How to quickly make a puff pastry pie with apples. Layer cake with apples, cinnamon, raisins and apricot jam


Nothing gives such a sense of comfort at home as the fragrant smell of baking!

If you've never cooked puff pastry, then try our apple puff pastry pie recipes.

It differs in that the necessary products are almost always in the kitchen, and the cooking process is not difficult.

Puff pastry pie with apples - general principles of preparation

A puff pastry pie with apples can be open, closed, or it can even be decorated with various figures of dough. It all depends on your imagination.

For cooking you will need:

• Puff pastry - you can cook it yourself, but most women prefer to buy already frozen dough. It can be yeast or yeast-free.

• Apples - any variety will do. But it is best recommended to use varieties of sweet and sour apples. But if you take hard varieties, then they must first be caramelized with sugar and cinnamon. From this they will become softer. If you do not want to use the peel, then cut it off and you will have a soft, uniform filling.

The caramelization process: in a well-heated pan, melt the butter, add apples and, after mixing well, fry for about two minutes. Then sprinkle everything with sugar and also fry for another two minutes. After the apples have cooled, they can be used for their intended purpose.

• Vanilla rusks - they can be purchased at specialized stores, or can be replaced with crumbs of sweet buns, dried and ground in a blender or crumbs of white bread with added sugar. These ingredients are required to absorb excess moisture. Those. they will absorb the juice of apples and will not let the dough get wet too much.

• Sugar, which is used to prepare the dish, and icing sugar - to decorate it.

• Butter.

• Lean oil.

• Cinnamon - optional.

• Baking powder - necessary to make the dough rise better.

Also for some recipes you will need: bananas, pears, nuts, orange zest, lemon juice, apricot jam.

Recipe 1. A simple recipe for an open puff apple pie


• puff frozen dough - 1 rectangle .;

• apples - 4 pieces of medium size;

• sugar - 150 grams;

• butter - 30 grams.

Cooking time is 30 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. Before you start, you need to slightly defrost purchased dough.

2. Prepare a baking dish. If it is silicone or Teflon coated, sprinkle sugar on the bottom; if not, you can spread parchment paper for baking or grease the surface with oil.

3. Cut the apples into two parts, and cut each part into thin slices. Gently lay everything on the surface in a thick layer.

4. To give juiciness to the surface, spread the butter and cover it all with dough.

5. Place the pan in a well-heated oven at 180C for half an hour.

6. After the time has passed, carefully turn the contents onto the dish.

7. Serve warm, you can with a ball of ice cream and a leaf of mint.

Recipe 2. Pie made from puff yeast dough with apples


• frozen dough, specially purchased. For this recipe, yeast-free - 500 grams is suitable;

• vanilla crackers, but their substitute is also possible - 40 grams;

• apples of any grade - 1 kg;

• sugar - 100 grams;

Cooking time is 30 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. Pre-washed apples cut into small pieces.

2. Divide the puff pastry into larger and smaller pieces. Roll out most and lay in the prepared form, oiled. The edges of the dough in some way should even protrude beyond the sides.

3. Sprinkle the dough with vanilla crackers.

4. Put all the apples on the dough with a relatively thick layer and sprinkle with sugar.

5. Cover the form with a second smaller layer of dough and pinch the edges tightly.

6. The oven should be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees, the cake will cook for 30 minutes.

Recipe 3. Puff pastry cake with apples


• finished puff yeast dough (450 grams) - 2 layers. Typically, such a dough is sold in the amount of two plates in a package;

• medium apples - 3-4 pcs.;

• sugar - 2 tbsp.

Cooking time is 25 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. The apples are cut into small cubes.

2. Defrost the dough, roll it into a layer of the required size.

3. Grease the prepared form with butter. It could even be a frying pan.

4. Put the apples on the dough and sprinkle sugar on top.

5. The cake can be decorated like a basket. Cut the stripes from the dough and lay them on the apples with a wire rack. Sprinkle sugar on top.

6. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200C, and then another 10 minutes at 160 C.

Recipe 4. Puff pastry pie with apples from Julia Vysotskaya


• puff pastry (non-yeast) - 250 grams;

• sweet and sour apples green or yellow - 2 large;

• butter - 2 tbsp .;

• sugar - 2 tsp;

• cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;

• apricot jam, orange peel. These components can be used individually, or can be used together.

Cooking time is 25 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. Defrost the dough.

2. Cut the apples into slices of the same thickness.

3. Lubricate the surface of the prepared dish (you can use the pizza dish) with butter or sprinkle with semolina.

4. Place the dough and, if necessary, make the sides.

5. Place apples and orange zest very densely on the dough. Sprinkle everything evenly with sugar and cinnamon, and evenly distribute pieces of butter.

6. Bake in a well-heated oven at 200 ° C for 25 minutes on the lower shelf.

7. Heat the apricot jam to a liquid state and pour over the surface of apples.

The combination of unsweetened dough, sweet and sour apples, orange and sweet jam will give the cake an amazing taste!

