Which is better: a fur coat or a down jacket?


With the advent of cold weather, many women are faced with the difficult question of choosing the option of outerwear. Women want to buy an outfit that not only warms during the winter cold, but also helps to look feminine and attractive.

Fur coats and stylish down jackets made from modern materials are considered the most popular clothes for frosty weather. The discussion on the practicality and quality of these wardrobe items has been going on for decades.

What to choose: a fur coat or a down jacket?

The best option is to have both things in your wardrobe at once. Even the latest research by scientists does not allow us to unequivocally answer the question of what is still better - a coat or a down jacket. After all, it all depends not only on the quality and length of the product, but also on the susceptibility of a person to cold.

Quality down jacket and fur coats

If we compare these wardrobe items on the basis of workmanship, the fur coat will undoubtedly become the leader. This is the most stylish and fashionable wardrobe item that will never lose its relevance.

They can be made from both expensive and cheaper material. Fur coats from mink, beaver and black-brown fox are considered to be the most luxurious; more expensive ones include muton and astrakhan items.

Dear fur coat is a great way to confirm your high status. Even in summer, world-class stars often flaunt in exquisite furs. But their fur coats are sewed by individual order from the highest quality fur - chinchilla, sable, blue fox or marten. The more valuable the raw material, the more carefully it is processed. The high price of a fur coat in this case serves as a guarantee of its high quality.

The down jacket is more popular and quite popular clothing. They are made by many companies and sold in almost every store. To select a quality product, it is enough to check the fittings, study the composition and materials, ask a few questions to the seller.

Comfort level

The main disadvantage of a fur coat is its exposure to weather conditions and reagents, which are used to prevent icing on the roads. If such substances get on the outer clothing, it will not be enough to dry and comb well. Without special cleaning, the fur product will be hopelessly spoiled.

But in a quality down jacket it will be comfortable in the rain and in a snowstorm. Such clothes retain their neat appearance for longer, and you can take care of them yourself at home.

In addition, any product made of synthetic material will weigh significantly less than a natural fur coat of the same size and length. A down jacket is considered practical comfortable clothing for everyday use. Versatility is its distinguishing feature. The down jacket can be worn with any clothes and shoes, the main thing is to choose the right length and color.

Durability of a down jacket and fur coat

Any natural fur coat will serve its mistress much longer than clothes made of synthetic material.

Due to daily use, the down jacket is often exposed to the negative effects of the environment and weather conditions, and therefore it is more often washed, cleaned and dried.

This leads to the fact that the filler of even the highest quality jacket gradually rolls and thins, which significantly reduces the level of heat storage.

Fur coats most often deteriorate due to a woman’s handbag. If you constantly wear this accessory on one shoulder, then the place where the bag touches the fur is gradually erased. Because of this, the coat becomes not so warm and beautiful.

The composition of the down jacket and fur coat

When choosing a down jacket, you should definitely pay attention to the composition and type of materials used in the production. There are several types of fillers:

  1. Fluff. Eider, swan or duck down is used. With proper care, such clothing will last at least 10 years. The undoubted advantages of a down jacket with a natural filler include softness, lightness and high heat-saving ability. The disadvantages of such outerwear are its cost, the high likelihood of allergic reactions, the complexity of washing and care.
  2. Feather and fluff. This is a fairly common coat filler option. The pen gives the outerwear extra volume and significantly reduces the final cost of the product. However, it is better not to wash such a down jacket at home, otherwise it will quickly lose its heat-saving properties.
  3. Synthetic winterizer. It is the most popular and cheapest option for filling coats and jackets. Its advantages include the fact that the material perfectly retains heat, does not absorb moisture, dries quickly enough. Such outerwear can be washed in a washing machine, but after just a few procedures the synthetic winterizer will get lumpy and lose volume.
  4. Wool. A coat full of wool will perfectly warm the hostess in severe frosts. Camel or sheep wool is used for filling. Such clothes will be heavier than a similar product with artificial insulation, and can cause allergies.
  5. Hollofiber. The artificial material is synthetic spiral fibers. Such a filler coat is a real find for a harsh winter: it is very light, hypoallergenic, affordable and inexpensive. A down jacket with a holofiber can be washed in a washing machine - it will not go awry and will not lose its properties.

Thus, the common name "down jacket" does not guarantee that outerwear will be filled with natural fluff.

The warmest option is a combination of fluff and feather or wool with other synthetic fibers.

Fur coats are made of faux or natural fur. In terms of warmth and durability, a woman will feel more comfortable in a natural fur coat. In addition, distinguish "winter" and "summer" fur. The "winter" fur is denser, more full, therefore it retains heat better.

Ultimately, the choice of outerwear is based on the lifestyle of its owner. In an expensive exclusive coat it will not be very convenient to ride a bus or crowd in the subway. But the down jacket will be a great option for both work and for a walk or a trip to the restaurant. As for the cost, a high-quality branded down jacket can cost no less than a good fur coat made of a muton or astrakhan.


Watch the video: AMAZING WARM $20 WINTER COATS ALIEXPRESS REALLY DID THAT. breathinbritt (June 2024).