Making choices is the easiest way to get what you want from a person


It's no secret that there are many ways in which you can influence other people. However, scientists are convinced that the most successful mechanics of influence are based on simple human motives. For example, on the desire to make the most efficient decisions. By slightly changing your persuasion techniques, you will achieve the most successful solution to your challenges.

In a modern world filled with informational noise, it is very difficult to find a harmonious combination of ways to make the most rational decision and the time spent on it. The knowledge of several psychological techniques can open up sufficiently broad opportunities for convincing other people that the option you have proposed for solving a particular problem is most effective.

For example, one way is to use contrast in perception. However, it is important to consider not only the conscious, but also the unconscious component. So, a bottle of wine worth 1,000 rubles will be perceived by us differently, depending on what was offered a little earlier - homemade wine for 500 rubles or a drink for 3000. Sometimes we do not realize that such a contrast affects our decision-making.

However, companies are well aware of this. They constantly use such tricks to get the most out of themselves. They intentionally push us to buy, starting from the offered prices.

Interestingly, this method is used by Carluccio's Restaurant Group, which owns a cafe network in many European countries. They offer not only pasta, salads and sandwiches on the menu, but also motorbikes, which are also traded. As a result, against the background of $ 4,500, which costs a motorcycle, the cost of a sandwich is just miserable. It is in such a striking contrast, including the marketing policy of the company.

Such a practice can be implemented not only in your professional activities, but also in personal relationships, when you just need to get what you want from your friends and relatives.


Watch the video: The simple hack to make the best decision. Mel Robbins (July 2024).