Treatment of spurs on the heels at home - traditional and folk methods. Is it possible to cure a heel spur at home?


Heel spur is characterized by progressive inflammation of the ligaments, muscles, tendons in the foot area.

The place of their attachment is surrounded by a mucous bag, which forms a lot of fluid during inflammation.

Throughout the day, a person moves, while the mucous bag ceases to be elastic, causing pain.

Treatment of heel spurs at home: symptoms and causes

Spur or plantar fasciitis causes discomfort when walking, soreness, feeling like you stepped on a nail.

Pain can appear in the mornings immediately after waking up and pass over time or occur after hard physical work.

Cause of disease - the formation of calcium deposits on the lower part of the calcaneus. For the most part, the spur appears for no apparent reason. However, there are certain factors that provoke the development of the disease. These include:

• elderly age

• diabetes

• work "on foot"

• flat feet or too high a lift

• calf muscle compaction

• wrong walk

• running on a hard surface

• uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes

• obesity

• metabolic disease

• inflammation of the joints

Heal spur treatment at home: medication

Traditional medication includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Naproxen. They are used internally (tablets) and externally (ointments or gels).

It is possible to quickly remove the inflammatory process by injecting corticosteroids directly into the sore spot. This manipulation allows for a short period to reduce inflammation and pain. However, the procedure itself is painful and, in addition, with repeated administration of the drug, fascia rupture is possible.

Treatment of spurs on the heels at home: folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat heel spurs that can reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and nourish tissues with useful substances.

Any methods of traditional medicine are best used along with the main treatment and only after consulting a doctor.

So, the most effective methods for the treatment of heel spurs:

1. For a quick treatment of the disease every night is necessary. before bed, soar your feet in strong saline (2-3 large tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water). In conclusion, you should wipe your feet well, put on your socks and go to bed.

2. A more advanced method: in addition to salt (100 g) in hot water you need dissolve soda (5 tablespoons), iodine (approximately 8 drops).

Keep your feet in a healing composition should be about 15 minutes. Then wipe the legs, grease and massage well.

After this procedure, it is recommended to put on socks and “roll” a wooden rolling pin (preferably with spikes) on the floor. Performing such manipulations daily before bedtime, it is possible to cure the heel spur without the use of medications in a month.

3. Chernobyl grass (preferably fresh) pour water, boil for about half an hour and steam in the legs. Then, without wiping your limbs, put on cotton socks and go to bed. Healing broth can be used for 2-3 more procedures.

4. Grass thornthat is called, "puts on its feet." 150 g of a medicinal plant (along with thorns) must be poured with boiling water and insisted until the solution becomes tolerant for the legs. Soar in this composition of the limb should be 10-15 minutes, after which put on socks and go to bed.

5. The way our ancestors successfully treated heel spurs at home - warm sand. It warms up perfectly, relieves inflammation. Thermal procedures can be carried out in a natural environment, that is, at sea or, having warmed up sand in the oven, immerse feet in it at home. The procedure is performed before bedtime for a rather long period of time.

6. Bischofite - Another natural remedy for treating ailment. It includes a huge number of minerals and nutrients.

The procedure is carried out as follows: first, the heel is thoroughly warmed up, then the tissue is moistened in bischofite gel and applied to the sore spot. Wrap cellophane on top, put on a warm sock.

The compress is kept all night. They remove it in the morning and wash the heel. Lotions should be applied every other day for 2 weeks.

7. Relieves pain, brings noticeable relief use of laundry soap. A medium-sized bar of soap should be grated and then melted on a fire. A slightly warm mass should be placed on a sore spot, tied with cellophane on top and insulated. They withstand such a compress all night, in the morning they wash their heels. Procedures are carried out daily for 2-3 months.

8. You can cure a spur on the heels at home using ordinary medical alcohol. To begin with, it is heated to 40 * C, then the heel is lowered into a container with heated alcohol and kept until completely cooled. Then they don’t wipe the leg, but let it dry naturally. Perform these procedures every other day for 2 weeks.

9. Another proven effective recipe for spurs. It is necessary to squeeze out any baby cream into the container, add 1 egg there, mix and add vinegar essence (one not full large spoon). Mix everything and place the healing composition in a clean jar.

