Masks for the skin around the eyes at home will return you a couple of years. Unique masks for the skin around the eyes: homemade recipes


Even with the best heredity, without regular care for facial skin, age will make itself felt already from 30, or even from 20 years, and what can we say about the surface around the eyes, on which the skin is especially thin and has increased sensitivity and vulnerability.

Only thorough, regular care of the face and eyes will help to avoid premature aging and turn back the clock, and in this case masks for the skin around the eyes are inevitable at home.

Eye care at home: how?

The main task of skin care around the eyes is to provide this area with sufficient moisture, to prevent stretch marks and premature wrinkles, especially crow's feet. From youth, you need to learn how to deal with bluish circles and pouches under the eyes, using all methods for this, including traditional medicine.

It is strictly forbidden to use creams intended for the face or the whole body to take care of the skin near the eyes, because their texture is much heavier, therefore such means can only be harmed, causing swelling. Without a cream, start making masks for the skin around the eyes at home.

Make it a rule to use cream around the eyes from the age of 25. As a rule, purchased components for skin care near the eyes are not divided into day and night, but there are exceptions.

In the morning, after washing, you should wipe the surface around the eyes and the entire face with tonic and apply eye cream.

Be sure to apply the rule of massage lines when applying any product to the eye area. We start from the outer corners of the eyes, pass the lower eyelid, go to the upper region, and return to the starting position.

Creams are best driven with a gentle tapping, thereby making a gentle massage around the eyes.

On sunny days, try not to leave the house without dark glasses, so as not to provoke the appearance of wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes.

It is very important to properly organize evening eye care. When removing makeup from the eyes, you should once and for all forget about soap, which dries, irritates and ages the skin.

For make-up removal in any store or pharmacy you can buy the simplest, inexpensive cream, milk or cream for removing makeup, which can easily cope even with super-resistant waterproof mascara. Remove makeup, wash.

After that, we repeat the stages of morning care: tonic, cream, massage.

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin near the eyes, this complex should be required, like brushing your teeth, otherwise after a few years you will have to accept that your wrinkles will give out age, or you will become a regular customer of special rooms.

Masks around the eyes at home, applied twice a week, will help strengthen, restore, nourish this area with the necessary ingredients. It doesn’t matter if these products, formulations are purchased or made on the basis of folk recipes.

However, if you have a choice to laugh and have facial wrinkles, or to keep the skin near your eyes without wrinkles with an expression of a mummy, then laugh, because by filling yourself with hormones of joy, you preserve the youth of the soul, and therefore the whole body.

Masks for the skin around the eyes at home: how to choose purchased products

Entire institutes, cosmetic companies are working on the development of skin care products for the skin around the eyes, thousands of inventors are looking for an elixir of youth that can stop aging, so the shelves of cosmetics stores are filled with a variety of creams, tonics, masks.

Having decided to take care of the eye area yourself, you get masks for the skin around the eyes, at home that you can apply at a convenient time and change them of your choice.

Do not rush to fashion boutiques, do not immediately rush to the untwisted brands, first read the instructions.

- Buy only that eye cream where the age category is indicated, this remedy cannot be universal.

How to help a woman in her 60s, a remedy that says "25 years old" and a 30-year-old lady do not need a cream marked "55".

- In summer, try to use moisturizers, and in winter, nutrients, although all eye care products contain a moisturizing base, only in greater or lesser amounts.

Masks for the skin around the eyes at home: folk remedies

Nature took care of the beauty of mankind in advance by creating unique plants and products for the care of the face and eyes.

When choosing a mask, we will be guided by the existing problem or task. Choose your favorite mask to prevent and get rid of:

• wrinkles around the eyes;

• bags under the eyes;

• bruising in the eye area.

1. Wrinkles around the eyes give age most of all, so we do the masks in this case 2 times a week or every day, preferably each time choosing a different one to avoid getting used to it.

- A daily mask applied overnight for a week based on a potato and olive oil mask can remove existing wrinkles.

To prepare it, we need:

• 40 ml strained infusion of parsley - 1 tbsp. l greens drenched with 200 ml of boiling water for a quarter of an hour;

• 1 tbsp grated potatoes;

• 25 ml. vegetable oil.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, put on 2 prepared small gauze pads and put on eyes for 20 minutes. Of course, this is more convenient to do lying down. Rinse off this mask is not recommended, with a cotton swab to remove the remaining potatoes.

