Need to cook something tasty in a hurry? Quick recipes of a delicious whip up: a guest on the doorstep


Hospitality is one of the qualities that is very much appreciated in people.

Moreover, this quality distinguishes representatives of many nations and cultures.

A warm welcome is most often associated with a delicious treat.

Whether it is fragrant delicate pastries with a cup of tea, coffee or a remarkably set table for lunch, dinner.

Meanwhile, often an unexpected situation arises called "guest on the doorstep."

It is only in the proverb that an uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar. And if he is uninvited, but very expensive and pleasant, such guests are welcomed with pleasure. However, often in the event of an unexpected visit, the joy of the hostess is overshadowed by anxiety: what to bring to the table? To make it tasty, beautiful, and most importantly - quickly? To solve this problem, there are a number of different dishes from the guest on doorstep category.

Whip up something delicious - general cooking principles

The main condition for such dishes is that they really cook in a hurry. That is, quickly, simply and from the usual available products, which are most often found in any home. Moreover, products may be replaced and vary depending on their availability. Dishes from the “guest on the doorstep” series usually do not require the strictest adherence to recipes and allow a fair share of improvisation.

Most often, from a yummy one they cook in a hurry:

  • Sandwiches

  • Salads

  • Snacks

  • Baking

  • Various desserts.

This uses a variety of products. As ready-made: bread, pita bread, sausage or sausages, cheese, salted or smoked fish, canned fish, fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, as well as requiring cooking. Often, for a tasty little whipped up eggs, dairy products, and flour are needed. Spices, seasonings, salt, sugar, vegetable oil complement the list of ingredients.

In haste, you can cook such full-fledged dishes as soups, side dishes, meat, fish - there are also many simple recipes here.

If cooking is required, then a stove, an oven, a microwave, and even a slow cooker may be necessary. Assistants in the preparation of delicious in haste will be a mixer, blender, devices for chopping vegetables.

Hot fast-food sandwiches

The simplest dishes that are usually whipped up are sandwiches. Neither help out in those cases when there is little time. Whether it is a family breakfast, an unexpected visit by guests or a quick snack. Hot sandwiches have already become familiar, but due to some nuances they can gain additional flavoring notes.


10 slices of white bread or slices of loaf

200 grams of sausage or sausages

200 grams of hard or cream cheese

½ cans of canned corn

2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise

1 clove of garlic

Ground black pepper to taste.

Pieces of bread can be dried in the oven, fried in a pan on one or two sides, or used without initial preparation. It depends on how crispy the sandwiches will be.

Cooking method

Cut sausages into small cubes. Sausages can be used frozen, then it is convenient to grate them.

Cheese also rub.

Pass the garlic through a garlic press or grate.

Mix all the ingredients of the filling.

Put the stuffing on the bread in the pots and put in the oven or microwave.

Hold until the cheese melts and serve.

When serving, you can decorate with sprigs of parsley or chopped fresh greens of dill, onion feathers.

Options: Instead of corn, you can take finely chopped pickled cucumber or fresh tomato, remove excess juice. An additional shade of taste for hot sandwiches will be added by the introduction of ketchup, adjika, and other tomato sauces into the filling. By the way, thanks to the tomato, they will get a nice shade.

Sandwiches with cottage cheese - healthy and tasty whipped up

For many, cottage cheese is more familiar in its sweet form, but it can become a filling for ordinary, savory sandwiches.


10 slices of white or rye bread

300 grams of cottage cheese

2-3 tablespoons of sour cream

2 tomatoes or fresh cucumbers

A handful of parsley, dill, onion and garlic feathers

Salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Cottage cheese is well kneaded, you can use a blender.

Add sour cream, salt, pepper, chopped herbs to it. It should turn out to be a thick, moist, slightly brackish mass with the taste of dill and garlic.

Spread the slices of bread with curd.

Thinly cut slices of tomato or cucumber on top, you can add both of them and add a little salt at will.

Suitable for both breakfast and as an appetizer for spirits.

Options: If there are no feathers of green garlic, you can take a clove of ordinary and, chopped, enter into the filling. In addition to cucumber and tomato, such sandwiches with fresh bell pepper are very tasty. For a brighter taste, you can mix the cottage cheese with finely grated hard cheese.

Lavash roll as something tasty whipped up

In conditions of culinary time pressure, a layer of pita bread often becomes a lifesaver. If it is in stock - it is easy to cook a delicious snack with a mass of various fillings.



For the filling number 1: 300 gr hard cheese, 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, garlic clove

For the filling number 2: 100 gr. Korean carrots, 200 g ham, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

For the filling number 3: 100 gr. boiled beets, 1 small onion, 200 gr. salted herring fillet

For the filling number 4: jar of canned tuna, 2 boiled eggs, 100 gr. hard cheese, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

For the filling number 5: 200 gr. fillet of salted red fish, 3 tablespoons of soft cream cheese, parsley and dill.

Cooking method

Lay out the pita bread, if it has rounded edges - it is better to trim the edges, giving a rectangular shape.