Late in the evening after carrying out a thermal water procedure with salt, it is necessary to rub the heel with the treatment mixture, wrap it with cellophane and insulate. In the morning, remove everything and wash your foot. Treatment is carried out until the contents of the can.

10. Onion and garlic cope well with a heel spur. 3-4 cloves of garlic must be chopped (to the state of gruel) and, applying to the sore heel, bandage. Maintain a compress (in the absence of severe burning) for at least 3 hours.

Onions (1 head) should be cut in half and drip a drop of birch tar in it. Tie a healing onion to the heel and hold for several hours.

11. Horseradish (leaves or roots) boil for about 5 minutes. Proportion: 100 g of raw material per 1 liter of water. Cool the broth to an acceptable temperature and soar a sore foot in it. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a week.

12. Potatoes - a product that is in every home. And he copes with the disease. Before using potatoes, it must be placed for a couple of days in a sunny place. Then the greened tuber should be grated together with the peel and applied to the sore spot.

The potato mixture is kept all night, in the morning it is removed. Conduct medical procedures daily for 10 days.

13. Propolis - A bee product that is widely used in the treatment of many ailments, including spurs. Propolis has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, absorbable effect.

To begin with, a small piece of propolis is softened in a water bath, then a cake is formed and it is applied to the heel with a spur. Top insulate. Withstand propolis all night. The procedure is carried out daily until complete cure.

14. Salt compress well established in the treatment of sore heels. To prepare it, you need to take a large spoonful of finely ground salt, add pharmacy iodine (10 ml), honey (a large spoon) to it.

All components must be mixed and put the mixture on a sore spot. The procedure is best done during the day, maintaining a salt compress for about 15 minutes.

15. An effective remedy for hardy. It should be dissolved in water (5 l) a kilogram of salt and boil. Cool the healing composition and place a sick foot in it (gradually). Soak until completely cooled. The course of treatment is 10 days.

16. Medical bile - a tool that positively affects the outcome of treatment. Before using it, the heel is best steamed thoroughly, then wipe and put on it a swab dipped in purified medical bile. Fix the compress with a bandage, wrap it with polyethylene and a warm sock. Bile must be left all night, and in the morning wash your leg.

17. Equally effective in treating heel spurs at home. the use of fat or animal fat. First, heel to steam, then attach to it a piece of fat or badger fat. The latter can be replaced with goat.

18. Pharmaceutical turpentine - Another folk remedy that helps get rid of the problem. They need to carefully rub the sore spot, then put on a cotton sock, and on top - a woolen one. The procedure is best done all night for 1-2 weeks.

Treatment of heel spurs at home: physiotherapy

Traditional treatments include:

1. Foot massage. Promotes normalization of blood circulation in the foot.

2. Mud applications. Eliminate the inflammatory process, reduce pain.

3. Mineral baths with warm water are no less effective. Improve blood circulation, promote resorption of bone formations.

4. X-ray therapy. With its help, an impact on the heel area with an X-ray occurs, which contributes to the destruction of pathological cells and tissues. It leads to the removal of inflammation and the cessation of pain.

5. Laser therapy. With the help of a laser beam, blood circulation improves, inflammation decreases, pain is eliminated. The procedure is also useful in that it enhances the effect of medications.

6. Ultraviolet irradiation is an equally effective procedure in the fight against spurs.

7. Electrophoresis. The procedure is carried out using certain drugs.

8. Magnetotherapy - exposure to a magnetic field. Electrical currents occur in the tissues that accelerate metabolism and recovery.

9. Ultrasound is the heating of a sore heel. Using this method, metabolic processes are accelerated, resorption and removal of spasms occur.

10. Shock wave therapy. With the help of a sound wave, pathological bone formations are broken, tissues are updated.

Disease prevention

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The proposed recommendations are both prevention and an additional treatment for an existing spur.

1. Fight overweight.

2. Do not neglect flatfoot treatment. Wear special insoles.

3. Try to engage in not too intense sports. Avoid running on hard surfaces.

4. Monitor your normal metabolism.

5. Wear comfortable shoes. The ideal height of the heel is 5 cm.

If you feel discomfort or inconvenience when walking, do not hesitate to visit a specialist. Following his recommendations, as well as using time-tested folk remedies, you can forget about the problem for a long time and enjoy the ease of your walk.


Watch the video: Home Remedies for Heel Spurs. Get Rid of Calcaneal Spur Naturally (June 2024).