Scientists have been able to determine the most unpleasant sound for humans


Scientists were able to prove that the most unbearable for human perception is the sound that occurs when the knife comes in contact with glass surfaces. During the experiment, in which thirteen people took part, scientists invited the subjects to listen to seventy-four recordings with different sounds.

When listening to each recording, the activity of the brain was recorded and displayed by a special MRI scanner, in which all participants in the experiment were placed. As a result of such an unusual study, the following conclusions were drawn: the brain tonsil, a special area of ​​the human brain that is responsible for the emotional state of a person, reacted more to the contact of the knife with glass surfaces. Second place is given to the creak of a chalk writer.

Dr. Kumar, one of the researchers who monitored the experiment, noted that a person perceives an unpleasant sound as a signal of a possible danger. This is due to some very primitive process that turns on when you listen to the recording.

The study once again proved that the most intolerable for perception are high-frequency sounds, which range from two to five thousand hertz. Their human ear can hardly endure. The fact remains that an unpleasant sound causes a stronger brain reaction than a pleasant one.

To the question: what is the use of this experiment, the researchers replied that it makes it possible to understand the main reasons why some people are more sensitive to unpleasant noises, which in turn allows finding new approaches and methods in the treatment of migraines, misophilia and tinnitus.


Watch the video: 12 Scientific Discoveries That'll Send Chills Down Your Spine (June 2024).