Basic rules hypocholesterol diet. How to eat a variety of food, observing hypocholesterol diet?


Cholesterol is not considered a strictly forbidden product, if the effect on the body was only negative, it would belong to the category of toxic substances.

In moderate quantities, it is necessary for the construction of cell membranes, is a precursor of sex hormones, takes part in immune protection.

Because completely eliminate it from the diet can not be.

But in excess, cholesterol causes atherosclerosis, which increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and the percentage of gallstone disease is significantly increased.

General rules of nutrition

• An erroneous opinion would be that one should give up fat altogether. Just needed learn to distinguish between good fats and "harmful". The first are vegetable oils, fish oil. The second group consists of animal products, which should be excluded.

• Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, whose role in the body is enormous. They reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects. Therefore, at least 2-3 times a week in the diet should be fish products.

• Cooking plays a key role. Even a useful product is easily spoiled by frying it in oil. All dishes are cookedbaked in the oven or are steaming.

• Meat broths contain a lot of fat, because when cooked it all goes into liquid. With a cholesterol diet preference is given to vegetable soupsto borsch Allowed already in the finished dish add pre-boiled meat.

Spice can improve the taste of food. Properly cooked food may not seem tasty, fresh. Dried herbs, black pepper will make it more fragrant.

• The body must receive sufficient water. The minimum volume - 2-2.5 liters per day. It is better if it is clean water, but also you should not forget about tea, compote, juices, decoctions.

• The key to proper nutrition is regularity. We can not allow the intervals between meals to be long, maximum - 4 hours. As a snack you can always carry a low-fat yogurt, fruit, nuts.

• The basis of the diet is created by complex carbohydrates (cereals, wholemeal bread), fruits, and vegetables.

• Alcohol is prohibited.

Calculation of daily calories

Despite the decrease in the amount of fat, the total caloric content is not particularly reduced. A person should eat 2500-3000 kcal per day. Only the components of the diet change.

Proteins are slightly limited in use, the daily rate is 80-100 g. It is not recommended to abuse fat cottage cheese, meat, by-products. With the cholesterol diet, preference is given to fish, chicken breast, vegetable proteins (soybeans, beans, peas, nuts).

The amount of fat should not exceed 40-50 g. Among the products you need to choose vegetable oils (olive, sesame, linseed, sunflower). Nuts are also a source of healthy fats.

Carbohydrates make up for the lack of calories. In order not to nullify the results of the cholesterol diet, sweets, pastries, chocolate, buns, white bread you can not eat even in small quantities. Carbohydrates enter the body with vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole-grain bread, pasta durum.


These products are not allowed to eat:

• Fatty meat is a source of cholesterol. It is recommended to abandon pork, bacon, duck, goose. Even on chicken or turkey you need to remove the skin, visible fat. Cooking better for a couple, in the oven. Offal worth replacing meat, fish.

• Dairy products of high fat content (cream, sweet cheese, sour cream, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, hard or processed cheeses, condensed milk). This does not mean that they are completely prohibited, you need to choose analogues with low fat content.

• Eggs (yolk) can not be added to the menu, proteins are allowed in unlimited quantities.

• With a cholesterol diet, eating fat is minimized. Margarine, lard, oil, palm, coconut oil, animal fats are excluded.

• In sausage, sausages, pate, canned food there is a lot of fat, skin, which is unacceptable in this diet.

• Bought in the store mince will not bring benefits. If you wish, you can cook it yourself, using chicken breast, turkey, rabbit, without adding any ingredients other than meat.

• Sweets adversely affect the metabolism. Simple carbohydrates that are included in their composition, quickly increase the level of glucose in the blood, turn into fat cells, increasing body weight. Because buns, cakes, pastries, sweets are excluded.

• In the process of making store sweets, solid oils are used, for example, palm, margarine, they are recommended to be excluded.

• Vegetables should form the basis of the diet, but the cooking method plays an important role. Fried or deep-fried products should not be consumed. Banned french fries, chips.

• Fruits are useful in pure form, without sugar syrups, honey.

• Coffee with cream, cocoa, carbonated drinks.

Permitted Products

• Cereals are a source of complex carbohydrates. Porridges are cooked in water, without added sugar, butter. If the dish does not have enough sweetness, you can add fruits, berries, a teaspoon of honey.

• Dairy products are not excluded, only their fat content is regulated. Yoghurts, kefir, milk should be with a minimum percentage of fat, cheese - up to 20%, cottage cheese - 1-2% or low-fat.

