Why does a girl dream of a snake? Is it good or bad? The main interpretations - why a girl dreams of a snake: according to different dream books


The world of dreams is full of mysteries and secrets.

If you open their curtain, you can instantly get answers to sensitive questions.

Why does a girl dream of a snake?

It’s worth sorting out.

What is the dream of a snake to a girl from Meridian’s dream book

A snake is a symbol of evil and temptation, if it appears in a girl’s dreams, it means that she will become a hostage to ill-wishers, false claims and far-fetched vices. You can not give in to provocations.

If there is a whole lot of snakes in a dream - someone from close people will betray, make a total mistake. If the reptile crawled into the house - then the ill-wishers crawled into the circle of her close people. If there are a lot of snakes and they crawl on the floor of the house - then trouble will come to the house. Little snakes on the trees promise to slander, if there is something in which the girl is not honest - it will open.

If the snake is green - it means that obsolete habits and responsibilities will be forgotten by a girl. If such a snake entwines and squeezes the body - the girl lives on obsolete moral principles and principles. They literally interfere with her advancement in life.

Peacefully lying green snake - to the healing of the soul. Yellow snake - to changes in a positive life.

Why does a girl dream about a snake to Miller’s dream book

Snakes in a dream are always a bad sign. It is wary of people around you and expect only a dirty trick from them, because the situation has already reached an impasse. If a girl dreams that snakes literally pounce on her - this means that she experiences remorse for her earlier committed acts. This dream can also indicate internal fluctuations, uncertainty about tomorrow.

If a girl kills a viper - She neglects humanity in her life and does not take into account the opinions of loved ones. If she makes her way through a snake of snakes, then she constantly lives in fears and fears. If the snake did bite, you need to be careful with well-wishers, who will actually turn out to be enemies. To hold in your hands - to the fact that in your environment a thief and a liar have lurked. So, the girl has a competitor who is struggling to destroy relationships, her family.

If a girl who is married dreams that she stepped on a snake - that means she will make a mistake, lose her spouse's trust. If an unmarried woman had such a dream, it means that she will be drawn into a love triangle and will never be able to get married.

If you dream of little snakes, it means that the girl was at the epicenter of gossip, lies and slander. If the snakes obey her, it means that she is quite domineering and it is worth reconsidering her attitude to people.

What is the dream of a snake for a girl from Vanga’s dream book

If a girl appeared in a dream creeping snakesthen in reality she will find herself in an awkward situation, she will have to face head-on with her detractors. If snakes curl into a ball and hiss loudly - this is a sure sign of problems in the professional field.

If the viper bites - It promises a quick disappointment in the closest people. If the snake peacefully curled up in a ball - it promises empty gossip and gossip behind your back. A snake squeezing a girl’s neck symbolizes restrictions, both moral and material. Possible death of a loved one.

What is the dream of a snake for a girl from Freud's dream book

Freud pointed out that the snake in a dream carries male sexual energy. If a girl dreams of a snake basking in the sun, it means that her partner is all right sexually or she will soon meet a passionate lover who will radically change her life.

If a snake bites a girl in a dream, then she will be attacked by an opponent, she will be drawn into a love triangle. If a girl runs away from snakes in a dream, it means that in reality she will not be able to hide from problems in the genital area or her man will have a weak libido. If a girl sees in a dream a lot of small snakes that crawl into her house - it means that soon she will become a mother.

What does the girl dream of in other dream books

Nostradamus in his predictions was guided primarily by knowledge in numerology, therefore, based on his interpretations, if a girl dreamed of a snake, then in the same year she would fail. Financial failures will visit the girl first.

If a girl in a dream kills snakes - it means that she will receive patronage from above to accomplish everything she has planned, so she should not worry about tomorrow, because today she is sent a signal from above that everything will be safe.

Loff gave a slightly different interpretation of snakes. He pointed out that such dreams are more associated with the physiological problems of the girl. He also pointed out that it is necessary to study completely the structure of the dream that the girl dreamed. If, on the whole, the dream is positive, then it means everything will be fine with her health, but if:

• A snake strangles a girl in a dream - she cannot escape lung diseases;

• If the snake is blocking the path - it means she will have to do foot treatment;

• If a girl experiences an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, it means that she is at risk of nervous breakdowns.

