Who on the diet of Dr. Bormental is living well? How safe and effective is the diet of Dr. Bormental; ask a nutritionist


The phenomenon called "Dr. Bormental's diet" comes from the nineties.


Gum, Herbalife, hypnotists who collected stadiums ... It was then that V. Romatsky, a psychotherapist by training and a businessman by vocation, decided that his fellow citizens should be helped to lose weight.

For money.

The result was a few books about why we live and eat in the wrong way, and 120 working centers for those who want to get rid of those extra pounds.

Like any successful business project, the brainchild of Romatsky is not so much a diet as a product of effective marketing services.

Why you have not lost weight, or who need a Bormental diet

Head over to the most popular video hosting. There's about the diet of Dr. Bormental mass rollers. Basically, they were withdrawn with the money of the authors of the program according to the standard scheme. Here is a young mother, a pensioner, or a successful business woman. She is all good, and performs family duties, and the house is a full bowl, but here’s the look ... Permanents and shiny, dimensionless sweaters, lots of mother-of-pearl lipsticks of all shades, excess weight, and extinct eyes. This is our "before." But "after". The same permanent, transformed by the hand of a skilled hairdresser. Professional make-up, normally selected dresses on the figure. And minus 10, 20, 30 or even 60 kg. How is this possible?

Medical scientific dietetics knows only one way to lose weight. It is called a "low-calorie diet."

That is, you begin to eat less than the body spends in the process of life, and gradually lose weight.

Being a psychotherapist, The author of the method perfectly understood three things:

• not every person psychologically can withstand the restrictions in the spirit of "clean food" and completely abandon their favorite products;

• in our country they do not like sports very much, if only this is not football on TV. People running around the stadium, visitors to the gym for most people over 35 are guys who have nothing to do. No one will sacrifice an entire hour of time that can be successfully spent on watching a TV series or searching for a culinary recipe in order to shake off the dust from the dumbbells;

• a person throws both a diet and a run, if he is alone and does not quite understand why he needs it. Here the poor woman gets up every morning at 5.30 to do cardio, and her husband - as was emotionally stupid, remained. He is not interested in his wife or her sport, but nothing but beer, dinner and tanchiki. The friends of our heroine are also not in a hurry to support her. Competition, you know. And at work, everyone laughs at the containers. So ends a healthy lifestyle, not having time to really start

How to overcome this? It is necessary to create an environment where a person losing weight will communicate with his own kind. Bormenthal clinics and the diet proposed there have become such an environment. Who does not know, all work with people is built in psychotherapeutic groups. Just like "12 steps ...", which you probably saw in American TV shows. Sit comrades in a circle and discuss why the sandwich is more important to them than the husband and child. Or even more expensive than a workplace in a prestigious company.

And, of course, it is necessary to say to a poor weight-loser that they do not expect refusals from chocolates, and the need to perform some kind of strength exercises. Need something simple. Even scientific medicine recommends counting calories, and just walking as a physical exercise. So this is what we advise.

Further, it turns out that the conditions at Bormental are much better than those offered in most books about losing weight. Read the same Margarita the Queen. Some rice days, some yogurt in the evening with a teaspoon. Yes, why is it all?

The essence of the diet of Dr. Bormental

Know what calories are? These are small dirty dogs who take in your clothes at night. And yet, the unit of measurement of heat, a general term for physicists and nutritionists.

How much do we spend? It is important to know that not only to reduce, but also to maintain weight. Inquiring minds can find on the Internet the formula of Mifflin-Saint Geor and a calculator on it, and calculate how much you need to eat for weight loss.

The essence of the diet of Dr. Bormental - "chose food, counted calories, recorded, ate, met the daily calorie corridor."

Scientifically sound? Yes, but the practice of application leaves much to be desired. We first calculate the calories by the formula Mifflin-Saint Geor. For example, a hypothetical accountant of 30 years old weighing 80 kg and growing 164 cm according to the formula recognized by the scientific medical community should have 2,713 kcal to maintain weight, 2171 for slow weight loss (400 g per week), and about 1,628 kcal to lose weight quickly, but with health risks. This is if from a physical exercise at our specialist - 30 minutes walk on foot in a supermarket with a trolley per day.

And now to Bormenthal. They also count there, but for some reason, assuming that you barely move, or “spend 300-400 kcal in training.” Because the corridor of calories for weight loss among these specialists is 900-1500 kcal. And the top number will recommend to men women will have to survive at 900-1200 kcal largely.

How does Mr. Romatsky explain this? No In his interviews, he embarks on psychological “jungle”, tells us how unhappy we are, and how important it is to sort out our spiritual problems in order to “jam” less.

