Nutritionists: low glycemic index foods do not affect health


Nutritionists have long warned of the dangers of foods with a high glycemic index β€” a marker that shows how quickly carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels. Experts are convinced that such products provoke the development of diabetes and heart disease. However, nutritionists from the United States have proved so. It turns out that the glycemic index does not affect health.

Studies have proven the ineffectiveness of low-glycemic index foods for dieters. Nutritionists are convinced that in the fight against obesity to rely only on the glycemic index of foods is wrong.

Scientists have divided 163 people into 4 groups. Members of each of them were offered a diet that contained the same number of calories, but derived from foods with different glycemic index.

Five weeks later, it was found that a diet based on a low-glycemic diet did not affect pressure reduction, cholesterol levels, or insulin sensitivity.


Watch the video: Nutrition and Weight Loss with Amy Lee MD. UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (July 2024).