Little black dress 2018 (new photo)


The basis of the wardrobe of any fashionista is a little black dress, without which no cocktail will pass, a pleasant evening or access to the red carpet. The story of his appearance is directly related to such a legendary personality as Coco Chanel.

This woman created a sensation in the fashion world and did not leave anyone indifferent. Soon, everyone imitated her style, and Coco became an icon of style of all times and peoples. The main motto of Chanel - fashion passes, but the style remains. Based on this, you can make the only correct conclusion - not to comply with fashion trends one hundred percent, but to work out your own unique and special, given the type of figure, hair and eye color, fullness, thinness and height.

Considering all these parameters, you will be able to combine and wear both classic versions of clothes that are not compatible at first glance. Black can be combined with the whole range. To do this, begin to acquire the necessary and necessary things, without which you can not do in the winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Little black dress photo

Internet resources are filled with images of various small dresses suitable for thin and fat people. In order not to look ridiculous at a serious event, start with the purchase of basic accessories and jewelry. Once you understand the features of the style, you can embed several colors in one suit.

Black is not necessary to associate with mourning, although the famous evening dress by Chanel has a mourning background, because she invented it in memory of the beloved one who died tragically. Over time, this outfit began to be used both in everyday life and at gala evenings.

Each girl has a photo with a black little dress, which she will certainly be proud of if she wisely chooses accessories, costume jewelry and makeup, which plays an important role as an addition to the image. Photos of fashionable suits will allow you to make the right choice, but you should not overestimate yourself, and feel free to face it and reveal all the flaws of the figure in order to wear the right things.

Little black dress 2018 (new photo)

If you notice, in the collections of the current year, designers always have an example of a wedding and a little black dress. Solid black outfit diluted with all sorts of gold collar or bright shoes.

What bows suit you the most, you will understand only after several times you make a mistake in your choice, because in this case you need experience, a sense of taste and style. Let it be the famous Labutenes or bright green ballet flats, it does not matter, wear what you want. The main thing is to keep the balance in combination with no more than three colors in one image.

In many fashion magazines you will find a white collar, turning you into a teenager or a young second-year student. Such a refreshing onion will allow you to look 10 years younger. If we analyze today's collections for the following seasons, it becomes immediately clear that the pomposity and luxury of the Baroque play all the colors in the jewelry, combined with monochrome costumes.

Photos of the new year:

Black dress photo fashion image

Asymmetrical, short, long, bustier, case - all this fashionable news this season. In the ideas of cut is read innovation of such designers as Karl Lagerfeld, the house of Chanel, the designers of which for many years adhere to the classic style of Coco Chanel in dresses, jackets and outerwear.

Do not forget about bags for socks in your hands, boxes, clutches and many others. One of the golden rules of the modern world of fashion is to sever all accessories, ranging from tights and belts, to shoes. Evening toilet can both emphasize the dignity of the figure, and highlight the disadvantages. It is important to know your type and take into account many of the parameters for the preparation of the most proper and suitable bow for you.

On TV, on video and photos, fashion bloggers and stylists give advice to the most diverse women about how to look better at a particular party. Style is a matter of taste of each person individually, but they do not argue about tastes. Do not forget that the right accessories and perfumes emphasize your dignity.

Photos for inspiration:

Ideas for obese women

If you are full and belong to the size plus, do not rush into all serious things and go to nutritionists to lose weight quickly. Identify for yourself the positive aspects of completeness. For example, choose the right cut, length and model of your toilet. After all, black is not always slim, so you should not fit a full one into a small silhouette if you have extra pounds. Consider the numerous photos, novelties and collections of world couturiers, so as not to be misguided when published. la petite robe noire is also suitable for your build. High-waisted, V-neckline, if you are short and sleeve - one of the most suitable options. Can be worn with beige, blue shoes. And if your little dress with brocade elements and transparent fabric, do not forget to wear the best lace underwear to complement the bow.

Black dress for obese women photo:

What to wear little black dress?

A feminine and masculine view of fashion has always been different, so it’s impossible to say that a man is better able to feel what a woman needs and vice versa. Only your choice, your tastes and preferences, regardless of fashion trends, remain unchanged and important.

If you are not self-confident and need tips and expert advice, just find a photo of the magnificent and unique Koko, then make sure that the new items are not always new, but well forgotten old ones. A complete woman who wears a little black dress is simply obliged to know the basic rules in order to look perfect for those around her and her other half. Do not wear black in order not to irritate people around you with your mourning. Take a chance and use bright red, blue and emerald earrings. If you are a supporter of high heels, then put on a dress shorter and heels higher.

Examples from fashionistas from around the world:


Watch the video: Black one piece images. Black one piece designs. Black one piece. Little Black dress (June 2024).