy to manufacture. One tablespoon of oatmeal should be mixed with boiling water until a viscous gruel is formed. After the substance reaches room temperature, apply to the face with massaging movements. Wash off with warm water.

Black clay mask

Any clay is an indispensable assistant for a woman in skin care. Black mass is ideal for cleansing a face that has absolutely any type of fat content. A mask made of such clay will draw out all toxins, remove impurities and return a fresh healthy color to the face. After the first application, spots and rashes may occur, so a gradual deep cleansing of the pores occurs. After several sessions, the skin will become completely healthy and get rid of all impurities.

The simplest clay mask is obtained from a powder diluted with ordinary water, warmed to room temperature or a tincture of medicinal herbs. The consistency remains on the surface of the skin until it dries completely (about 15 minutes), after which it is washed off with water.

Mask for deep cleansing the face with a body

Bodyaga is an excellent remedy for cleansing contaminated pores of the face. This substance can be used only under the condition of any type of skin, except for dry and the absence of inflammation. Bodyaga effectively cleanses, smoothes out bumps and resumes a rush of blood to the epidermis.

To prepare the mask, it is necessary to mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) and body powder. Bring the substance to a viscous state and apply massage movements to the surface of the skin with a thin uniform layer. The consistency must be washed off no later than a quarter of an hour, otherwise it may cause burns. After cleansing, the face may acquire a reddish tint due to increased blood flow, after a while the consequences disappear. In order not to get strong peeling as a result, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer after the mask.

Mask with soda and salt

A great way to get rid of black dots. With the systematic use of the mask, the skin acquires a healthy color, smoothness and noticeably evens out. To achieve such a result, you need to resort to the help of a mask at least once a week.

The procedure for applying the composition must be prevented by applying a foaming agent (milk, foam and others). A mixture of fine soda and salt in equal proportions should be applied to the resulting soap base. After application, it is necessary to perform facial massage for three minutes with gentle movements. It is especially worth touching areas with a lot of black dots. After the massage, the mass remains on the face for about ten minutes. During the procedure, you can feel a slight tingling sensation, it occurs due to the cleansing work of the mask. After the allotted time, the mass must be washed off with warm water.

Our face is subjected to daily stress and requires close attention and care. For a long preservation of beauty and health, fit and youthfulness, it is necessary to systematically carry out procedures to cleanse the pores of the epidermis. Many cleansing masks have been invented in the world, some are offered by well-known manufacturing companies, others are available to us from our mothers and grandmothers. It is enough to find your own remedy and regularly resort to his help, then the face will retain its beauty and freshness for a long time.


Watch the video: 11 Home Face Masks You Can Make In a Minute (June 2024).