- It is easy to moisturize especially dry skin under the eyes by mixing egg yolk and vegetable oil, which we apply under the eyes for a quarter of an hour, rinse with water and apply eye cream.

- An amazing effect is observed from the use of a bread mask, when a crumb is prepared from a crumb of white bread, better than a loaf mixed with vegetable oil, and applied under the eyes for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with water, and, of course, apply the cream.

- Not only moisturizes, but also provides nutrition to the skin near the eyes, a mixture of egg yolk, honey and oatmeal, taken in a ratio of 1: 0.5: 1. Apply the gel-like composition for only a quarter of an hour under the eyes and rinse with lukewarm water, without forgetting to then apply the cream.

- Are you eating a banana? Leave a piece of 1.5 cm in size for the beauty of your eyes, mixing it with the same amount of butter to a cream that is easily driven into the eyes and left for half an hour, then rinse with water.

- Ladies of mature age will be surprised by the action of oatmeal, or rather, oatmeal, filled with hot milk or cream, and chilled to body temperature. The swollen composition should be laid out on cheesecloth, folded 2 times and applied to the entire surface of the eyes for a quarter of an hour, after which it can be washed off.

2. The appearance of morning edema under the eyes, bags during the day has several reasons.. This can be a heart and kidney disease, malnutrition and fluid intake, heredity and more. In this case, it is impossible to cope with the problem without additional intervention of specialists.

Doctors say that you are healthy, but the swelling does not go away? Let's analyze:

• Do you drink plenty of fluids at night?

• perhaps your menu has too much salty and spicy food;

• what about alcohol in the evening;

• Be sure to check for allergies all funds applied to the face and eye area;

• tears do not paint anyone, therefore it is better to watch a favorite series with a teary end in the afternoon in repetition.

From swelling and bags also help masks for the skin near the eyes, which are prepared from improvised means.

- Regular 20-minute application of cotton swabs moistened with warm infusion of chamomile and linden flowers to the eyelid region, or maybe it will be a mint tincture, over time it will reduce swelling.

- Fresh leaves of birch, plucked on the day the mask is prepared, pour mineral water overnight, so that it covers 6 to 7 leaves. In the morning, moisten tampons in the infusion and put on swollen eyelids for 25 - 30 minutes.

- Hurry and do not have time to prepare the mask? Cut 2 slices from raw potatoes and cover them with eyes, lie down for 15 minutes, the swelling will go away.

- In the summer, potatoes will replace the cucumber. Put a cotton swab dipped in cold milk onto eyes, put cucumber circles on top and lie in a relaxed state for only a quarter of an hour.

“Perhaps you have melissa growing, then make juice from it, soak a slice of white bread with it until gruel forms, which should be put on your eyelids for a quarter of an hour. Wash off everything with water or cold green tea.

3. Dark bruises under the eyes can be removed with regular use of masks.

- Homemade fat cottage cheese will perfectly play the role of a mask from dark circles under the eyes. It is enough to thoroughly grind it and put it under the eyes for 15 minutes, then rinse with green tea using tampons.

- Having nothing else at hand, resort to the help of the used tea bags, which in a warm form, simply lay on your lower eyelids.

Masks for the skin around the eyes at home: tricks and tips

We all want to have a well-groomed appearance, but only a few are ready to sacrifice their habits in the name of beauty.

Smoking is not only a bad habit, it is primarily a “killer” of skin under the eyes. By releasing smoke, a man squints his eyes past his will, and there you have wrinkles. Nicotine kills microelements and vitamins, as a result, the skin fades, primarily around the eyes. You decide beautiful eyes or smoking.

Amazing things happen to the skin around the eyes when adding an increased amount of broccoli and carrots to the daily diet, as well as the habit of drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Run out of eye cream? Do not worry, any oil, vegetable or cream, available at home, which we spread under the eyes and wash off in the morning, will come to the rescue.

Love yourself, admire your image and remember, each blacksmith of his own beauty.


Watch the video: Face Masks For Pigmentation, Discoloration and Dark Spots. HomeMade Face Masks (June 2024).