Vin Diesel - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


Vin Diesel - American producer, director, scriptwriter, actor, born July 18, 1967 in New York. His real name is Mark Sinclair Vincent, has a twin brother Paul. The mother of Delors Vinset, worked as a psychologist, modestly providing for the family, about her father - everything is covered in secret, it is only known that he could be African-American or Italian. The family tree of Vin Diesel consists of Americans, Mexicans, Irish, Germans, Dominicans, Italians and Africans - therefore, the question of the nationality of the actor is still the subject of controversy.

The love of theatrical productions was instilled in by stepfather Irwin, who taught acting and worked in the theater. When Mark was only 3 years old, the talent of the little actor gradually began to appear, and at the age of 7, by chance, which almost ended in crime, he got on the stage - a group of guys secretly sneaked into the theater in order to use the props and accidentally got on rehearsal of the play.

An amazing educational method was chosen to punish the small attackers - they were forced to read the script. Apparently, Mark did it well, because soon, rehearsing daily, he was able to get twenty dollars for a performance in the theater. The first big premiere was the play "The Door for the Dinosaur", in which he played as a seven-year-old boy.

Dreaming of an actor’s career and at the age of 17 having a beautiful physique and muscular muscles, Mark decided to go in for a real man’s business, which brought in more income than theatrical productions - he got a bouncer in a Manhattan nightclub. Such hard work required an appropriate name, and he took the corresponding pseudonym - Vin Diesel.

Vin Diesel - the beginning of a stellar career

Vin Diesel's stepfather prophesied him a career as a screenwriter, so he had to study philosophy, the basics of stage mastery, and the English language in college. Without graduating from college, he decided to conquer the film Olympus, going to Los Angeles, however, for the first time, he did not submit to this peak and had to work 18-20 hours a day selling television services. Sample as a movie actor disappointed Vin Diesel, and, returning to New York, he unexpectedly receives advice from his mother - to try himself in the role of both screenwriter and director, starting to make his own movie.

The ideas of her book “Making a film worth no more than an old car” entailed the writing of the first script for the short film “Many Faces”. Writing the script and shooting took only 8 days, the film raised the theme of multinationality and cultural diversity, which worried Vin Diesel from early childhood. The first directorial, producer, acting work in the cinema had an ambiguous assessment, but received positive reviews both in Manhattan and at the Cannes Film Festival, where it was presented. Soon, Vin Diesel does his second movie job - the film "Strays", which, although it was approved by critics, was not successful at the box office.

Vin Diesel - Most Notable Roles

In 1997, Vin Diesel’s dizzying acting career in film begins with the small role of Adrian Caparzo, a soldier in the movie “Saving Private Ryan.” Steven Spielberg, who noticed a young actor and screenwriter, decided to try it in this role and was not mistaken. Then there were Vin Diesel’s acting in the films “Black Hole” and “Boiler Room”, successful voice acting for cartoon characters, in 2001 the premiere of the movie “Bouncers” took place, and in 2002 Vin starred as Xander Cage in “XXX” (“Three X” ), for which he was nominated in the nomination for the best male role on MTV. To shoot in the movie "Fast and the Furious," Vin Diesel needed to undergo special stunt training, but the physical and emotional costs paid off - the actor’s fee was determined by millions of dollars.

In 2004, Vin Diesel became a producer and actor in David Thuy's film "The Chronicles of Riddick," but his distribution was not particularly successful and in 2005 the actor won the nomination for "Worst Male Role."

One of the most successful film distribution was the film "The Bald Nanny: Special Mission," where Vin Diesel played the role of a former military man who looks after a scientist and his children. More than $ 200 million was collected by this comedy at the box office.

Vin Diesel - personal life

In the personal life of Vin Diesel, things did not always turn out well, but his women are bright and unusual personalities - models and movie actresses. A beautiful affair with Michelle Rodriguez, which began on the set of "Fast and the Furious," ended a few months later, the romance with the Czech model Paula Harbkova, the performer of the role in "XXX", was short-lived. However, since 2007, two children appeared from the union with the model Paloma Jimenez - daughter Haniya Riley (April 2, 2008) and a son born in 2010, whose name remains a mystery.

Vin Diesel - today

In the immediate plans of the actor and screenwriter Vin Diesel is the release in 2013 of the film distribution of the film "Hannibal", where he will play the main role of the outstanding commander Hannibal Bark.


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