The best books of classics: what to choose and what to give preference to. What classic literature is always worth rereading?


World classics books that have influenced the development of history have always been and will be popular. They became the starting point of a new era on the pages and in the minds of contemporaries.

The choice among the best classics is great. What do our readers like and what will our men not pass by?

Notre Dame Cathedral, Victor Hugo

When it comes to the best books of classics, the first thing that comes to mind is a story told by Victor Hugo, which has survived centuries and has already become a canon. Its main characters have long earned the glory of household images. Notre Dame Cathedral is a love story and tragedy. From the first pages, the reader’s attitude will change. He will live the feelings of heroes and through the eyes of the author he will see a colorful picture of the life of Paris in the 15th century. The great tragedy of passion, deceit and deceit unfolds before him. After reading the novel, there will be a wonderful aftertaste and a desire to see with your own eyes the French Cathedral, which, in fact, is the main character.

"Dear friend", Guy de Maupassant

Time passes, but the image of the cynical adventurer and seducer of secular beauties Georges Dubois is still interesting to readers. The main character does not have special talents, except the ability to seduce women. But he manages to achieve everything he wants, though not without difficulty. He does not disdain anything to break out of poverty and obscurity and get into high society. His main quality, envy, pushes him to actions that form the basis of the plot. What can a man out of envy decide? This novel has everything that will not let the reader get bored. Love, betrayal, intrigues and realities of the life of people of that time will attract the reader. It remains to add that this is the most often screened novel, which has become a symbol of that era.

"Anna Karenina", Leo Tolstoy

The brilliant novel of Leo Tolstoy can be re-read many times and it will not be superfluous. The tragic love of a married lady of high society for the brilliant officer Vronsky will touch the heart of the most skeptical reader. The main character completely dissolved in her love, but at the same time lost herself as a person. The author colorfully describes the nature and way of life of the noble environment of Moscow and St. Petersburg in the second half of the 19th century. He does not like urban idle life and bourgeois culture. Reading, you feel the greatness of the author, his art and the power of the word. There is reason to see the film adaptation of the novel.

The Arc de Triomphe, Erich Maria Remarque

The best books of classics are those that diverge into quotes. The novel "Arc de Triomphe" is one of them. A love story in Paris besieged by the Germans dizzy more than one generation of readers. The highlight is the fact that the prototype of the main character was Marlene Dietrich herself. If someone has not read Remarque, then this novel will be a revelation for him. The book will not have a happy end, the author prefers reality, so the novel ends quite unexpectedly. But there will certainly be many thoughts, interesting thoughts and quotes. Remark is unique.

Headless Horseman, Mine Reed

The main advantage of this book is its incredible adventures and the way the author presented the Wild West. The plot of the novel is based on the disclosure of a mysterious crime committed in Texas in the middle of the century before last. The writer manages to keep the reader in suspense to the last. The headless horseman moves at night on the prairie, terrifying everyone. Who is this? Ghost, devil or man? This novel is a confirmation that classic is not boring.

American Tragedy, Theodore Dreiser

The novel will demonstrate the inside of the American dream. People tend to strive for wealth and position in society. But not everyone succeeds in achieving wealth, and the way up is closed for them for various reasons. The main character is ready for anything for his dream. Being a native of the lower classes, he is trying by all means to break into the high society. Man is a puppet in the hands of fate. It is simply impossible to break away from the novel.

"To Kill a Mockingbird," Harper Lee

This is not just a book, it is a textbook of morality. The novel will take its rightful place on the bookshelf of the most picky reader. This is an autobiography for which the writer received the Pulitzer Prize. The world of adults is shown through the eyes of a child. The little heroine realizes that the world around her is not so simple and sometimes she has to compromise. Magnificent sketches of provincial life will show all the charm of the south of the USA. The novel takes place in the mid 30-ies of the last century during the Great Depression. The book is easy to read thanks to the sparkling humor of the author.

The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy

The book is truly epoch-making. It can be read repeatedly and at different periods of life. She will always be interesting. A stunning life story of several generations of one family, a love story that lasts a lifetime. The plot unfolds in and around the venerable Forsyth family. The whole novel consists of six parts and the events of each previous one flow smoothly into the next. At the same time, there is some basic story in every part. After reading the novel, most readers will add it to the list of their favorite works.

Some readers believe that reading classical literature is completely useless, and often boring. And that is unlikely to be useful in life. But the themes that the classics raised in their works are eternal and are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Culture and traditions can be learned by reading the best books of classics.


Watch the video: Let's Discuss: Scared Of Reading Classic Literature? . #klassikerwoche (June 2024).