July 21: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 21.


Holidays July 21

Belgium National Day

In 1830, as a result of the revolution, Belgium gained independence and became a neutral kingdom. July 21, 1831 the kingdom was led by Leopold I, who won the election. This date is celebrated annually as the day of the formation of an independent Belgian state. Festive events are held throughout the country, but more large-scale celebrations are held in Brussels. The celebration begins with the official congratulation of his people by the King of Belgium, after which a spectacular performance takes place on the Palace Square - the famous Grand Dance - a military parade. At the end of the parade, Palace Square is given over to street dancers and musicians. City sidewalks and streets are filled with smartly dressed residents, most of them are holding small flags in black, yellow and red. For all comers, the craft and art fairs open their doors. Where you can buy souvenirs and have a bite to try national dishes and the famous Belgian beer. The main holiday of Belgium is completed by the brightest and most beautiful salute, which begins at 23 o’clock.

July 21 on the folk calendar

Procopius the Reaper

The church on this day honors the memory of the holy great martyr Procopius, who did not renounce the faith, and received martyrdom. Among the people, the saint was better known as the Reaper or the Reaper. On Procopius, they usually began to harvest rye in the fields. Before the harvest, the peasants must have ordered a prayer in honor of the great martyr, then tables were set with refreshments. While the adults worked in the fields, peasant children walked with berries in the forest along the berries. By this time, blueberries ripened. It was not easy to pick berries, mosquitoes that swarm flew around pickers interfered. Blueberries are not only tasty, but also have healing properties. Fresh berries are very useful for vision, and healing blueberry decoctions are indicated for diabetes, gout, rheumatism, as an astringent for indigestion. Work on the gardens was also waiting for the peasants: on that day, beds were weeded and they dug root vegetables.

Historical events of July 21

July 21, 1925 Soviet Union acceded to the International Metric Convention

The first standardization steps were taken in Russia under Ivan the Terrible. When he signed the decree, where they agreed on the constant dimensions that must be followed in the manufacture of cannonballs. The lack of a single state standard led to great inconvenience. In the industry of pre-revolutionary Russia, there were three systems of measurement measures in use - metric, British, and old Russian. The same discrepancies were in other countries. To ensure a single international metrological standard, in 1875. seventeen countries, including Russia, signed an international treaty - the Metric Convention. It was the first international agreement on scientific activity in the field of standardization of units of measure. July 21, 1925 The Soviet Union also recognized the international metric convention. A gradual transition to the metric system of measures began, which was completed by January 1927.

July 21, 1969 earthly human foot first entered the lunar surface

This man was the American astronaut Neil Armstrong. The crew of the Apollo 11 spacecraft went into space on July 16 with a single mission: to reach the moon, land on its surface, and then return. About three days after the start of the flight, the astronauts reached lunar orbit. Michael Collins, according to the flight plan, remained in the spacecraft, and Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong moved to the lunar module, and safely landed on July 20 in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Tranquility. The honor to be the first to touch the surface of the moon was entrusted to the ship's commander Neil Armstrong, and after half an hour Edwin Aldrin entered the lunar soil. Astronauts installed television equipment to communicate with the Earth, took photographs, took the materials necessary for research, hoisted the American flag. After spending about two hours on the moon, astronauts on the lunar module returned to the spacecraft and safely reached Earth.

July 21, 1999 By decree of the President of Ingushetia, polygamy was officially allowed in the republic

Ruslan Aushev explained the decree signed by him with the unfavorable demographic situation in the republic. First of all, a decrease in the birth rate, as well as an excess of the female population of childbearing age over the male. From now on, officially every man was allowed to have up to four wives at a time. According to the Qur'an, all of them needed to be provided equally with attention and material wealth. This Decree did not last long. He was formally suspended at first by President Yeltsin, and then by the Supreme Court of the Ingush Republic, as contrary to the Family Code of Russia. All previously registered polygamous marriages were annulled, and appropriate notes were made in passports.

Born on July 21

Mikhail Zadornov (born 1948), Russian satirist

The satirical father, the famous writer Nikolai Zadornov, dreamed of seeing his son as an engineer. Therefore, Mikhail entered, and later graduated from, the Aviation Institute in Moscow. He even worked for some time as a design engineer, helping to invent a nozzle for the afterburner of an aircraft engine. Mikhail Zadornov always had an extraordinary sense of humor. It so happened that he often had to write explanatory notes on work. One day he decided to "snort", and attributed in the end - "Kiss." The chief, without reading, put his resolution and wrote - "I approve." This comical situation led Michael to the idea of ​​engaging in satire. And he became interested in amateur performances, heading the theater at the Aviation Institute. He performed in several roles at once - an artist, author of scenes and funny miniatures, director. The first widespread fame came to the satirist in 1984, when he read the monologue “Two-Ninth Wagons” from the stage. Today Zadornov is a sought-after and successful artist. He has a blog on the Internet, has his own channel on youtube, tours with recitals, and conducts other active creative activities.

Oleg Gazmanov (born 1951), Russian singer, composer

Oleg Gazmanov’s father was a naval officer. Therefore, the boy from childhood knew who he would become when he grew up. He graduated from the Kaliningrad Marine Engineering College. Having served the due date for distribution, the future singer decided to devote himself to scientific activity. He entered graduate school and got a job at the department at the Naval College. It is not known what scientific ranks the graduate student Gazmanov would have earned if not for his love of music. He sang well and knew how to play the guitar. At parties and youth gatherings, he was always in the spotlight. Putting a fat cross on his scientific career, Oleg Gazmanov decided to devote himself to a musical career, and entered the music school. At the end of which he was waiting for a successful career as a composer, singer, musician. At first he worked in the Squadron group that he created, then he performed solo. He wrote and performed about a hundred hits. The most famous are “Moscow”, which is the anthem of the Russian capital, “Sailor”, “Lord officers”, “Putana”, “Esaul”, “Share”, “Lucy”, “The One” and others.

Name day July 21

Name Day Celebrate: Alexander, Dmitry, Prokopiy, Savva, Victor, Andrey


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