Plots for the sale of apartments, houses, land, cars. How to read conspiracies to sell property at home and which are the strongest.


In order to successfully sell their property, people often turn to magical rituals for help. It has been known since ancient times that a properly conducted rite guarantees a person almost one hundred percent chance that he will not only make a successful sale and purchase transaction, but will do so in an incredibly short period of time.

In what cases is it appropriate to use a plot to sell? He will help those who:

• wants to get a large amount of money by selling property;

• has not been able to sell property for some time, although it was put up for sale long ago;

• too worried about the fact that the deal falls through, and a potential buyer may suddenly change his mind;

• wants to somehow speed up the long process of processing all the documents necessary for the sale.

Quick Sale Plot - Recommendations

1. If you want your property, car or land to be bought as soon as possible, then it is necessary to conduct the ritual from Saturday to Sunday. It has been verified that it is precisely Sunday night that has some inexplicable power that can drastically change the fate of the person reading the plot, help him in all his endeavors and fulfill his desire.

2. Buy a lunar calendar and calculate when there will be a growing moon phase. Conduct the rite in moonlight at this particular time, unless otherwise specified in the rules for the ritual of your choice. The moon will give you its energy and make your sales plot take effect immediately after reading it.

3. If the rules of the ceremony, which you preferred, it is written that it should be held in the daytime, then spend it on Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday is considered a day when there is an opportunity to materialize your thoughts, words and desires associated with the purchase or sale.

4. No conspiracy for a quick sale will work, if it is not accompanied by the sincere faith of the one who reads it, that he will succeed. If you do not believe in the existence of magic, then it is better not to undertake the conduct of rituals and reading various conspiracies. Lack of faith, self-doubt and doubt can create an emotional or psychological block that prevents you from carrying out your plans and achieving your goal.

5. Do not share with anyone your thoughts and concerns about the ritual that you are going to hold. No one should be aware of what you are going to do. If you violate this nondisclosure rule, you run the risk of self-harm and instead of selling something, attract problems and bad weather.

6. You can not engage in magic, to carry out rituals and speak something or someone, if you are sick or pregnant. A person who has a disease has a weak energy field and will not be able to repel the setbacks that may come upon him after reading the conspiracy. Pregnant women do not need to do magic because a new life grows in them and that little man who has not yet been born cannot resist negative energy (very rarely conspiracies can have the opposite effect and these are rituals that are performed incorrectly).

7. In no case can not change the attributes that are needed for the ritual. If you have difficulties, and you can not find or get the desired item, then just give preference to another ceremony, which will not be so difficult to conduct. The same applies to the text of the conspiracy. You can not swap words or replace difficult words with synonyms. Yes, some plots are hard to read and impossible to understand. If you get such a conspiracy, then re-read it in your mind several times before uttering. Speaking something you can not stumble and make too long pauses. You have to say loudly and clearly what you want to win. Only then will your request be satisfied by invisible forces.

The plot to sell an apartment or house - the best examples and where to start

Not many know that you need to prepare before you perform a ritual aimed at selling real estate. Yes, the world wide web is full of information about exactly how to carry out any rituals and what needs to be done, but there is no information about how to prepare for this. If you are sure that you need the help of magic and are going to soon make a plot to sell the house, then first of all you need to cajole the brownie to accept new tenants and let you go. If the brownie does not want you to move, then he will simply create an energy in your home that will alienate potential buyers and no one will buy it for a long time. To cajole the brownie, it is necessary to stand at the front door and say such words loudly: “I ask you, brownie, to take new owners into this house (apartment). I promise that they will not offend you in any way and will not disturb you. ". Before you go to bed you should put in the corner of your bedroom a small plate with porridge or some kind of delicacy that may suit your house and it will help you with the sale of the house.

There is another conspiracy that will certainly contribute to the early sale of real estate. Type in a bucket of water and put it in a secluded place exactly for three days. After this time, it is necessary to wash the floors in the apartment with real water, saying: “My dear and my dear home, I will deny you now. The one who offers the most money to me will be able to become a new owner. and it will happen. Amen. " This plot to sell the house should be repeated as many times as the corners in your house.

And the next conspiracy to sell the apartment is recognized as the most effective. About him only positive reviews and they say that he helps to achieve his goal in a very short time. Take a handful of wheat and wait for the moment when the very first rays of the sun touch the ground. Then the wheat must be scattered in all corners of the house so that in each corner there are five grains. Scattering it, quietly say such words: "Golden seed, you show the apartment (house) to the buyers so that they could not not buy it. Let the buyer offer me a lot of money and the transaction will be successful. Help me." Leave the wheat grain lying in the corners of the apartment until you sell it. After that, removing in it, collect all the grain to one and bury them as deep as possible into the earth a few kilometers from your home.

