We grow avocados from seed at home. All the subtleties and tricks of the process


Recently, growing exotic trees at home is gaining popularity. Although the result has to wait a long time, but it does not scare the fans.

Is it possible to grow avocados from seed at home

Not only tangerines and lemon, but also avocados can be grown at home from pits. However, this requires knowledge and patience. Not everyone gets it right the first time.

The process is not complicated, but for beginners it causes a number of difficulties. You need to get the avocado seed and sprout it, and then proceed to the formation of the crown.

In order for the sprout to continue to live, it is necessary to create suitable conditions. Humidity is maintained at 75%. Lighting for avocados should be bright. It is difficult to recreate such conditions at home. But some tricks will help the plant to exist normally.

How to germinate an avocado seed at home and plant it in the ground

Avocado seeds germinate well even at home, if they were selected from ripe fruit. The survival rate of plants is almost 100%, however, high demands are placed on planting material.

Ripe avocado fruits after squeezing are well restored. If they are immature, then you need to wait. Avocados are good at dosing with apples or bananas. The bone is taken only from ripe fruits.

Instructions on how to get and sprout avocado seed:

1. Cut the fruit in half and take out the bone.

2. Wash the seeds from the pulp and dry.

3. On four sides in the bone, make punctures and insert skewers into them.

4. Pour the settled water into a glass, immerse 1/3 bone in it. The pointed edge of the bone should be at the top. Toothpicks will not allow a bone to fall into a glass.

5. Place the glass in a warm place with diffused light.

The optimum temperature for germination of avocado seeds is in the range of 20 - 25 ° C. The sprout will appear in 1.5 - 3 months. First, the peel bursts, the root grows, then a green sprout appears.

The germinated seed quickly starts growing, but after transplanting into the ground it stops. Often the plant begins to hurt and may disappear. That is why experienced gardeners recommend germinating a seed directly in the ground.

For planting avocado seeds at home, use loose soil, which passes air well. It should be borne in mind that the root system of the plant does not tolerate stagnation of water, so the bottom of the pot is well drained. The pot is chosen transparent, with a volume of not more than 1 liter.

Before planting in the ground, the pointed part of the bone is cut with a sharp knife by 1.5 cm. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal. Deepen the bone at 2/3 of the height. Water is abundantly watered. Germination occurs as described above.

Important! So that the sprout does not dry out, the pot is installed on a pallet with wet expanded clay.

Features of growing avocados at home from stone

Avocados prefer bright lighting, but not direct sunlight. The tree is thermophilic, if the house is draft or cold, then the leaves immediately fall off.

In the room where the avocado grows, you need to maintain the temperature at 20 ° C. In summer, it can be more - it's not scary. The main thing is that in winter the temperature does not fall below the set.

Exotic plants are watered abundantly and regularly. In summer, the soil in the pot is moistened more often than in winter. Of great importance for avocados is air humidity. Leaves should be sprayed regularly or wiped with a wet cloth.

To keep the avocado green and healthy, he needs top dressing. In autumn to spring, the plant is not fertilized. In the summer, top dressing is done once a month. Use complex fertilizers for citrus fruits.

Avocados grow quickly, and soon the sprout requires transplanting into a new pot. The young plant is replanted annually, in the future it is enough to change the top layer of soil in the container once every three years. In the natural environment, avocados grow up to 20 m in height, but rarely exceed 2 m at home.

Avocado pruning and crown shaping

Crohn's avocado lends itself well to shaping and cutting. Young plants can be intertwined to get a standard tree with a beautiful trunk.

Lateral shoots should be nipped regularly so that the root grows magnificent, and the branches do not stretch. The first pinch is done after the eighth sheet. First remove the apex to stimulate the growth of the lateral branches. When they have developed enough, you can pinch them.

How to grow an avocado tree from seed in the country and at home

Avocado tree can not be grown in open ground. In summer, the sprout can germinate, but with the onset of cold weather it will die. Successfully growing avocados only in the apartment.

To grow an avocado tree from a stone at home is quite realistic. The main thing is to choose the right pot. It should be tall and voluminous. The root system of the tree is powerful.

Observing all the rules, in three years you can grow a good tree from avocado seeds. But to achieve flowering is difficult. Some gardeners manage to see the flowering of avocados in the fifth year of cultivation. However, this is a rare occurrence. In indoor conditions, the flowering and fruiting of an avocado does not occur without vaccination. But even she does not guarantee a positive result. The life span of a tree can be different and depends on the conditions of detention.

You can grow avocados at home from the seed, but for this you need to observe a number of conditions. A novice should listen to the advice of professionals, properly transplant the plant, water and feed. Perhaps if the growing conditions are suitable, the avocado will delight in flowering.


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