"Boiled" diet - recommended for vegans and vegetarians. General principles, types of diet on boiled vegetables, effectiveness, recipes


Such a diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. However, in order for it to have the desired effect, a number of rules should be strictly followed.

General rules of "boiled" diets

The choice of losing weight provides several options at once. One of them is a diet strictly seasoned exclusively on vegetables served only in boiled form. The second option implies a fairly diverse diet with only one condition: the calorie content of dishes should be carefully calculated.

However, no matter which diet is preferred, there are several general rules that you must follow:

1. The main emphasis should be on heavy drinking. And this is not about tea and coffee that many people have loved, but exclusively about plain water! Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water: it contributes to the speedy cleansing of the body, and the diet, thus, will become much more effective. However, water should be carefully filtered before use: otherwise, the risk of stone formation in the body increases significantly.

2. Another essential drink is green tea. Its benefits have been proven by world-renowned experts. It actively removes toxins, and also contributes to the speedy absorption of consumed foods.

3. With a “boiled” diet, you should take food only 4 timesso that the portions do not exceed 300 g. In addition, each product should be chewed slowly and carefully - this principle is relevant for almost all diets.

4. The last but not least important rule is active lifestyle. If possible, these should be sports at least once every 3-4 days. At first, it is necessary to prepare the body for such loads, for which you can limit yourself to daily walks in the fresh air.

5. You should protect yourself from all kinds of stress. Frequent nervous shocks will contribute to weight gain, because most people who are in trouble try to "seize" them. In some cases, light sedatives are prescribed, completely normalizing the emotional state. However, only a doctor can prescribe such funds.

Most of the rules that are mandatory during the “boiled” diet are quite simple and do not require abandonment of the usual way of life. But, nevertheless, it is certainly worth observing them! After all, the only way to achieve the desired results.

Types of "boiled" diet

Vegetable Boiled Dietusually designed for a weekly period and involves weight loss of up to 5 kg. You can eat almost any dish of vegetables: salads, vinaigrettes, as well as steamed vegetables. Refuse is only from fried foods - because they are under the strictest taboo in any diet.

In cooked meals do not add salt - it leads to water retention in the body, and this, in turn, will create an additional burden on the heart muscle ... So that the vegetable diet is not tired in a week, its menu should be varied.

Salads can be the best breakfast, for lunch you can cook low-fat vegetable soup, and during dinner treat yourself to delicious stew. When undertaking cooking, the main emphasis should be on preserving the vitamin complex of consumed vegetables. So you can not only lose the hated excess weight, but also seriously improve the body.

Favorite fruits can be consumed in between mandatory meals. However, exotic gifts of nature should not be abused, in any case, at first! They must be introduced into the diet gradually, alternating with products more familiar to the domestic stomach.

Complex diet, unlike vegetable, is designed for an indefinite period. It involves gradual weight loss, from 1 to 3 kg per week. You can eat almost all your favorite dishes, steamed or in a slow cooker. At the same time, pronounced salty and spicy tastes should be avoided, gradually switching to a neutral healthy food.

Refuse should be from confectionery. Sweets can be replaced with desserts made from fresh or dried fruits, and muffins and cakes can be replaced with skimmed fruit tarts. White wheat bread should also be excluded from the diet, replacing it with a coarse product.

A few words in conclusion

As a rule, a “boiled” diet is relevant only in the warm season - a period when it is easy to acquire a variety of, and most importantly, healthy fruits and vegetables. In winter, the body can be harmed by such a diet! Finding seasonal fruits and vegetables at this time is not an easy task, but the ones that are offered by supermarkets are saturated with nitrates.

A “boiled” diet is a correct and rather gentle way to lose weight. Over time, you can diversify your menu, add a lot of delicious and healthy dishes, in some cases even invented independently. However, each of them, in turn, should still be served exclusively in boiled form.


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