The most unfaithful women in the zodiac sign. Overview of all signs in terms of their windiness in relationships


They say that love is blind, and when we fall in love, we don’t think about how much our chosen one (chosen one) is prone to fidelity or, conversely, to windiness and betrayal. Sometimes people prefer to maintain relationships and somehow “fix” them, even after they find out that the partner is deceiving them. Astrology can give a hint about which women are the most flirtatious, which of them likes to flirt and, as a result, can easily change. Think twice before meeting them.


Lady Aries - girls are funny. They can go on any, even the most thoughtless adventures for the sake of a sense of drive. They love adventure, love to travel and get involved in some new projects. These ladies cheerfully welcome change, and when it comes to treason, they don’t really worry about putting their relationship at risk. So either agree to live under the conditions of Lady Aries, or prepare for the fact that she will soon go left.


Unlike other zodiac signs, Taurus women believe in true love and try to make every effort to be faithful to their chosen one. They strive for a calm and comfortable life, and treason, in their opinion, completely destroys this idyll. Therefore, if the lady Taurus want to break off any relationship, they will never begin to deceive their partner, but simply inform him of their intention.


Gemini women have several personalities coexisting inside, which makes them difficult to understand. Honestly, the twins duality can confuse any person. These girls are not at all inclined to change, but their reverse side of nature behaves in a completely different way and does not find anything terrible in random betrayals.


This sign can be briefly described: trustworthy. And this word will be most appropriate for Lady Cancer. Yes, these women are most trustworthy compared to the rest of the signs. But these young ladies are far from always able to control their maternal instincts: they are too patronized of their partner, which sometimes irritates him very much.

A lion

Lionesses are able to charm anyone with their confidence, grace and innate charisma. If they are in love with their chosen one, they are unlikely to be unfaithful to him - rather, they will begin to suspect a partner of all the mortal sins. But if the relations of the Lioness are not serious, then she certainly will not give the oath of allegiance.


Virgo believe in a strong relationship until the end of life without deception and betrayal. These women sincerely believe that betrayal destroys them as a person and destroys their fate and life. Even if the Virgo finds that their relationship does not work out, they will not go to look for entertainment on the side to cheer themselves up, but will begin to look for ways to "cure" and restore them.


According to Lady Libra, they are the most faithful and never cheat, but the reality is still a little different. Libra only thinks that they do not change, but periodically they are inclined to this. They are always looking for the perfect man, and if they find someone more interesting and promising, they can easily change the object of their passion.


These poisonous young ladies are most prone to hiking to the left. And the reason for everything is their passion and emotionality. If the partner touched them with something, then the Scorpio ladies will be deeply offended and will conceive a terrible revenge in return. Instead of solving the problem, they resort to treason in order to punish their other half and amuse their vanity.


Lady Sagittarius, like Lady Aries, are ladies funny, spontaneous and out of control. They love new experiences, and their main disadvantage is that they are not able to last long in a relationship. Even if Sagittarius try to do this, they will soon get bored with everything, so they will go looking for adventures on the side.


Capricorn ladies know how to make themselves happy. Everything is very simple: they are busy with their working life, and therefore do not particularly devote time to love relationships. But if they really fall in love, they prefer to be honest. Capricorns may not commit the most specious things for the sake of a career, but in their personal lives they certainly do not fall for treason.


If ever competitions will be held on fidelity in love, then the Lady Aquarius will take all the first places there. These women are honest, faithful and faithful. They are able to compromise in life, but will never think about treason. For Aquarius, relationships are always a priority.


Lady Pisces constantly live in the country of their own dreams. For them, their relationship is a complete romance, and if they find someone more passionate and inspiring, they will quickly replace their partner with them. Pisces wants the candy-bouquet period to never end. These women really need to leave the country of pink ponies and become a reality.


Watch the video: Is it lust or is it love? Terri Orbuch. TEDxOaklandUniversity (June 2024).