Effective ways to whiten teeth at home


At the moment there is a situation in which the key to a successful life lies in impeccable appearance. Not only in a woman, but in a man everything should be perfect, from well-groomed hands to shoes. And, of course, special attention is paid to the person. Of course, a snow-white smile will help settle people into oneself, settle a conflict, start a conversation, calm the interlocutor. Alas, not many people can boast of white and healthy teeth. Even if you do not have the funds for expensive bleaching procedures that are carried out in dental clinics, you should not despair. Give your teeth a healthy look, as much as you can whiten them at home, believe me, this is nothing complicated.

Bleaching with regular baking soda is the safest and most effective way. You can rub your teeth with a clean powder, however, if you have an unpleasant taste of soda, then you can mix it with your toothpaste in a 1: 1 ratio. To brush your teeth with such a tool should be no more than once a week, the bleaching process will be noticeable after a couple of months, of course, one should not expect results after the first cleaning.

Teeth whitening using activated carbon is a method that is equally popular and effective. In past times, beauties used simple wood ash. Now teeth whitening with the use of coal is the safest way, which gently gives the teeth a natural whiteness without damaging the enamel and without damaging the gums. Chew one tablet of activated charcoal obtained with gruel brush your teeth. Or crush the tablet into a powder, and dip the wet brush in there. Brush your teeth as usual, 2-3 minutes. Do not be alarmed if your teeth and mouth become black, this is not for long. If it doesn’t fit, then just crush the charcoal tablet and apply the powder on your teeth with your finger, it should be held for 7-10 minutes. This method is suitable for almost everyone, except for those people who have tooth sensitivity. You should not get carried away, it is enough if you whiten your teeth with activated charcoal no more than 2 times a week. The visible effect will appear in just one month.

If you need to quickly whiten your teeth, then mix these two ways, that is, brush your teeth with soda and activated carbon powder, this method has one plus - the oral cavity will not be painted black. After that, clean the mouth with ordinary toothpaste, it is best to choose a tool based on herbal ingredients. However, this method of bleaching should be used no more than three times a month, so as not to damage the enamel of these aggressive ingredients.

You can also whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide by rinsing the mouth with a solution (20 drops per cup of water) after brushing your teeth, then you must clean your mouth with running water. It is worth remembering that this method is effective, but with prolonged use of peroxide, enamel is destroyed.

Whatever way you choose, you should not get carried away, the main thing in the pursuit of beauty is not to harm your health.


Watch the video: MY WEIRD TRICK for WHITE TEETH - NATURALLY!! (July 2024).