All methods of propagation of hydrangea for beginners. Tips of professionals, instructions for propagating hydrangea by offspring


It is not always possible to meet ready-made hydrangea seedlings for sale, so it is best to learn how to propagate the shrub yourself. In this case, you can get planting material from any variety you like.

When is it better to propagate hydrangea

You can propagate the shrub at any time of the year, but each method has its own period. Cutting hydrangea is better in the middle of summer, but you can carry out the procedure in the fall or early spring.

In early spring, before the swelling of the kidneys, it is more convenient to propagate an adult hydrangea bush by dividing.

In autumn, it is easier to propagate the bush by layering, although experienced gardeners also use this method in the spring.

In late autumn, it is better to do offspring breeding. Next, we will talk in more detail about each case.

How to propagate hydrangea with offspring

A young hydrangea bush can be propagated by green shoots. In order for a plant to take root, it is important to observe a number of rules:

• the top layer of soil around the mother bush must be removed to expose the roots;

• carefully separate the green shoots from the bush, so that each split has its own roots;

• immediately plant young hydrangeas in the ground.

In the hydrangea garden, they grow another two years, after which the bushes are ready for transplanting to a permanent place. This method is considered simple, it is enough to act carefully.

Propagation of a hydrangea bush by layering

When the bush is being prepared for winter, it's time to start breeding layering. This method is less traumatic, does not require special skills and knowledge. In early spring, you get a young plant with little effort.

Reproduction Instructions:

1. Around the bush, make shallow grooves in which to lay the selected shoots, pin them to the ground.

2. Leave the top of the shoot on the soil surface, deepen the cuttings by 15-20 cm.

3. The first sprouts appear after three weeks, as soon as they grow by 8-10 cm, the bush spud.

Propagating hydrangea in this way is not difficult. Remember that lignified cuttings are not suitable for this method.

Is it possible to propagate hydrangea by dividing the bush

Hydrangea can be planted in this way, the work is combined with a bush transplant. The mother plant is dug up, carefully freed from the ground, cut into several parts with a sharp secateurs.

Important! Young plants are planted immediately in a permanent place.

How to propagate hydrangea cuttings correctly: features of spring and winter planting

In the spring, after cutting the shrub, there are many cuttings that can be used for further cultivation. Flexible cuttings are chosen, they are placed in water for 5 days, while every day they change or add liquid in a glass.

Cuttings are dipped in a growth stimulator, after which they are planted at an angle of 45 ° C. It is better to use a plastic container for these purposes. The soil in the tank is constantly left moist.

Cuttings of hydrangea can be dealt with in late autumn, then by spring the planting material will be ready. This method significantly saves time.

Instructions for autumn cuttings:

1. Dig up the mother plant a few weeks before frost. In each region, the terms change, as a rule, this is mid-October.

2. Transplant the mother liquor into a spacious pot and put it in a dark but dry room, for example, in the basement. The temperature in the room should not fall below + 5 ° C.

3. Store the bush until mid-January in such conditions, then transfer to a warmer room, where the temperature is kept within 10-12 ° C. After a few days, the kidneys begin to swell.

4. After a month and a half, cut the cuttings from young shoots. By that time, their length is sufficient for rooting, each has several pairs of leaves.

5. Soak the cuttings in the solution of the drug "Kornevin" for at least two hours, and then plant in a moist, loose substrate. Cover the container with a bag to create a greenhouse effect.

6. Remove the greenhouse gradually, about a month after planting, when the cuttings are already rooted.

Seedlings are grown on the windowsill, transferred to the garden in mid-May, when the threat of frost has passed. For landing choose a shaded place, protected from wind and drafts.

Reproduction of panicle hydrangea by cuttings

Reproduction of panicled hydrangea has its own characteristics. The plant is cut in the summer in the first half. All attempts to root planting material at other times of the year lead to failure.

Cherenkovka process:

1. Cut the cuttings from the lower shoots on which there are no buds. At the same time, you need to cut off the shoot with a piece of the mother's bark.

2. To process the lower cut in the Kornevin powder and to plant the stalk in a loose substrate for further rooting.

3. After a few weeks, when young leaves appear, transfer the seedling to a permanent place.

Rooting cuttings can be carried out directly in the garden, if weather permits. To do this, cuttings are planted on a pre-prepared bed with a loose substrate, covered with a film and wait for rooting. Shelter is gradually removed.

Young hydrangea blooms in the year of planting, however, this should not be allowed. It is better to cut off all the buds so that the forces of the plant are directed to the formation of roots.

Tips for propagating hydrangea tree cuttings

The best time to cut the hydrangea tree is autumn. Cuttings are cut a few weeks before frost and planted in containers with nutrient soil.

Rooting occurs at home at room temperature. Pots are covered with film or glass to stimulate root formation. Once a week, the soil is shed with a fungicide solution to protect the seedlings from fungal diseases.

Rooting takes about a month, after which the greenhouse is removed, seedlings are grown on the windowsill until spring. When stable warm weather sets in, they are planted in a permanent place.

Important! In winter, seedlings do not have enough light, so phytolamps are used for home cultivation.


Watch the video: Plants You Can Grow From Cuttings and Leaves That gives excellent Results (June 2024).