The benefits of fasting: 10 pluses that will convince even skeptics!


Scientists have long proved that a couple of fasting days a week not only improves health, but also rejuvenates the body! By limiting food cravings, we learn to approach nutrition issues more consciously, become more sensitive to the needs of the body, and discover unexplored sources of energy. The main thing is to approach this matter wisely and without fanaticism, and also follow safety rules if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Ready to try something new?

So: 10 benefits of fasting that will inspire you to change your usual diet

1. Activation of brain neurons

Starvation really improves brain function. It all starts with a "restart" of stem cells that rejuvenate and stimulate new chemical reactions in the human body. The latter contribute to the active production of BDNF - a special neural protein, which is an important factor for the growth and functioning of neurons. And the better the neural networks interact, the less chance of getting Alzheimer or Parkinson in old age.

2. Prevention of inflammatory diseases

When the body is in a vulnerable state, the least that it needs is heavy food, which takes 80% of the energy. That is why animals, sick, refuse to eat at all - their body directs all their forces to fight viruses and boost immunity. Alas, a person does not listen to primary instincts and continues to load himself with food. Starvation helps reduce the burden on the body, frees the body from toxins and free radicals, heals foci of inflammation.

3. Restarting the immune system

During therapeutic fasting, the body experiences tremendous stress - the usual diet changes, you have to look for glucose and protein reserves in the bins. In the blood there is a shortage of red blood cells and white blood cells, this forces the body to restart the immune cells, to increase the reserves of stored fats and begin to actively generate energy on their own.

4. Slag removal

As soon as the food ceases to enter the stomach, the digestive system enters the regime of purification from toxins and toxins, the intestines, kidneys, and liver begin to recover. This improves metabolism, the digestive organs work twice as efficiently with less resources. This is a useful condition, because every organ of our body needs periodic rest and "general cleaning".

5. Weight Loss

In a sense, fasting is an ideal way to lose weight quickly. Not only do we stop consuming excess calories, we also give the body a green light so that it uses stored fat as a reserve source of energy. During fasting, swelling goes away. Many athletes use this method to burn excess fat and get in perfect shape. The main thing is cheap, cheerful and no troubles!

6. Correction of eating behavior

People with eating disorders who are suffering from a loss of appetite and are prone to overeating, fasting will help establish the right diet by correcting bad habits. During fasting, the body learns to correctly recognize the signals of hunger, the hormonal sphere is being established, it becomes easier to control your desires and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

7. Skin regeneration

If you suffer from frequent rashes on the body, fasting will save you from this problem. We already wrote that at this time the intestines are cleansed of toxins, excess sugar is removed from the blood, the body has time to throw out the “garbage” and regenerate the tissues. This is why the skin becomes especially soft and smooth.

8. Treatment for diabetes

Slender and athletic people suffer from diabetes an order of magnitude less often than those who are fond of malnutrition. Numerous experiments have confirmed that diabetics who practiced fasting received positive results and even refused pills. Their blood sugar levels dropped significantly, their blood pressure returned to normal, and they also became more sensitive to insulin.

9. Increased concentration

When fasting, the body does not have to spend all its energy on processing a horse-drawn portion of ravioli or Bavarian sausages, so it’s easier for people to focus on something important. That is why yogis and priests so often practice fasting or refusal of food - this helps them quickly enter a state of meditation, better hear themselves, the world, live on high vibrations. The body does not pull to sleep, nerves do not need to get rid of stress with the help of alcohol, a person becomes more efficient and uses his energy more wisely.

10. Increased life expectancy

The less we eat, the lighter the food, the better the metabolism works. We get less salts and metals, dangerous fats and carcinogens, chemistry and hormones. All this helps to maintain youthfulness and health, delays aging. Cells of the body are less likely to deform, the circulatory system is not clogged with fats, and the digestive system works like a clock. And this is a direct road to longevity, when you can live not just long, but with quality, allowing yourself to spend money not on tablets, but on new experiences.

Have you practiced fasting? Share your results in the comments.


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