Recipe 5. Layer cake with apples in a slow cooker


• puff pastry dough - 1 layer;

• apple - 2 pieces;

• banana -1 piece;

• pears - 1 piece;

• sugar - 2 tbsp;

• walnuts - 2 tablespoons

Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. Cut apples, bananas and pears into small pieces. In fact, you can use all of these fruits or each individually, based on what is in your refrigerator.

2. Mix chopped fruits, nuts and sugar.

3. We divide the thawed dough into 3 parts with a width of about 10-12 cm and roll it into layers.

4. On each layer we lay a mixture of fruits and wrap a flagellum. You can use not a mixture of fruits, but in each layer - a separate fruit.

5. On the base of the multicooker, greased with butter, alternately with a snail, lay out all the flagella.

6. Grease the top with yolk.

7. This cake is prepared in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour, then it is turned over and cooked for another 20 minutes. By the way, in the oven, such a recipe is prepared in 20 minutes.

Recipe 6. Traditional layer cake with apples in a slow cooker


• apples - 8 pcs. In general, the more apples, the better;

• flour - 1 tbsp .;

• sugar - 1 tbsp .;

• powdered sugar - 1 tbsp;

• semolina - 1 tbsp .;

• baking powder - 2 tsp If you didn’t have it by accident, then the soda extinguished by vinegar will fully replace it.

• butter.

Cooking time - 1 hour 10 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the apples on a coarse grater or chop finely.

2. Grease a bowl of multicookers with butter.

3. The dough in this case will be - a mixture of sugar, semolina, flour and baking powder.

4. Next, everything is stacked in layers: dough, apples, dough, apples, etc.

5. Sprinkle with chilled butter grated on top.

6. Set the "Baking" mode and cook for 60 minutes, and then another 50 minutes. Do not flip the cake.

7. At the end of the period, remove the cake from the slow cooker and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7. Layer cake with apples and raisins without sugar


• puff pastry can be prepared according to this budget recipe: water and vegetable oil - one glass each, flour - 3-4 glasses, a pinch of salt.

• apples - 7-8 pieces.

Cooking time - 45 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. Pour vegetable oil into water, add salt and add flour. Knead the dough like dumplings and roll the rolling pin into a rectangle. The resulting rectangle must be folded four times several times and re-rolled. At the end of the process, put the dough for half an hour in the refrigerator under the freezer.

2. Peel and cut the apples.

3. Cut the half from the received amount of dough and roll it into a thin layer.

4. We spray the baking sheet with cold water and lay the dough on it, which will be baked at a temperature of 240 degrees for 15 minutes.

5. On the resulting dough, spread the apples and raisins into slices.

6. From the remaining dough we roll out another layer and cover it with our filling.

7. Pierce the dough with a fork and grease with an egg.

8. Put everything in the oven and bake at a temperature of 240 degrees 30 minutes.

Recipe 8. Puff pastry pie with apples and apricot jam


• lemon - 1 pc.;

• apples - 3 pcs.;

• cinnamon;

• sugar;

• egg - 1 pc.;

• apricot jam - 4 tbsp;

• frozen puff pastry - 1 layer.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Cooking method:

1. In the oven we put the baking sheet to heat up at a temperature of 190 degrees.

2. Squeeze the juice of lemon.

3. Cut the apples into thin slices, put them in a bowl, pour in lemon juice so that they do not darken and add 2 tbsp. sugar and cinnamon to taste. All mix well.

4. Roll out the dough on a silicone mat. Place a plate with a diameter of 26 cm on the dough and cut off the excess. Take a plate with a smaller diameter of about 23 cm and draw along the edges without cutting through the dough, i.e. make a mark.

5. Spread our apples in a circle without going beyond the edges of the mark.

6. Beat the egg with a fork and grease the edges of the sides without touching the apples. We pierce the edges of the dough with a fork so that the dough rises and creates the sides for the pie.

7. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Lubricate with apricot jam on top.

Tricks and tips for making puff pastry pie with apples

1. In order to defrost the dough, the table surface must be sprinkled with flour and put the dough on it. To prevent it from blowing, cover it with a towel or put it in a bag.

2. Do not forget to grease the surface of the baking dish so that the dough lags better.

3. Cut the apples into thin slices and small slices so that they bake well.

4. In a closed pie, the dough should always be pierced with a fork in several places so that it rises well and does not deform. You can also make small curly cuts.

5. For shine, top of the dough can be greased with an egg, and for beauty, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

6. Before cooking, it is better to lightly fry the nuts and slightly bite.

7. If you don’t turn the pie in the slow cooker, it will turn out to be very pale on one side.

8. Cinnamon can be added to any recipe. This will give the dish a unique flavor.

Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: Apple Rose Custard Pie (July 2024).