"Diet 1200 calories": why is it safe, what is the secret of efficiency? A delicious way to lose weight on the "1200 Calories Diet"


Golden, safe, reasonable - it's all about the wonderful "1200 calories diet."

Nutritionists will subscribe to any of these definitions.

Rarely, what kind of diet pleases us with such an amazing variety of products, acts effectively and is also completely safe!

Benefits of "Dieting 1200 Calories"

"Diet 1200 calories" is really golden, as it corresponds to the very golden mean of calories, recommended for modern women. How many of us like to sweat in the fitness room? And those who do it regularly hardly need a losing weight diet. It is 1200 calories that will provide the optimal amount of energy and at the same time make the fat leave your favorite places.

While reducing calories below this limit we cause irreparable harm to the body, because after it, literally exhaustion begins.

There is a grave danger of developing diseases of internal organs, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, instead of vigor comes constant weakness, fatigue, irritability. Metabolism slows down, there can be a serious hormonal failure.

In addition, the body in such an emergency situation will quickly go into economy mode, and weight loss will stop. In any case, completing the mockery of yourself and returning to normal calories, you instantly gain the same weight. And the hoarding body will also add five pounds from the top - just for every fireman ...

In addition to optimality, an important advantage of the "1200 Calories Diet" is balance. Not only does the body receive the necessary amount of energy daily. He is also not experiencing a shortage of any component of the BJU triunity - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

This means that the metabolic processes are not inhibited, and losing weight woman has the strength and desire to give the body a reasonable physical exertion - the key to fast and healthy weight loss.

The basic principles of "1200 calories diets"

The essence of losing weight on the "1200 Calorie Diet" is to make the body spend more calories than it gets from food. Actually, these are the only reasonable option based on reliable scientific data. For example, if you are accustomed to eating 3500 calories, then reducing the caloric content of even 500-700 kcal will allow you to lose a pound overweight in a week. And it will be just fat, not water, as is often the case on mono diets.

Yes, it is a slow way, but it is correct, healthy and quite effective. Is this not a dream: to eat practically everything that the soul desires, and at the same time to celebrate "plumb lines" every day?

Here are the basic principles of the "1200 Calories Diet":

• to make the menu so that to consume daily no more and not less than 1200 kilocalories;

• limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates: flour, sweet, refined foods. Note: do not completely exclude, but limit!

• Ideally, you should follow the basic scheme of a balanced healthy diet, according to which the entire amount of the daily ration should include 15 percent of proteins (two-thirds of which should be animal proteins and one-third of vegetable origin), 30 percent fat, 55 percent carbohydrates;

• take the principle of fractional nutrition as a basis, ideally breaking meals into three main (300 calories each) and two additional (150 calories each);

• make the diet as varied as possible to avoid disruptions;

• observe drinking mode: drink up to two liters of pure water daily without additives, sugar, gas (not mineral, but drinking);

• Be sure to include in the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables;

• give preference to fish at least three or four times a week;

• On the eleventh day of the diet, all meat products should be replaced with fish products.

The basis of the diet should be healthy, tasty, bulk, but not high-calorie foods: fish, meat, mushrooms, eggs, vegetables, gray cereals, natural yogurts and other dairy products. Alcohol is banned, especially sugary drinks: they are very high in calories.

If you really want sweet, it is better to give preference to a strip of black chocolate than candy or a slice of cake.

There is no absolute ban on sweets., but you need to understand: in one piece of cake - a full meal. Only after a sweet meal, you want to eat very quickly, and a tasty, healthy, varied lunch will make it easy to hang out to dinner and not get lost.

Sample portions and meals on the "1200 Calories Diet"

It’s very easy to make a menu on "1200 Calories Diet" even without a scale and a calculator. To do this, you just need to imagine how many calories "pulls" this or that dish in a serving plate. This will allow you to easily mix breakfasts, lunches and dinners, not particularly bothering with calculations.

One hundred calories are in the following dishes and foods:

• portion plate of vegetable mixture, stewed on water without oil;

• one and a half ladles of light vegetable soup or homemade low-fat cabbage soup;

• one medium baked in foil or boiled potato (sprinkled with chopped green onions and parsley);

• boiled chicken egg under a spoonful of low-calorie mayonnaise;

• tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• four tablespoons of shop sour cream;

• two hundred grams of cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with vinegar and a drop of oil;

• chicken broth with half a boiled egg;

• two tablespoons of rolled oats;

• small banana;

• fifty grams of boiled chicken;

• one cheesecake without sugar with a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream;

• average apple with a teaspoon of natural honey;

• half a cup of grapes;

• Ten Almond Stuffings;

• ice cream cup;

• thirty grams of semi-hard cheese.

Not bad for a start, right? Now see What can you eat for two hundred kilocalories:

• two hundred grams (about four tablespoons) of eggplant or zucchini caviar;

• three pieces of whole grain bread;

• scrambled eggs from two eggs, fried on a drop of vegetable oil;

• 150 grams of vinaigrette, seasoned with oil without fanaticism;

• three spoons of cottage cheese with a spoon of natural honey;

• one sausage with two spoons of fresh vegetable salad.

A 1200-calorie Diet Feast is real.

Especially if you look what can you eat for three hundred calories:

• two domestic cabbage;

• a portion of mashed potatoes;

• five tablespoons of boiled pasta with a spoon of grated cheese;

• two pancakes stuffed with lean meat or cottage cheese;

• two modest burgers;

• An ordinary sausage with fresh vegetable salad.

