Underestimated risk: stillbirth due to gestational diabetes


A study by the University of Manchester showed that the lack of proper screening for gestational diabetes increases the number of stillbirths. The results of the study were published in the English language journal BJOG.

Women do not always pass the necessary examinations

The British study involved pregnant women from 41 maternity hospitals. It was found that not all women at high risk for gestational diabetes were examined as needed.

26% of women with an increased risk of gestational diabetes due to an increased BMI or special ethnicity have not been tested at all.

Without treatment, the condition can significantly increase the risk of complications.

What are the risks compounded by gestational diabetes?

Complications of gestational diabetes are premature birth, preeclampsia and stillbirth. Affected children are at an increased risk of obesity and diabetes at a later age.

Gestational diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin to meet the extra needs during pregnancy. Of the participants examined, 291 women suffered from stillbirth, compared with 733 who did not experience such a problem. This stillbirth may be associated with gestational diabetes.

Researchers suggest that women at risk should be evaluated regularly after 26 weeks. A secondary mandatory test should be performed later during pregnancy.

Too many healthy, fully developed children die. Researchers believe that many of these deaths can be prevented. It was found that in women with gestational diabetes, the probability of stillbirth is 4 times higher.

Only 74% of women followed important recommendations.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence advises all women at increased risk of having blood screening. Only 74% of women at risk in the study underwent such an examination.

Women with an increased risk of gestational diabetes who were not tested also had an average higher risk of stillbirth.

Which women develop gestational diabetes?

Any woman can develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. The risk is significantly increased if the body mass index (BMI) exceeds 30 or the woman had diabetes mellitus before.

Even if parents or siblings suffer from diabetes or have family roots in South Asia, China or the Middle East, the risk increases. If one of these items refers to a woman, it is recommended that you be tested for gestational diabetes.

Glucose tolerance test is offered in Russia for free

Gestational diabetes can cause serious pregnancy complications. It is important that every woman with symptoms be examined and receive appropriate help and support.

In Russia, a glucose tolerance test is offered at 24-27 weeks of gestation. Affected women undergo a preliminary test, and then the main one.

The costs of a glucose tolerance test are covered by government insurance companies.

Can diabetes be treated during pregnancy?

In most cases, elevated blood sugar can be sufficiently reduced by simply changing the diet. Women with gestational diabetes can ask their doctor for advice.

Exercise also helps to normalize glucose in the bloodstream. Some pregnant women have constantly high sugar levels, so it is recommended that you inject with insulin.

After childbirth, the doctor suggests a second blood sugar test. When it is established that the blood glucose level has returned to normal, further treatment is not required. Professionals recommend checking your blood sugar once a year.

If there are signs of diabetes mellitus - increased thirst, headache and fatigue - it is recommended to visit a doctor immediately. Timely therapy significantly prevents complications.


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