How pregnancy proceeds in different zodiac signs


Although for every woman her nine months is a magical, unique time and how she experiences it depends on the qualities of her personality, psychology, environment and current events, it is also not worth lowering the significance of the power of stars. Each of the dozen zodiac signs has its own characteristics during pregnancy, knowledge of which can open your eyes to much, hint at serious facts and simply surprise you.


Upon learning of pregnancy, Aries readily accepts this challenge of fate. She, of course, is happy, but to others it seems even indifferent. She understands how complicated this is. In matters of her health and preparation of everything for taking a new person into the world, she will do the necessary, but no more. Until the last term, this sign tries to live as if nothing has changed and often even quarrels with loved ones, if they try to somehow influence her statements "you are a future mother and ...".



She becomes an exemplary mommy, barely learning about her interesting position. She goes through all the tests, diligently drinks vitamins, and her leading doctor is embarrassed - it seems Taurus is aware of what is happening more than him! With enthusiasm, she renews her wardrobe, giving preference to comfortable things for pregnant women, which means - off heels and - warming herself from a cold. In order not to harm the baby, she is ready not to dye her head, not to eat fish and to photograph the canvases of Shishkin and Botticelli. True, she may be shocked by the news of twins - Taurus is afraid that she will not be an ideal parent for both.



The nature of the sign falls into a slight shock from the news, even if the pregnancy is planned. Every day she mentally experiences the following weeks and, no matter how her family protects her, she gathers scary stories about childbirth, malformations and postpartum depression somewhere ... But she is indifferent to superstitions and therefore doesn’t mind buying a baby baby undershirt, stroller, etc. True, she will think more than once that she wanted something completely different.

For emotional balance, it is recommended to often distract her with something impressive.



The child of this sign is the result of planning serious and solid, like the colonization of Mars. There is a schedule for everything, points A, B and C. Capricorn most often differs in pregnancy in unusual tastes for nutrition. The baby for her is already a person, so do not be surprised when Capricorn communicates with a barely emerging belly.

Also, from the features of the life of the sign - the development of an allergy to flowers is possible.


a lion

In her view, everything should be perfect. She longs to be in the center of caring attention and in every possible way ignores any negative aspects of pregnancy (for example, she will not eat healthy, but not beloved green apples). She is worried that her appearance may deteriorate, so be sure to support her with compliments. The most unusual and beautiful names are often chosen by the mothers of Lions as the kids.



She had long known that this would happen to her that way. The world of Libra is changing, changing values ​​and priorities. Everyone should be prepared for the fact that all conversations and thoughts are about a little man. At the same time, Libra’s attitude to strange children can become cooler and more demanding. It is possible that the woman will assure that she is now ready to focus on motherhood and have four more.



Responsible and serious mom. If possible, she would share with the newborn part of the responsibilities for caring for him, but alas - too small. Often pregnancy makes the sign reflect and settle down a little. For example, more walk in the fresh air. Gemini, by the way, in pregnancy loves loneliness and contemplation of something. She sincerely appreciates every day of the magical expectation, but she will probably convince others that she will no longer wish to repeat this.



He believes that someone should share this burden with her. Husband, girlfriend, sister - someone will have to be in touch 24 hours a day, fulfill vagaries and prepare to "give birth together." This sign terribly distrusts doctors and often becomes a fan of herbal medicine. And she still has time before the end of the first trimester to decide who her child will be when she grows up. Definitely no one should argue with her about names - she will do everything her own way.



The representative of this sign surprisingly combines a serious approach to motherhood and a clear distinction between his and his personal life. No, she’ll build a career anyway. And get a cat. Learn to dance salsa. Of course - he will take care of the baby, but in the first place - his own personality. Therefore, one should not too often emphasize her role as a future mother.



She subconsciously perceives the news of the imminent addition as a guide to action - the world has changed. A sign can throw everything - and go on a journey, change a profession or at least curtains. And at the same time, everything related to pregnancy, Sagittarius prefer to let loose the chance and the natural development of events.

And yet, during this period, the need for Sagittarius for a loving partner may fade, she can even slightly shift the blame on him for everything in the world.



Of all the signs, she is most anxious about her health and, unfortunately, is inclined to assume something negative. In order not to be upset at all, Virgo needs inexhaustible support and assurances that everything will be fine. And it is possible that she will take advantage of her position effectively - only in these nine months does the sign reveal such a talent of a good-natured, charming manipulator.



Often pregnancy for a sign is a surprise. Pisces is in no hurry to share this with others, she needs to think about everything. What is happening touches and upsets the inner world of this woman, so only the most native people or friends can talk about the new situation with her. Pisces may even become mildly depressed by the fact that life will never be the same again. But everything changes in their feelings for the better, it is worth taking the baby in his arms.


Watch the video: Capricorn, 3rd Party Needs To End. Love Read July 16 - 31 (July 2024).