Tsvetkov in his dream book provides the following interpretation:

• Snakes crawling towards the girl promise her treachery of others and betrayal;

• If snakes attack, then she will not be able to avoid diseases;

• A huge black snake promises the appearance of a well-hidden enemy behind a mask of decency;

• Snake bites - to major scandals and quarrels;

• Death from bites - disease, collapse of hopes, emergency death.

Hasse indicates that snakes can appear in dreams in girls due to the fact that they have enemies. They can also symbolize past grievances that prevent girls from living peacefully. If you still manage to defeat the reptiles in a dream, everything in life will normalize and will go like clockwork. If the snake bites, then pride will be hurt. Bound the movement of the snake - to gossip and reproaches.

Meneghetti indicates in his dream book that the snake symbolizes the real fears and fears of girls. These fears are deep in the subconscious and prevent moving further through life. If a girl in a dream experiences horror and fear at the sight of a reptile - she really has many psychological problems. If in a dream a girl is indifferent to snakes, then in real life she also has exceptional endurance.

Longo claimed that snakes in dreams portend a powerful attack of enemies, ill-wishers. Riot is even possible. If in a dream a girl sees that the snake becomes tame, in reality she will realize all her plans, increase her wealth, and become successful and prosperous. If snakes peacefully and obediently crawl around a girl, she will get a leading position and will be able to actively move up the career ladder.

According to the idiomatic dream book - snakes dream of treachery and meanness, hidden conflicts, insoluble situations that will constantly interfere with the girl’s progress towards the goal. A snake is a noose, it can mean a painful attachment to a certain person, which does not allow a real assessment of the situation.

Snakes symbolize the danger that will cause significant damage and it is simply impossible to avoid it. This may be the insidiousness of a woman who is very jealous of the girl, what kind of woman in question - other symbols in the dream will indicate.

In the women's dream book such interpretations of girls' dreams about snakes are given:

• Foretell urgent problems, anxieties;

• If the snakes wriggle - like a girl gets out of a difficult situation, it’s time for her to re-evaluate real events and look for other methods of solving problems;

• Little snakes around - meeting with bad, unkind people;

• A ball of snakes - a large number of ill-wishers;

• Bite of a dead snake - problems that have arisen stealthily;

• If the snakes sting each other - the girl caused mental pain to a loved one;

• Kill aggressive snakes - to the undoubted victory over opponents and themselves.

Why does a girl dream of a snake? It is worthwhile to carefully study the dream completely and remember all the details.

It happens that the dream itself oppresses the girl, but in fact it promises her victory over the enemy. Snakes always personified deceit and envy, revenge.

Swirling snakes promise hesitation and controversial moments in making an important decision.

The dream in which the girl defeats the snake promises her victory over all the evil that is in her life.

Why dream about snakes for a girl in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the girl dreams of snakes as a symbol of treachery and a difficult period in her life. It will be difficult for a girl to find her life path, it will be difficult to foresee the events that will fill her personal life.

The dream interpretation warns that after such a dream, a girl can begin a very difficult period both in life in general and in relationships in particular. If she sees a huge golden snake that has encircled her legs - it's time to look at herself and her requests, maybe the girl wants too much, maybe she needs almost everything from life, and she does not hide it?

Why dream about snakes for a girl from Aesop’s dream book

If you dream of a stone snake - for a while you have to stop your active actions. Perhaps you wanted to buy something, to leave somewhere, but after such a dream, you better wait for trips and spend more time on yourself and your desires without traveling.

If you dream that someone launched a snake in your house - wait for active action from ill-wishers. They will be more active than ever. Now is the time to think about how to protect yourself and your home.

Sometimes girls do not suspect the presence of ill-wishers - such dreams can open their eyes to the situation and give clues in its resolution.


Watch the video: What happens if we see snakes in our dreams? Pranavam. Ladies hour (July 2024).