Making your own diet, learning how to count calories, is very simple. And this is another advantage of the "1200 Calories Diet".

Watching grams on scales we can turn three weeks into an exciting competition with you. At the same time you can try unusual combinations, invent low-calorie gas stations and generally engage in culinary creativity from the heart.

And those who have no desire or time to create, invent something new, can use the following approximate weekly menu.

"Diet 1200 calories": menu for the week

"Diet 1200 calories" is good because it makes it very easy to vary the dishes, try something new every day, eat tasty and varied.

The menu below assumes that after the main dinner, which is better not to delay (seven hours is the ideal time), you can drink a little kefir for an hour and a half before sleeping. Both useful and not hungry.

However can transfer late dinner to afternoon: get a snack.


• Breakfast: an omelette of two proteins, cabbage and carrot salad with a spoon of vegetable oil, a slice of whole grain or black bread, coffee (milk is crushed).

• Lunch: a large apple or pear.

• Lunch: a plate of fish soup (one and a half standard soup ladles), boiled potatoes with a slice of boiled beef and two spoons of light vegetable salad (for example, bell pepper, tomato and onion).

• Dinner: a slice of boiled chicken breast (one hundred grams) with the same amount of boiled buckwheat and zucchini stewed on water with onions. Tea.

• Late dinner: a small cup of low-fat kefir.


• Breakfast: three spoons of rolled oatmeal steamed with boiling water (boiled), boiled beetroot salad (one hundred grams), code with a piece of Adyghe cheese or cheese.

• Lunch: an orange or a pair of mandarins.

• Lunch: two hundred ml of homemade soup, one steam patty with fresh vegetable salad. Fruit compote with a minimum amount of sugar.

• Dinner: one hundred grams of cottage cheese with half a glass of berries, two rye creeps with green tea.

• Late dinner: a glass of natural yogurt.


• Breakfast: two slices of boiled beef tongue (no more than 70 grams) with a salad of carrots and apples. Tea, coffee, herbal decoction.

• Lunch: light salad of half an apple, pear and three cloves of manadrin.

• Lunch: mushroom soup with a spoon of sour cream, one hundred grams of baked white fish and two or three tablespoons of vegetables stewed in water. Compote from dried apricots or tea.

• Dinner: stewed chicken with onions (one hundred grams), the same amount of buckwheat, sliced ​​from an average bell pepper, sencha tea.

• Late dinner: a glass of ryazhenka.


• Breakfast: wheat porridge without butter (150 grams), half a cup of any berries, coffee.

• Lunch: one hundred grams of any fruit. If the fruit is fed up, eat a vanilla crouton with coffee or a slice of low-fat cheese.

• Lunch: vegetarian borscht, one hundred grams of baked beef, cabbage salad, carrots, pepper and onions (two hundred grams). Berry boiled or just green tea.

• Dinner: chicken leg or baked breast (one hundred grams) with a plate of boiled cauliflower (can be baked). If you like karkade - drink it. If you do not like it, treat green tea.

• Late dinner: low-fat bifidok (glass).


• Breakfast: one hundred grams stewed in carrot sour cream, one hundred grams of buckwheat, coffee with a slice of cheese.

• The second breakfast: an apple, two kiwi or two or three slices of pomelo.

• Lunch: fresh vegetable soup, baked or boiled fish (one hundred grams) with three spoons of "Greek salad". Compote or tea.

• Dinner: soft cottage cheese casserole (one hundred grams) with slices of half an apple and a spoon of sour cream.

• Late dinner: natural yogurt (150g glass).


• Breakfast: three spoons of muesli with a glass of milk, a decoction of healthy herbs or fruits.

• Second breakfast: a plate of fresh berries.

• Lunch: vegetarian borsch, salad of boiled squids, egg halves, spoons of sea kale (150 grams). Lemon tea.

• Dinner: one hundred grams of stewed chicken without skin, boiled rice and fresh or stewed vegetables. Tea.

• Late dinner: any dairy product.


• Breakfast: one hundred grams of rice porridge, a slice of whole-grain bread, a slice of semi-hard cheese (20 grams), coffee (can be with milk or a spoonful of cream).

• Lunch: cracker or fruit.

• Lunch: sorrel soup, baked or boiled fish (one hundred grams), cucumber and tomato salad. Any drink at will.

• Dinner: three spoons of boiled macaroni, a spoon of grated cheese, a portion of fresh vegetable salad with arugula and a spoon of butter. Green tea or mineral water.

• Late dinner: a cup of light kefir.

"Diet 1200 calories": important points

The duration of the "1200 calories diets" from one to three weeks. During this time, you can lose from two to ten kilograms.

After three weeks, you can stop and slightly increase the caloric intake in order to boost metabolism. You can return to the diet in two or three months.

Of course, there may be temptations: someone wants a cake, someone smoked sausage. If there is no strength to endure, it is better to yield to the organism’s requirements, but only slightly.

Attack a stick with the "Brunswick" with the thought, "Ah, I still break it, so at least we sing heartily!" not worth it. Eat a transparent slice (if possible, after weighing it and considering the caloric content), praise yourself and calm down on this. Harm to the diet will not be, and indulge yourself.

There are no contraindications for "1200 Calories Diet". The only restriction applies to allergies to certain foods. If so, just replace what you can not, with a similar calorie product.


Watch the video: The agony of trying to unsubscribe. James Veitch (July 2024).