There is one very effective rite for which you need to take a pin that you have not used yet. Pour half a glass of sugar into the container, as much salt and rice. Stick a pin in there so that its edge is at the bottom. The ritual needs to be done only on the waning moon, so calculate with the help of the lunar calendar, when this phase will be, and do not miss it.

Say these words: "I sell my house not to a bad person, but to a good one. I myself will buy a house that will be even better than this one. If I so wish, then it will happen. Amen." Now take the vessel with a pin and place it as close as possible to the entrance doors, but this should be done in such a way that it is not visible to people who will come to watch your home. This plot is different from the rest of its power. He belongs to a Moldavian healer. Having performed the ceremony correctly, in a few days you will have the opportunity to sell real estate.

Plot for selling cars - the most efficient

Every person in life can have a difficult time and a large sum of money is urgently needed. In this case, people try to sell their property more quickly and begin to look for people who are interested in their offer. A person can sell a vehicle for half a year or a year. If a lot of time has passed, and no one wants to buy your car, then boldly resort to magical assistance, but remember that magic cannot force someone to buy a car who does not like it or cannot afford it. A conspiracy to sell the car will help to make more people come to you and at least one of them will be interested in your vehicle and reveal the desire to buy it.

If you already have an appointment with a potential buyer, then before that you should sprinkle the car with water, consecrated in the church. Program yourself that the person who will definitely buy your car will come now. If you have a bad mood, and negative thoughts swarm in your head, then it is better to postpone the time of the meeting with a potential buyer for another day. You need to stop thinking that this time it will not work. Every day, draw in your head a picture of what you want to come true. In this case, imagine how you make a deal to sell the vehicle. What would you feel at that moment? Where would the money you get go? The brighter you imagine it and the more you want it, the sooner it happens.

For this plot you will need a full bucket of water and a rag. Wash your car thoroughly, and do not rush to pour out dirty water, because it is you who will have to speak conspiracy words above it, namely: “I wash my car, clean it up, make it cleaner and attract the buyer. Like dirty water quickly under the ground go away, so my new owner’s car will find it. That’s my wish, so it will happen. " Now you need to take a bucket of dirty water and pour it under the first tree that you see when you go outside. This ritual can be performed every time before you have to meet with a potential buyer.

And the next conspiracy is focused on the speed of sale of the vehicle. They can be used only if less than a week from the moment you put the car up for sale. Go to church on Sunday and sanctify some water. Upon arrival home, take a large handful of salt and sprinkle a little of its holy water. Squeeze your hand with salt into a fist and say these words: "As everyone needs water and salt, so my car will be needed by someone who comes to watch it. If the first one does not want, then the second one will immediately buy it. So I ask, so let will happen. Amen. " Now you can unclench your fist and sprinkle salt on the hood of the car. You will see that very soon they will want to buy your car and the transaction will be successful without any problems.

If your car is not sold for a long time, then perform a ceremony with cleansing. It lies in the fact that it is necessary to clean the car from everything that belongs to past owners (you). The machine should be in the form in which you bought it. Remove from there all that you purchased later, right up to the stickers, air freshener and seat covers. Thus, you clear the car of your energy and it will be completely ready to accept the other energy of the one who reveals the desire to buy it. When taking your belongings out of the car, say: “I’ll take all unnecessary things out of the car, take my spirit out of it. Let the new owner soon come and have his spirit enter the car.”

Plot for the sale of land

If there are any buildings on your land plot, then they also need to perform the same ritual as on the street. There is only one truly effective rite that guarantees almost one hundred percent success. You need at night to break off a small sprig from a tree that grows on your land, and take it in your left hand, and in your right hold a lit church candle. In a whisper, say the words of the conspiracy: "This plot is beautiful with me, and wonderful trees have grown on it. Let the same owner grow with the next owner. I will have wealth, and this land will be well cared for. As I command, it will be like that." Prayer should be spoken as many times as necessary, until you go around the whole territory of the earth. Now put the branch in a jar of water and bury it in half to the ground.

Plots to sell property will be a good helper if you need to sell something sooner. But, no, even the most powerful conspiracy, will not work if you do not do anything to sell the property. It is necessary to submit ads, tell about the sale to all relatives and friends. Combine these actions with the plot and get a stunning result.


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