Sealed tooth hurts, why and what to do? Can a doctor’s mistake lead to the complete removal of a sealed tooth?


Pain in a filled tooth is a common occurrence.

Sometimes it passes after a few hours, and sometimes it lasts several days.

The causes of pain in filled teeth are many.

Sealed tooth hurts, why and what to do: reasons

All the causes of toothache of this nature can be divided into two groups: this is the re-occurrence of caries, or the development of a new disease.

Some diseases can be distinguished, as a result of which, sealed teeth begin to hurt greatly:

Caries relapse

Most often, the teeth are filled to eliminate tooth decay. When it occurs, the hard tissues of the tooth are affected. Caries is able to penetrate deep into the tooth, sometimes it reaches the nerve endings. If the caries was not completely removed, after a while it may relapse. This time, the disease is much more dangerous, because serious complications can occur.


Between the hollows in the jawbone and the tooth itself, there is a bonding layer. Thanks to her, the tooth is in its place, does not stagger and does not fall out. If re-occurrence of caries occurs, the layer may become inflamed.

Purulent formations

Cyst and Granuloma are complications of a rather serious nature, they arise if mistakes were made during tooth filling. Purulent formations occur, due to the fact that harmful bacteria get into the tooth. For their favorable development, there are not any obstacles. The whole problem is that detecting bacteria on time is virtually impossible. The only and first symptom is pain. It occurs after an abscess or cyst affects the periodontium or pulp.

Seal allergy

A complication of this nature is rare, but it is still necessary to mention it. In approximately 2% of the total population, an allergic reaction to the material used when filling the tooth occurs. Allergy is manifested by severe pain and swelling.

Quite often, a sealed tooth hurts due to mistakes made by experts. Unfortunately, not a single patient is insured against them, but some of them can be detected at the stage of treatment.

The most common mistakes made by doctors are:

The output of the filling material

This defect can occur only after the nerve endings are removed. A small, natural opening will remain in the roots, through which previously the pulp came out of the tooth and connected to the central systems. If the doctor removes the nerve and seals the nerve, then the composition of the filling may go slightly beyond the boundaries of hard tissue. The body will react negatively to the presence of a foreign object, the inflammatory process will begin.

Removal of nerve endings incomplete

The structure of the teeth is individual for each person. If the dentist closes the tooth and does not conduct an X-ray examination, then small particles of pulp or nerve endings may remain in the tooth. The nerve that is not completely removed will begin to become inflamed, and the person will feel severe pain.

There is a void in the seal

This problem arises only if poor-quality material was used to fill the tooth. The first sensation of pain will occur a few months after treatment, when bacteria enter the empty space.

Sealed tooth hurts, why and what to do: first aid

The treatment of a tooth in which there is already a filling and nerves are removed should be done by a doctor. Why? The thing is that there can be many reasons that caused pain in a filled tooth. If it is not possible to visit the dentist at the moment, you can try to relieve the pain yourself. Many try to apply warmth, believing that in this way the pain will recede, in no case should this be done. In order to alleviate your condition before visiting a doctor, follow these instructions:

1. Take a pain reliever, Ketanov or Nise.

2. After each meal, brush your teeth thoroughly in order to remove all food debris.

3. Prepare a soda solution and rinse your mouth with it. Prescribing other drugs is not worth it.

After you complete all these procedures, the pain will subside. In order for it not to arise again, it is necessary to visit a specialist and identify the cause of the condition.

Sealed tooth hurts, why and what to do: treatment

Many patients, after some time after dental fillings, again feel severe pain. Take your time to run to the doctor, wait a day or two, maybe it arose because you were simply blown away. If after this time nothing has changed, be sure to visit a doctor.

If the tooth is incorrectly sealed, the specialist will remove the filling, treat periodontitis or pulpitis, and re-fill the seal, but temporary. As a rule, it is set for two weeks, if during this time the patient does not bother, then they remove it and put a new one.

If the specialist suspects that the pain in the filled tooth has arisen as a result of an allergic reaction to the material, then a test will be performed on his test. When confirming suspicions, the seal will have to be made from another material.

If pain occurs after filling the canals, dentists recommend that you adhere to a proper diet, do not eat a lot of sweet and hard. The first days, try not to eat on the sealed teeth.

Oral hygiene, in case of pain, is important. Every time after eating, brush your teeth; if this is not possible, rinse your mouth with water.

If inflammatory processes are detected, the specialist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, in some cases antibiotics.

A sealed tooth hurts - why and what to do: folk remedies

You can allocate a lot of folk remedies that can cope with the pain in filled teeth. But it is worth noting that these are temporary measures that allow only for some time to alleviate the patient's condition.

Air Toothache

You can buy calamus at any pharmacy. Take the floor of a pack of plants, pour it into a jar and pour 0.5 liter of moonshine or vodka. Put the medicine in a dark place for 12 days. At a time when the remedy will be infused, take 10 grams of propolis and pour the same amount of moonshine, put it for 12 days. After both funds are ready, take one spoon of the obtained propolis tincture and two tablespoons of calamus root, mix, and put in a refrigerator.

Immediately after you have a toothache, take one spoonful of the product and rinse your mouth for 5-10 minutes, then spit it out. Under the influence of calamus, the pain subsides, and propolis is a kind of means for "filling" the tooth.

Propolis for pain relief in a filled tooth

The easiest way to relieve toothache is to chew the plant for several minutes, and then spit it out.

You can make alcohol tincture. Take a small amount of the plant and fill it with vodka. If severe tooth pain occurs, soak a cotton wool in tincture and apply to a sore spot, relief will come quickly enough.


Take one spoonful of calendula and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Immediately after the tincture has cooled, rinse her mouth.

Onion and garlic

This method of relieving toothache is perhaps the oldest. Pass them through a meat grinder or garlic grinder, then put in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. In the resulting juice, you can moisten the fleece, after which it is placed on the diseased tooth.

Essential oils

Essential oils are used for various purposes, both in medicine and in cosmetology. Many of them can help with severe toothache.

You can cook the oil yourself. To do this, take one part of the hypericum flowers, and two parts of the hypericum leaves. Place the grass in a transparent bottle, pour 4 parts of olive oil on top. Put the bottle on a sunny spot for two weeks. Then strain the oil. In order to relieve toothache, warm up the oil a little, moisten a cotton wool in it and attach it to a diseased tooth.

Toothache is always difficult to tolerate, regardless of what it caused. You need to be very attentive to your oral cavity, visiting only good and professional specialists.


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