Sugar substitutes lead to extra pounds


A group of nutritionists from Purdue University (USA) found that artificial sugar substitutes, contrary to popular belief, lead to extra pounds. It was always believed that the use of various sweeteners (sorbitol, xylitol) does not increase sugar. This means that the body does not accumulate fat cells.

But scientists from Indiana, having conducted an innovative experiment with laboratory rats, proved that sweeteners can not be attributed to dietary products. The animals were divided into two separate groups and began to feed them with yogurt. The first group received yogurt with the addition of regular sugar, the second - a similar yogurt, but with saccharin, a popular substitute that is considered a diet and low-calorie product.

The observations clearly demonstrated that the rodents from the second group were distinguished by great appetite, which led to the gain of excess weight. The authors of the study are sure that artificial sugar provokes a malfunction of the usual taste mechanisms inherent in nature.

Scientists believe that the sweetness of sugar helps the body to correctly assess the amount of food eaten and its calorie content. And substitutes, on the contrary, complicate the process of this assessment, as a result of which the feeling of fullness is a bit late, so unnecessary food enters the body. Thus, weight is gained. This is why people who prefer to lose weight with diets should not rely completely on sweeteners.


Watch the video: 5 Incredible Sugar Substitutes To Lose Those Extra Pounds (July 2024).