Grind the ingredients for the filling: grate the cheese and mix with crushed garlic, chop the ham, onion, salted fish into pieces, grate boiled eggs and beets, knead the canned fish.

Spread the layer with mayonnaise or soft cheese.

Lay out the component fillings in layers.

Wrap pita bread in the form of a roll as tight as possible.

If there is time, wrap in cling film and let lie in the refrigerator for an hour.

Gently cut into narrow slices of roll, you can serve with lettuce.

Options: Almost any salads or variations on their theme can serve as a filling for pita bread. Appetizers using hard cheese can be sent to the oven or microwave for several minutes to melt the cheese. Then, slightly cooled, cut.

Salad based on Mimosa - a simple and tasty dish whipped up

Mimosa salad, beloved by many, involves the use of boiled vegetables, and this is additional time. If you remove these components, then the dish can be prepared very quickly, and completely without compromising on taste.


A can of canned fish in oil or in your own juice "Mackerel", "Sardinela", "Tuna"

5 boiled eggs

1 medium onion

Mayonnaise to taste


Parsley or dill.

Cooking method

Peel the onion, chop finely, add a little salt and mash so that it is less bitter. You can pickle the onion by sprinkling with lemon juice or vinegar. You can pour over boiling water, then it will be completely without bitterness.

Arrange the prepared onion on a platter, slightly greased with mayonnaise.

The next layer is mashed canned fish.

Grate the eggs on top or only one squirrel, laying the yolks, grease with mayonnaise.

For decoration, you can use greens, as well as crushed egg yolks.

Options: As a basis, you can take canned "Sprats". Grind the fish, and leave a few halves with tails. When the salad is collected, stick on top the remaining parts of the sprats with tails up, simulating diving fish.

Quick Cheesy Cheese Soup


100 gr sausages or sausages

1 processed cheese "Friendship"

4 potatoes

1 carrot

1 onion

Salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Cooking method

Peel, cut and dip the potatoes in a pan with 1.5 liters of water.

At the same time prepare a dressing: passasse finely chopped onion, add grated or chopped carrots.

When the potato is close to ready, put chopped sausages, dressing and finely grated cheese into the soup.

Allow to boil until the cheese dissolves, try salted products for salt - sausage and cheese, so it is better not to salt in advance.

Seasoning with herbs and black pepper, turn off the soup.

Serve with croutons, crackers.

Options: You can reduce the number of potatoes and add any cereal into the soup - rice, buckwheat, millet, and also vermicelli. This soup will have a brighter taste if the sausages are slightly fried.

How to cook something tasty whipped up from minced meat: square cutlets in the oven

Plus these cutlets - you do not need to spend time not only on frying, but even on molding. If there is ready-made stuffing, future meatballs can be quickly loaded into the oven and do other things.


1 kg of minced meat - pork plus beef or any other

2 large onions

2 slices of white bread

Salt, black pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Soak the bread in water or milk for five minutes, knead thoroughly.

Add the minced onion, bread, salt, pepper to the minced meat in any way.

On the greased baking sheet, put the stuffing in a layer the thickness of a regular cutlet. Flatten.

Use a spoon or spatula to draw deep lines up and down, dividing the minced meat into squares or rectangles.

Put in the oven and oven until cooked until a clear juice appears.

Serve as regular cutlets.

Options: You can make a similar dish by adding boiled rice to the minced meat. It will be especially tasty if you sprinkle the minced meat with cheese before baking.

Baking from the category of delicious in a hurry - chocolate bun

Very quick to prepare and very chocolate baked goods everyone will like. Five minutes to prepare the dough, half an hour in the oven, a little more time to cool - and you can drink tea or coffee with this chocolate miracle.


1 cup milk

2/3 cup odorless vegetable oil

3 eggs

1 cup of sugar

2 tablespoons of cocoa

About 3 cups flour

Vanillin to taste.

Cooking method

Mix milk, butter, sugar, cocoa with a mixer or blender.

Pour half a glass of the mixture and set aside.

In the rest, add eggs, vanillin, mix.

Pour the flour in parts until a thick dough of sour cream consistency is obtained.

Pour into a round shape, previously you can not lubricate with oil, since there is oil in the dough.

Bake for half an hour: first over high heat, then lower.

Allow to stand for five minutes after turning off, put on a dish and pour over the set mixture.

Options: Variety of this basic recipe nuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, added to the dough. A great supplement option is chocolate broken into pieces.

Secrets and tricks of cooking yummy fast

  • Choose dishes with a minimum of heat treatment and other various operations.

  • All components must be fresh and of high quality, and not on the principle of "what is in the refrigerator."

  • Frozen ingredients can not be thawed before heat treatment.

  • Do not forget to look at canned foods, convenience foods, shelf life.

  • A beautiful cut in quick dishes is half the success. At the same time, you should not engage in artsy decoration of dishes, it is a waste of time and effort, often ineffective.

A tasty and healthy dish is not necessarily one that has been prepared for a long time. You can choose a lot of wonderful recipes for something tasty whipped up!


Watch the video: Tia Mowry's Hot Chocolate Recipes For The Holidays. Quick Fix (July 2024).