Russians - like banks: lend only to trusted people


Even under King Solomon, there was a tradition of launching bread on water for the poor and travelers, and the Bible says: "May the giver’s hand not become impoverished." The Women's Opinion portal conducted a sociological survey on the topic: “Do you lend money when you have it?” and found out the attitude of Russian women to the issue of debt.

“It depends on who asks. I give it only to the most trusted,” answered 60.7% of Russians and not just answered, but also commented on their position. The following comments were the most popular: “It depends on who asks, otherwise you can stay without pants.”, “It depends on whom to give: there are people who like to borrow, but don’t give very much. You still have to run for your money then. "," I lend only to those close to me. ".

"Yes, I always give," answered 17.2% of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. “I always give a loan to everyone, however, the amount depends on the degree of closeness,” some said. “A trifle, if someone lacks travel or shopping, I don’t think it’s my duty,” others admitted. “I always lend to my colleagues with whom I am sitting in my office. Nobody takes us for a long time - a day or two,” said the third. And the most interesting argument was this: "Sometimes you can cash in on this." True, the respondent did not share the secret of such a peculiar business with us.

“It depends on what they ask. I give only something important,” 12.4% of respondents told the “Female Opinion”. The most common explanation was the following: "I do not earn so much as to lend large amounts. The budget is clearly defined. I can only give money to the closest relatives in a hopeless situation." It was a hopeless situation or the purchase of an extremely necessary thing that could have served as a reason for this category of Russian women to lend a certain amount of money. These ladies are guided not at all by greed, but by a low salary.

“I never give,” - the answer is 9.7% of beautiful ladies. Well, judging by the answers, they have a right to this: “I don’t give. I’ve learned from bitter experience. Basta.”, “I won’t give it all!”. As you can see, there are good reasons to become stingy. None of the women said that she did not lend, because she did not want to help those in need.

So, the Russians are ready to lend money, but only to people in whom they are sure, because their incomes are not so large as to give out large amounts, like alms.


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