Seated work: secrets of proper nutrition


Life in a business rhythm directly affects the mode and quality of our food. Hypodynamia and fast food can affect not only the attractiveness of your figure, but also significantly affect the functioning of the whole organism. But how, with the eternal shortage of time, still have time to adjust a good nutrition? It turns out that this is not so difficult.

First of all, you need to firmly decide that you start to eat properly. Start by eliminating from your diet snacking harmful products - chips, sweets, biscuits, cake.

Particular attention should be paid to ordinary clean water. It is from it that every meal should begin. Firstly, water perfectly washes away slags from the body. Secondly, it reduces appetite.

A glass of water is used 20-30 minutes before the beginning of each meal, and in the morning - on an empty stomach to help the body wake up.

Meals are taken in small portions every 3 hours during the day, and not by one large dinner. A serving that is acceptable to your stomach is equal to your two fists joined together.

Preference is preferably given to the following products:

- Green peas, beans, potatoes, mushrooms, low-fat fish, rice, offal (heart, kidney, liver). They stabilize the activity of the nervous system and improve brain function;

- Figs, lemons, bananas and nuts are used in the diet to stimulate intellectual activity while maintaining rationality and balanced thinking;

- Sea kale, quail eggs, vegetable oil, honey are natural energy sources, as they replenish the body with a charge of vitality for a long period, without transforming the calories obtained into fat deposits.

- Berries, greens, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, butter, porridge made from oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley and millet grains - in a moderate amount mandatory foods in a sedentary lifestyle, as they contain vitamins and minerals that provide balanced saturation body substances and trace elements necessary for its full existence.

It should also be remembered that when switching to this type of food, it will be necessary to bring food in containers or thermos containers, having prepared it in advance.

So, the menu options for a sedentary lifestyle can be as follows:

- Breakfast: 1 glass of water on an empty stomach. A cup of coffee, oatmeal with nuts and honey. Raw quail eggs (2 pieces) with a slice of rye bread;

- Lunch: 1 glass of water. A cup of coffee (or a glass of juice), a cheese sandwich, 1 banana;

- Lunch: 1 glass of water. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil, chicken broth, a piece of fish, rice, olives, rye bread;

- Tea time: 1 glass of water. A small sprig of grapes;

- Dinner: 1 glass of water. Cottage cheese with dried apricots, raisins and walnuts.

And, of course, try to walk more, leaving at least one stop before the necessary. Sports are also welcome.

Eat right, and sedentary work will not harm your health and body shape!


Watch the video: Why Sitting Down Destroys You. Roger Frampton. TEDxLeamingtonSpa (June 2024).