All this is beautiful, but even ISSA basic nutritional textbook informs us that:

• underestimation of calories for losing weight quickly creates risks for the patient;

• too strict a diet contributes to a drop in thyroid hormone levels, and an increase in prolactin. This is popularly called "slow metabolism";

• the risk of breakdown from diet and overeating is much higher with significant, more than 500-600 kcal / day calorie deficiencies;

• with such a diet it is impossible to get all the carbohydrates necessary for the work of the CNS, and they need at least 2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day;

• A patient on a low-calorie diet is faced with a choice - cut fats, fit into the “corridor”, but risk secretion of sex hormones, or reduce the amount of carbohydrates and “beat yourself” in the nervous system. Recommended scientific medicine 1 g of fat per day put in such a diet will not work

Why is Dr. Bormental's diet so strict, and how is it maintained?

The answer to the first question is simple and unsightly. If a person is given an adequate calorie corridor, at first he may not lose weight. We all learn to count calories, and make "novice" mistakes - then forget to write down the sauce, then eat buckwheat with margarine in the cafeteria, and write down - as clean, or even grilled meat by mistake we take for the grill. Lay the corridor initially too low and the patient will fall into a normal one.

But over time, we learn! And the taste buds are rearranged. And the "corridor" recommended by Dr. Bormental’s diet remains. It turns out that the risks we have are higher than with a normal diet.

Now why do they keep it up? Really, no restrictions on product groups helps. Non-believers can read a whole thousand blogs counting calories in the If It Fits Your Macros system. There they eat ice cream, and potatoes for the night, and do not suffer morally, and they win in competitions in fitness bikini. And there demands stricter than "just lose weight for vacation."

Bormental centers are still proud of being allowed to eat by patients after six, and they require only one thing - the presence in the diet of non-fat protein sources such as chicken and white fish. It is beautiful, but what about the others? Important rules for healthy eating:

• receive 25 g of fiber daily for regular cleansing of the intestines and the normal state of the microflora. They do not recommend, because "convenience" is more important. Eat your carbohydrate with chocolates if you want;

• drink plenty of fluids;

• there are complex carbohydrates for energy and proper functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems;

not to forget about omega-3 fats for heart health, and to control the consumption of saturated fats

All this is indirectly given in the diet of Dr. Bormental, but the rule for patients is not. So you can lose weight with a diet, but for health there is a more advanced system.

Bormental and fitness: a little dirty secret

Why do Bormentalevs equate fitness with increased appetite?

Due to illiterate diet. If the patient does not count the number of macronutrients in the food, and does not work to create the most satisfying diet for himself, he will want to eat even after a simple stretching session. And if he thinks and works, he can cope with any developmental training from power to endurance.

The centers recommend walking. But let's be frank. We can control the pulse, walking along the sidewalk in the rain, and pushing passers-by with an office bag? Not. Do we even want to walk in the rain? Hardly. It's easier to spend the same half an hour on an elliptical trainer, and also watch the news. But no…

The second unattractive fact is that thinner without power load face sagging of the skin, and general "disharmony" in the figure. The body looks as if someone is sullenly dressed in a leather spacesuit. On the round buttocks, tightened hips and elegant hands can not even dream. And these sufferers are forced to eat 1200 kcal on average for “support,” since they have lost too much muscle and spend too little in a state of rest.

Menu Bormental diet for the day and week

The authors of the system in their books do not adhere to the fact that a person should make a menu for the week and day. First you have to want a certain food, then count, and only then eat. What do internet followers want?

Sample menu losing weight with Bormental

Breakfast: steamed buckwheat breast

Second breakfast: half soup ladle soup

Lunch: baked potatoes, a piece of fish, marmalade

Snack: rice, veal, chocolate cube, gherkins

Dinner: a glass of kefir and a banana

The question is, do you really need permanent chocolate bites? Or is it still more useful to eat a normal portion of the same buckwheat, and not 60 g. Or? In general, it is even embarrassing to criticize such menus. They serve one purpose - make Dr. Bormental’s diet tolerable for a person who does not want to work on their diet. Who is comfortable to cook ten kinds of dishes per day? Just hung up on food. The rest of you want to free up time for other important activities too.

Many patients of the clinic are faced with the fact that they can not keep weight without the support of the group, constant weighing and counting. And the conclusion here suggests itself? You can lose weight with the diet of Dr. Bormental. But get the skill of "automatic" diet control, and a beautiful taut figure - hardly.

So everyone has the right to choose those services that are more useful to him.

Either psychological support groups for the hungry for the price of a subscription to an elite fitness club for a year, or a good old trainer, and an ordinary nutritionist from a medical center who will make a healthier diet and teach them how to work with food on their own.


Watch the video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet (June 2024).