10 ways to improve health in 1 minute


We live in a frenzied rhythm and sometimes the days are so intense that there is absolutely no time to devote to our health.

And when, finally, such a time comes, a relaxing laziness replaces the dynamic rhythm. And again, we are not up to health.

How to be? We offer you 10 very simple and fast ways to improve your health, which will not prevent you from laziness, because it will take you only a minute.

1. Hug somebody

Most modern health problems - digestive disorders, obesity, insomnia, depression, premature aging, diabetes, cancer - are either caused or are aggravated by stress. Fortunately, people have the opportunity to calm their body through physical contact: during touch, the body produces a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin gives a signal to the brain that you are safe, reduces the feeling of aggression and allows you to focus your attention on maintaining the work of the body's systems. So hug someone! For one minute.

2. Touch yourself

As another person can activate the hormone oxytocin in you, so you can always do it yourself. Just place your palms on your chest and feel the warmth of your body.

3. Take advantage of flossing.

Studies show that poor oral hygiene can lead to inflammation of the gums, ulcers and various infections. Dental floss removes food debris that your toothbrush cannot reach.

4. Go up or down the stairs instead of the elevator

It only takes you a minute to walk to your floor if you live no higher than five. This is a good workout for the legs, gluteus muscles and cardiovascular system. If you live high, then the ideal option for you to go down the stairs (only if you are not in heels). Practice not only your legs, but also the vestibular apparatus 🙂

5. Put a kitchen sponge in the microwave.

Kitchen sponges - a bunch of unpleasant germs that can get into the food or on your hands. Make it a habit to put a sponge in the microwave every day and set it to full capacity for 30 seconds - this is enough time to kill all the germs. And do not forget to change the kitchen sponge for new every two weeks.

6. Call parents

Studies show that when you hear the voice of your parents, your body produces additional oxytocin, which, by the way, promotes healing of wounds - literally.

7. Wash fruit

Even if you are not hungry, wash the fruit immediately after coming from the store. Rinse the basket of blueberries and place the berries in a bowl in the fridge or on the table. Then, when you want to eat, you will have a healthy option, and you will not be tempted by the packaging of chips or chocolate. The main thing is healthy habits!

8. Plan your training schedule.

Take a minute to add a weekly training schedule to the calendar. From a psychological point of view, if you pre-allocate time for scheduling class schedules in a gym, you will rarely miss them and look for excuses not to go to class. In other words, take a moment to create additional motivation and, subsequently, get huge benefits from effective workouts.

9. Examine your chest.

This is not the most pleasant thing, but regular breast exam can help detect a potentially dangerous nodule. The best time to inspect the breast is the first week from the day the cycle begins. If you feel discomfort or a lump during palpation, call your doctor.

10. Click on your “positive point”

Press the point between the eyebrows (as an option - massage it with your finger) for one minute to improve well-being. This manipulation will direct blood to the prefrontal cortex, which helps you make informed decisions. Pressing the point between the eyebrows has a positive effect on the mind and body.


Watch the video: 10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy Back In No Time (July 2024).