Flower horoscope by date and month of birth: spring and summer dates of birth


In ancient times, the druids, who lived in harmony with nature, noted the connection between the nature of man and flowers, they were sure that plants have a certain effect on a person, and each flower had a special effect. It was the Druids who created the first, so-called, tree horoscope.

Poppy (March 1-1)

The lighthouse - a bright flower, gives the same property to its ward. Such a person is talented, has success in business, reaches heights in his career. The poppy man always has minions who do not always have unselfish goals, but simply bask in the rays of glory or even envy.

To achieve wealth and success, the poppies work hard, while giving all their energy and time. Such titanic efforts can drive into depression, during which the poppy man can even leave the family. In this case, the poppies can quickly regain their strength and again go into battle.

Poppies are in no hurry to get a family and settle down; they can hardly be called family men.

Lily (March 11-20)

Behind the external modesty of a man-lily is a complex character, full of contradictions. This is a focused person, versed in people, achieving his goals. Man-lily easily manipulates others, shows the qualities of a real diplomat, well hides true goals and emotions.

Many fall under the spell of a lily, and this is what it uses for its own purposes. It acts delicately and very subtly. Such people will easily lie, often even believe in what they have invented.

Female lilies usually go to extremes, it can be a real righteous person or a sinner.

Digitalis (March 21-31)

This flower is the most unprepossessing among patrons, but its wards are the exact opposite, they have a bright appearance, for example, blondes with brown eyes or brunettes with blue or gray. Also, brightness manifests itself in the lifestyle, style of clothing - everywhere the contrast prevails.

Decisiveness is often inherent to digitalis humans; they quickly and easily achieve their goals, overcome obstacles. In addition, they become excellent teachers, diplomats.

Magnolia (April 1-10)

Magnolia man is very ambitious, appreciates impregnability, always achieves his goal, often becomes truly rich. Such people always have many envious and minions.

At the same time, magnolia is rarely wasteful, spends money wisely, does not approve of the attributes of a luxurious life, tries to save money on everything. Magnolia is often considered stingy.

Hydrangea (April 11-20)

Human hydrangea is distinguished by positive, good mood, cheerfulness. Despite these qualities, he is often alone. The reason is narcissism and selfishness.

Hydrangea quickly becomes addicted to relationships and cools quickly. At the same time, there are always plenty of fans among the opposite sex.

People born in this period love noisy companies, travels, holidays. Instead of hard and hard work they prefer personal comfort. Often marry by calculation, not love.

Dahlia (April 21-30)

The golden mean is the life credo of a dahlia man. He never fusses, manages everywhere, perfectly combines work and leisure. Moreover, such people are distinguished by industriousness and zeal, they have enough time for self-education, an active lifestyle.

The dahlia always has everything in moderation, while he takes good care of his family.

Such people do not like interference in their lives, listen to advice, but do everything in their own way, analyze their own behavior and draw conclusions.

Lily of the valley (May 1-10)

Man-lily of the valley is sensitive and vulnerable. The decisive in itself can be confused if it is assertive. Such people are rarely able to fend for themselves, often sad. These are modest and shy people, often having a quiet voice and an unremarkable appearance.

People-lilies of the valley often become teachers, preachers - they are well able to convey their experience and knowledge. Hard work is the hallmark of such a person.

Lily of the valley is a real family man who finds support, protection and stability in his close ones. Lilies of the valley love their children very much, protect them for a long time and are very worried throughout their lives.

Purslane (May 11-21)

Purslane man is a complex and suspicious person. If he starts a business, he immediately expects failure, while achieving success and is very happy. This is a very pessimistic person. His partner is often plagued by jealousy because of self-doubt. Purslane rarely trusts people, immediately suspects lies and evil intent. Such people rarely manage to find true family happiness.

Chamomile (May 22-31)

A daisy man may seem outwardly simple and naive, too cheerful and outspoken. The appearance of chamomile is deceptive, yet people are well aware of what they need, successfully moving towards their goal. If you are frank in return, this can be used by a camomile against you.

Chamomile man usually plans his life for many years to come, confidently goes to his goal. He does not do evil, does no harm, remains a nice person. Despite the outward frankness, keeps the most secret secrets and secrets to himself.

Bell (June 1-11)

The bell-man loves stability, gets used to innovations for a long time and reacts painfully to them. Such people rarely change their place of residence or work if they do not like something, endure to the last, only then decide to move or dismiss.

The bell loves his family very much, cherishes it, spends a lot of time with his partner and children, takes an active part in their education.

At the same time, the bell will never forgive betrayal, considers this a real betrayal. People often use his kindness and willingness to help.

Daisy (June 12-21)

The daisy gives her ward modesty and kindness. Such a person does not like big and noisy companies; he prefers a quiet evening in a narrow circle or going out into the countryside.

The daisy is often considered too simple, ordinary - because she tries not to attract attention, remains in the shade. At the same time, the daisy copes with life's difficulties.

A daisy man does not strive for a leadership position, but he achieves success in work, manifests himself from different angles.

Tulip (June 21 - July 1)

Tulips are real womanizer and adventurers. Around them there are many fans, few can resist them. For example, a man-tulip can win the heart of a chaste modesty. At the same time, tulips are interested in the process, after conquering they often cool to the partner.

Money does not linger near a tulip, because such people believe that they need to be spent, not accumulated and increased.

Water Lily (July 2-12)

A water lily man has a strong character, quite hardy. At the same time, he is modest and decent. These people are always positive and believe in success, are ready to cope even with the most difficult situation.

People born in this period study well and work hard. In personal life, everything develops quite safely and stably.

Violet (July 13-23)

A violet man is well versed in people, knows how to profit from any situation, dignifies himself in society, and has diplomatic qualities.

People born in this period clearly follow their line, do not fall under the influence of others, are freedom-loving and independent.

In a relationship, the violet needs the support and approval of a partner, otherwise his attitude may become tougher.

Rosehip (July 24-August 2)

The dog-rose man has a "prickly" character, can allow caustic remarks addressed to others, show irony. However, these are ways of self-defense. In fact, such people are sensitive, good-natured. Because of their manner of communication, they are often underestimated, and the dog rose is very suffering.

Those few friends that a man has a rose hip know that he will never leave in trouble, will not betray, will be the first to come to the rescue.

The dog-rose man does not tolerate lies and deceit, hates flattery and ingratiation, hypocrisy and duplicity. If you show at least one of these qualities, you will lose the dog rose forever.

Sunflower (August 3-12)

The sunflower man is active, cheerful, does not lose optimism, and fate loves him for this. Sunflower really appreciates his family, protects and takes care of her.

Sunflower man is a true leader, has excellent organizational skills. Always defends his point of view, makes firm and quick decisions.

Rose (August 13-23)

A man born under the auspices of a rose is very similar to her. He is moody, wayward, selfish. Like roses, he has many admirers and as many envious people.

Such people are poorly versed in others, often take flattery on faith, take it for sincere praise. The rose has few friends, because she is so arrogant.

Delphinium (August 24 - September 2)

Delphinium wards rarely possess leadership qualities, for the most part modest and inconspicuous. However, they have a strong character, are not afraid to challenge difficulties.

As a friend, delphiniums are very reliable and dedicated. If you deceive him, he will never forgive you for this, he will forever exclude you from his environment.

Man delphinium well-read, educated, well-mannered - it is very interesting to talk with him and just spend time.

If you did not find your date of birth in this article - do not be discouraged. See Flower horoscope by date and month of birth: autumn and winter birth dates


Watch the video: Summer Self Care + Skincare Routine . u200d (June 2024).