How to keep healthy when sedentary work


It's no secret that sitting a lot is not at all healthy. But office workers have to come to terms with this fact, sitting out their health in the workplace. It is for them that our article is written, in which several methods of dealing with a sedentary lifestyle are presented, which can be applied without departing from the workplace.

Buy a pedometer. If the daily rate of 10,000 steps is not met, do not sit still in your work breaks, move, take a walk. It is necessary to get up from the chair every free minute in order to bring the number of steps completed to normal.

Let your time control the alarm clock. Do not give in to unconscious half-dream. At the alarm signal every hour, break away from work, get up, sip and stretch your muscles.

Do not use office cooler. Undoubtedly, it is very convenient. But thanks to this simple invention, one can barricade himself in an office chair for the whole working day. In order not to become an “office plankton,” you should quench your thirst with water from a store across the street. Such minor exits from the office will help to stay in good shape.

Dine in the cafe or dining room. Walk to the catering, you can breathe fresh air and warm up. If the weather permits, get together for a picnic with colleagues. This is useful for team relationships and your health.

Turn work meetings into walks. Unhurried conversation will not be difficult or strained, and the movement will give the sharpness of thought and allow you to warm up on a working day.

Walk around during telephone conversations - this is the best way to stretch your legs without leaving the workplace. Talking, walk around the office, corridor or go out. The interviewee will not notice the difference, and you will immediately feel the benefits of the walk.

An unexpected way is not to move yourself, but, say, to move furniture. You should set a goal: several times a day, change the sitting position to the standing position, adjusting the height of the table. And quit the habit of riding around the office on the chair.

If possible, communicate with colleagues personally. Firstly, this is a great opportunity to avoid misunderstandings and curious situations. Secondly, having walked to the next room, you will not linger in one place. It is much more efficient than emails or phone calls. In addition, this method can help diversify your day, change the situation and, of course, a positive impact on health.

If your office has a gym, be sure to visit it. Giving training at least 25 minutes a day, you get a charge of vigor and strength. In less than half an hour, you can walk on a treadmill, pull up or shake a press.

These methods are simple and understandable, but, nevertheless, very effective. They will improve your mood, health and body shape without harm to the workflow.


Watch the video: Healthy Eating - Portion Control (June 2024).