March 16: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on March 16th.


Holidays March 16

National Guard Day in Kazakhstan

The National Guard, which is on a par with the Airborne Forces and the Marine Corps, was established in Kazakhstan by presidential decree in 1992. It is a separate military formation and is rightfully considered one of the most prestigious units of the country. After all, it is not for nothing that it is called the visiting card of Kazakhstan. The task of the guards is not only to maintain security in general, they also take a direct part in important state ceremonies and affairs, guard the guards of the standards of the state banner, carry out secret missions, and protect especially important objects.

The screening of candidates for the National Guard of Kazakhstan is very tough. Most are usually screened out during selection. The main selection criteria are: height not lower than 180 cm, secondary education, good physical fitness, lack of excess weight, good physical health, stamina and, of course, lack of criminal record (including among immediate relatives). The family of draftees should be complete.

March 16 in the folk calendar

Eutropian Day

On March 16, people commemorate the Monk Eutropius of Amassia, who lived at the turn of the 3rd to 4th centuries in Asia Minor. According to legend, the holy great martyr fell at the hands of godless pagans for believing in the Messiah.

In Russia, in honor of the Monk Eutropius, they even came up with the saying: "Eutropius hurries the way and the snow melts." On this day, the peasants were supposed to perform a symbolic ritual, which, according to legend, attracted the attention of the sun, so that the sun would quickly melt all the snow and breathe life force into the land-nurse. To do this, the owners of the fields went around their land crosswise and called for spring mercy. The main event on Eutropian Day was considered the awakening of bears. People believed that it was March 16th that the fierce animals get out of the den, starting to scour the search for food.

Historical events of March 16

March 16, 1831 - The world first saw the first novel by V. Hugo "Notre Dame de Paris". For six months, the writer worked on his masterpiece, and as a result, he perfectly revealed all aspects of the vibrant metropolitan life of the 15th century and such a striking interweaving of human destinies. For the first time in 1987, Robert Ossein based on the novel set the long-awaited premiere, and after half a century she "moved" to the stage of the Moscow Theater.

March 16, 1870 - The premiere of the overture of Romeo and Juliet was presented in Moscow. Everyone from school knows this beautiful, but, alas, sad, love story of two young hearts who so wanted to stay together forever. Viewers were fully able to feel this tense atmosphere described by Shakespeare, to plunge into the world of war of two dynasties, so passionately hating each other. The consequences of many years of hostility, covering the eyes of all participants, is the absurd death of beloved children. The story told by the poet has a very deep meaning and tells us about pure love, which is not afraid of anything, has no boundaries and no end.

March 16, 1870 - In Russia, the first open-hearth furnace was launched. The furnace for high-quality phased processing of cast iron and other scrap into steel was first launched in Russia at a large Nizhny Novgorod plant. This furnace glorified Russian steel, and it was named after the French metallurgist Marten, the inventor of such a design. Thanks to the open-hearth furnace, Benardaki, the owner of the Nizhny Novgorod company, who, at his own risk, acquired the apparatus, turned his “brainchild” into a legend of the Russian metallurgical industry.

March 16, 1926 - The American physicist Robert Goddan launched a liquid fuel rocket. For most of his life, a physics engineer devoted himself to developing theories of launching rockets into space. He always believed that the creation of engines capable of overcoming Earth's gravity is possible. Having made many complicated mathematical calculations and armed with the results obtained, Goddan conducted a stunning experiment: he launched the first rocket weighing 5 kilograms into space, soaring to a height of twelve and a half meters.

March 16, 1962 - The Soviet nuclear test site Kapustin Yar launched an artificial Earth satellite into orbit. A successfully deployed experiment laid the foundation for the speedy launches of many vehicles into space. In the period from 1962 to 1963, about twenty-four to twenty-five of these objects were launched.

Born on March 16

- James madison (born in 1751) - a key author of the American constitution, the fourth president of the United States. Rules from 1809 to 1817. Nine years before becoming president, he served as secretary of state for the administration of the then-ruling Jefferson. In 1810, Madison expelled all British ships, resulting in a war between America and Britain, lasting about two years and ending with the signing of the Ghent Peace.

- Sergey Jurassic (born in 1935) - Soviet actor, screenwriter and talented director. He began playing on stage at the age of 18, while studying in his second year at Leningrad University. He played mainly on the stage of the theater. He made his debut in the plays of Gorky - "Signor Mario writes a comedy" and "In search of joy." Immediately after graduation, young Sergei concentrated his skills at the Moscow Theater of the Moscow Soviet, where he played hundreds of roles and staged dozens of performances. In the early 90's he created his own theater "ARTel ARTists S. Jurassic".

- Georg Ohm (born in 1787) - a German physicist who deduced the basic law of an electric circuit (known in physics as Ohm's law). Inspiringly switching from mathematics to physics, Ohm became interested in the "behavior" of electric current in conductors. In Cologne, he conducted a series of experiments on this topic and published his works on the theory of galvanic circuits. In 1826, the scientist introduced the term resistance into the everyday life of physics, proving experimentally the basic law of the electric circuit. And in 1842 he was awarded a gold medal for scientific discoveries and works.

- Alexander Popov (born in 1859) - physicist-electrical engineer, inventor of radio. Since 1901 he was a distinguished professor of physics, four years later he became director of the Electrotechnical Institute. Popov directed the main emphasis to the sphere of electrodynamics. Puzzled by the goal of constructing a wireless signal for use in the fleet, he displayed a sensitive indicator, on the basis of which the first radio receiver was created, transmitting a signal over 150 km. In memory of the event annually on May 7 in Russia celebrate a holiday - Radio Day.

Vladimir Komarov (born in 1927) - Soviet pilot, astronaut. After graduating from the Air Force, he entered a flying school, and then - in the military aviation school named after Serov. In 1960, after a tough selection, he joined the team of Soviet cosmonauts. Komarov completed its first space flight in 1964 aboard Voskhod. For the successful completion of the mission, he was awarded the title "Hero of the Soviet Union", the Order of Lenin, as well as two Gold Star medals (the second time posthumously).

Birthday March 16

"Angel Day" on March 16 I can celebrate the representatives of the names: Eutropius, Cleonica, Basilisk, Martha, Michael, Savin, Zoil, Zinon, Piam, Aban, Denis, Prokopje.


Watch the video: JOJO SIWA'S EPIC 16TH BIRTHDAY PARTY!! (June 2024).