Cotoneaster - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Cotoneaster - general description

Cotoneaster (Cotoneáster) - deciduous or evergreen slowly growing non-prickly shrub, less often a small tree of the Pink family. The leaves are small, simple, whole, ovate, alternate, in the summer have a dark green color, in the fall - a brilliant blushing. Flowers are white or pink in the form of small scutes, single or in tassels.

The fruit in the form of a false drupe in shape resembles a small red or black apple, with 2-5 seeds. It remains on the branches until late autumn. It must be remembered that this plant is fundamentally different from dogwood similar to it, so the fruits may not be edible.

Cotoneaster - types and places of growth

Cotoneaster is represented by more than 40 species growing in Eurasia and North Africa. This frost-resistant and drought-resistant plant is undemanding to soil fertility, humidity and lighting. Reproduction occurs by seed or vegetatively. The most common are cotoneaster varieties: solid, ordinary, bubbly, multi-flowered, racemose, pink, one-flowered, pressed, Henry, Franche, brilliant.

This plant is a photophilous mesophyte; it is widespread in the culture everywhere - from the Western regions to Northern China, the Caucasus, Central Asia, mainly along the mountain slopes and in light deciduous forests. In Eastern Siberia, in the wild, grows in groups or singly, prefers bushes. The cotoneaster aronia is planted in urban conditions for decorative purposes, as dense hedges. The decorative properties of shrubs in hedges are enhanced after fruit ripening, attracting various birds.

Cotoneaster - healing properties

This plant is rarely eaten, but its medicinal properties are used in a home pharmacy to treat a number of diseases: acute and chronic gastritis, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, neurasthenia, fever, jaundice, edema, nervous disorders, stress. With liver diseases, taking decoctions and cotoneaster infusions is simply mandatory. In the treatment of epilepsy, cotoneaster fruits are given to children and adults. Among skin diseases, this plant is used in the treatment of eczema and scabies. In Tibetan medicine, the properties of the aronia plant are widely used to stop bloody diarrhea. In addition, cotoneaster fruits are used as an antiseptic.

Cotoneaster - dosage forms

In home therapy, branches and flowers of a plant are used, which are collected during the flowering period, as well as fruits, bark and buds. Only fruits ripened at the end of summer are harvested, shoots and flowers - during the flowering period in spring. The leaves of the bush contain flavonoids and vitamin C, a glycoside, hydrocyanic acid is in the seeds, coumarins, ascorbic acid are in the fruits. Plant resin is used in the treatment of scabies and eczema.

Cotoneaster - recipes

Tincture for the treatment of chronic gastritis, gastroenteritis: 1 tablespoon of chopped shoots and leaves, insist 1.5-2 hours in 200 ml of boiling water, filter cotoneaster infusion. Drink 1/4 cup several times a day. The same infusion can be used for diarrhea.

- Most often, the fruits of the edible cotoneaster are used in the preparation of tea drinks, compotes, wines and tinctures. The dietary properties of the fetus can be used in the preparation of products - candy, candy and gingerbread for patients.

Cotoneaster - contraindications

There are no contraindications to the use of compounds from the edible cotoneaster, it is only necessary to pay attention to the possibility of individual intolerance. The culture is not fully understood, some plant species have toxic properties.


Victoria 04/22/2016
So I didn’t figure it out, to be honest, where is the edible shrub, where is the medicinal one, and vice versa ... But, about the fact that cotoneaster is necessary for treating the liver - I realized that)) Now I’ll go to the pharmacy, torture the pharmacist)) I really want to be healthy.

Yanochka 04/22/2016
I have been convinced in my experience of the effectiveness of the treatment of liver diseases with the help of this shrub - cotoneaster. For a month I drank a decoction of it, and my liver began to feel excellent. At least the pains stopped.

Antonina 04/22/2016
I have a sick liver for many years. But, for some reason, neither to me nor anyone spoke about this bush - cotoneaster. Why, interesting? Moreover, it is written about the direct need for its use in liver diseases.

Madame 04/22/2016
Now I don’t know whether cotoneaster grows with us or not. But, in any case, it is not worth using it yourself. Therefore, and nothing to worry about. Although it is used in the preparation of food products, but that is because experts use it.

Valeria 04/22/2016
BUT! So cotoneaster and dogwood, these are different plants turns out. I thought so, but I doubted)) So he doesn’t go in principle ... And I definitely won’t do this, especially after I read that he has not yet been fully studied.


Watch the video: Medicinal Trees (July 2024).