Bedroom color affects sleep quality


Want to sleep well at night? There is nothing easier - choose the right color scheme for the bedroom and a complete rest is provided for you.

In a study conducted by experts from the Edinburgh Sleep Center, a color analysis of the bedrooms of two thousand homes was conducted. It turned out that the calm and warm colors - green, yellow, blue contributed to a sound sleep. Experts attribute this fact to ganglion cells of the retina, which are most susceptible to blue color. All information from the retina is transmitted to the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for our daily sensations and the cyclical nature of the phases of sleep.

Surrounded by blue and blue flowers, people slept for 7 hours 52 minutes. Soft and calm shades of green and yellow are almost as effective: in such bedrooms, the duration of night sleep was shorter by only 10-16 minutes. People who prefer the lilac color of the bedroom sleep on average 5 hours 56 minutes. Most likely, this color activates brain activity. Brown walls give people sleep only 6 hours 5 minutes, gray - 6 hours 12 minutes.

With a red color scheme of a bedroom, a person sleeps 6 hours 58 minutes, with silver - 7 hours 33 minutes, orange - 7 hours 28 minutes and with gold - 6 hours 43 minutes. Researchers found another interesting relationship: spouses who sleep in a bedroom decorated in sand tones have sex three times a week, while the red bedroom encouraged sex only once a week.

Here are some more expert observations: gray bedrooms are loved by people who shop online right in bed. And those who sleep in a room with a silver interior, have an insistent desire to exercise in the bedroom.


Watch the video: 3 Bedroom Paint Colors That Will Improve Your Sleep (June 2024).