• Meat is welcome in small quantities. It is recommended to use chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal. Before cooking, it is necessary to cut off all visible fat, skin, tendons. After cooking the meat, the broth is poured, since all the fat has passed into the water. If you use the oven, the juice that was formed in the cooking process, do not eat.

• Egg white will help to gain the daily rate of proteins.

• Vegetable oils are allowed, but you need to follow the daily norm. Sesame, flaxseed, olive, sunflower oil is limited to 2 tablespoons per day.

• Wholemeal bread, crunchy cereal breads will replace baking, loaf.

• Fish is rich in beneficial omega-3 acids. It is baked, boiled, cooked meatballs, meatballs, aspic.

• Liquid food is good for the stomach, regulates intestinal motility, normal stools. Because the menu contains soups. The only condition is vegetable broth. If desired, add meat and meatballs to the finished dish. Krupa can choose any.

• Sweets in the cholesterol diet are represented only by fruits. They are useful in raw form, may also be heat treated (baked apples, pears), but do not use sugar or honey in cooking.

• Among drinks, preference is given to weak tea, coffee without sugar, milk, cream. Fruit juices are allowed only freshly squeezed, packaged in the composition contain sweeteners.

Little tricks

Mayonnaise, fatty sauces are prohibited. As a dressing for the salad suitable olive oil diluted with water, you can add lemon juice. But also it is necessary to take into account that the daily rate of oil is only 2 tablespoons, including all products.

Everybody's favorite sandwich with loaf, butter and sausage is replaced with a no less tasty counterpart. Whole grain bread is thinly lubricated with mustard, put boiled chicken breast, cover with lettuce, fresh cucumber. Such a snack will bring energy and vigor.

Sweets can be prepared at home from healthy foods, there are recipes for cheesecakes, oatmeal cookies, cheese curds and fruit casseroles, specially designed for the rules of the cholesterol diet.

Only egg whites should be present in the diet. Already separated proteins are sold in many markets. If you do not trust the quality of this product, then you can buy store eggs, use white for cooking, and the yolk will be an excellent component of a mask for hair or face.

Be careful!

This diet has some dietary restrictions; only a doctor can prescribe it. Pregnant women, when breastfeeding, children, people with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract can not independently adhere to these recommendations. Only a specialist can assess the possible harm to health, decide on the need for a cholesterol diet in a particular case.

Sample menu

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge on water 200g, rye bread 20 g, boiled turkey 100 g, cucumber 100 g, unsweetened tea.

Snack: low-fat cottage cheese with slices of seasonal fruit 200 g

Dinner: vegetable broth soup with durum pasta, 300g chicken meatballs, 20g whole grain bread, vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil.

Snack: yogurt, apple.

Dinner: steamed fish 100g with stewed vegetables 150g, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

At night, it is allowed to drink low-fat kefir.


The hypocholesterol diet includes many different dishes, even well-known and favorite recipes can be remade, based on these nutritional rules.

Cheesecakes in the oven

In advance you need to buy low-fat cottage cheese 400 grams. It is ground over fed to achieve a uniform structure without grains. To the resulting mass is added beaten egg white, so the cheesecakes will be airy and voluminous. Sugar is replaced with a banana, it is given a puree shape with the help of a blender. It is also necessary to add 2 tbsp. l flour, it is better to choose oatmeal, corn, it is more useful. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, roll the balls, put on parchment paper, send to the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 ° C. This recipe does not contain fat, cheesecakes turn out to be tender and tasty.

Chicken pilaf

Wash a glass of brown rice, pour water in the ratio 1: 3, put on a slow fire until ready. Meanwhile, cut tomatoes, onions, zucchini, chicken breast into small cubes, grate carrots. Stew all ingredients in a deep frying pan, add herbs, spices, and salt at the end. Mix rice with the dressing, so that the color of the finished dish was yellow, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of turmeric.

Additional recommendations

Nutrition is an important part of the hypocholesterol diet, but the result will not be if you do not change the old lifestyle.

• If a person is obese, body weight should be normalized.

• Smoking has a negative effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the exchange of cholesterol and fatty acids. Passive smoking should also be avoided.

• Physical activity will help in the fight against pounds, strengthen the heart, blood vessels. But the load on the body should be moderate, difficult exercises can harm the unprepared body.

• Increased cholesterol for quite a long time does not manifest clinically. The patient may have high rates, but he does not even know about it, while continuing to use prohibited foods. Because once a year you need to donate blood to determine the lipid profile. After all, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat its consequences.


Watch the video: Diet Doctor Podcast #9 Dr. Ron Krauss (July 2024).