Guessing on playing cards


Like in that popular little girl, every woman wants to know where the Queen of Spades is sitting. Our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, almost immediately after the black-red sets appeared on the shelves. Vorohei and fortune-tellers did not abandon them even with the growing popularity of tarot. To this day, ordinary playing cards provide answers to women's questions, sometimes more accurate.

Men for the most part do not use cards for anything other than the game. They rarely wish to delve into the fine structure of magic. Therefore, women get better magic rituals. The energy of the female soul gives it an incredible power in any witchcraft rituals, where fate gives veiled answers.

What can you guess on ordinary maps?

A regular deck of 36 cards can answer any question. They are wondering about love, relationships, future, strength and duration of marriage. With the help of cards you can find out about treason, find a lost thing, find out what is waiting in business and whether it is worth investing in a deal. You can find out the circumstances of the loss of a person or the consequences of the decision.

The main thing in guessing cards - follow four simple rules:

  1. For fortune telling use a new deck. You should not guess on the cards that have been in the game or taken for a while from friends, also on other fortune-telling cards. Buy your deck, and it is recommended to have different decks for different divinations.
  2. Guessing, focus on the issue of concern to you. The correct formulation of the question and the utmost concentration will provide the best deal.
  3. Explain the meaning of each fortune-telling from the appropriate decoding.
  4. It is better to guess on love and relationships on Tuesday or Friday, when the Moon is in the growth phase. This type of ritual is also best performed in the light of 2 white candles.
  5. Spend divination once. Do not redraw cards if the result does not suit you or it is not clear to you. The second time the cards will not answer you and you will only get a false interpretation.

Below are the most popular fortune telling on cards.

Guessing love on the cards

Ways divination for love is a whole lot. The most popular are divination for the lady and the king, for four jacks and the Black Rose. In this article, we consider the version of fortune-telling at the lady and the king. The advantage of this scenario is that the interpretation of the cards for it is used in many other ways, being as simplified as possible. With the help of deciphering the cards for this fortune-telling, one can understand what the cards say in some other cases.

Guessing on playing cards on a loved one with the help of ladies and kings, requires the correct selection of suits appropriate to you and your chosen one cards:

  • Unmarried girls under 25 choose lady tambourine.
  • Married or up to 50 years choose lady of the worms.
  • Widows and women over 50 are related to lady of clubs

By the same principle, a man’s card is chosen:

  • Unmarried man under 25 - king tambourine.
  • Married or over 25 years old - king of hearts
  • A widower or man over 50 (also applies to your boss) - king of clubs

Ladies and kings of spades do not participate in the selection, as this is a figure card with its own interpretation. They are given the black meaning of separation points, and in most cases fortune-tellers are wary of this card as fire.

Divination is carried out on two ladies and two kings in four stages.

First stage

Your card is placed on the right and the beloved card is on the left. Between them is left free space. Next, the remaining deck is carefully shuffled, cards are removed with his left hand to him. Put the cards in a certain order and quantity, face down. In no case do not pull out the cards arbitrarily, shoot strictly in a row:

  • To the left of the king and to the left of the lady two cards are put. They symbolize what each of you hides from the other.
  • The next two pairs of cards are placed at the feet of the king and the ladies. "Foot" cards determine the near future for everyone.
  • Above the king and the lady also lay two cards. The top cards are what each of you think of the other.
  • Next to the left pile of the king and with the right pile of the lady, another pair of cards is put. They symbolize that which interferes with relations on the part of everyone.
  • Two more cards are placed on the king and the lady. Such cards denote that (or the one who) you and your beloved are really lying on the heart.
  • Under the king and under the lady on two cards - the true relationship to each other.
  • And finally, three times on a pair of cards - a total of six, between the king and the lady. The most important stage is the past, present and future of your relationship.

Then the cards are opened and interpreted in the order of putting it. However, they are interpreted in pairs and in conjunction with each other. The values ​​of the cards are woven together, and various images may appear in your subconscious mind. Do not ignore them, they can complement and expand the overall picture.

Stage Two

All cards after interpretation are collected, including the first two. Again, carefully shuffled and laid out of three piles of three cards like an inverted triangle.

  • The left pile - the desire of men from these relationships and his aspirations.
  • The right pile is your true desires and secret plans.
  • The bottom stack is real destinations for relationships.

After interpretation, the cards are removed to the side and not used further.

Stage Three

The main cards are shuffled again. Further one map opens with questions:

  • for me;
  • for home;
  • for heart;
  • what happened;
  • What will happen;
  • how it will end;
  • than your heart will calm down.

Immediately interpret the values, thus you predict your own future. These seven cards are put off. The rest are shuffled again and another seven cards are laid out with the same questions - but for your man. Also predict the future using decryption and set aside the cards.

Stage Four

Cards left in your hands, mix again. One by one lay on the table and as soon as the pairs are assembled at face value (two sevens, two ladies), put aside. The cards remaining on the table will determine the future for you with your chosen one.

Legends say that the future predicted by such cards is unavoidable. However, the will of the fortuneteller is strong in her power, knowing why to be afraid, to change her future.


Deciphering playing cards in fortune-telling is, firstly, a clear answer, and secondly, this is the “game of intuition”. Each card has several meanings, and it is necessary to relate the interpretation to reality. Intuitively choose the most likely values ​​to listen to the cards.


  • Six - the road to meet; travel together; Honeymoon; concessions; the birth of sympathy.
  • Seven - a date; secret meeting; moving, living together.
  • Eight - intimate conversations; declaration of love; (if the seven worms are near - marriage proposal).
  • Nine - mutual love; love for children (in the presence of a jack of hearts near - the birth of a child, pregnancy).
  • Ten - dreams, desires, hopes, plans.
  • Jack - sex problems.
  • Lady - you yourself; mother; friend; confidante; in the presence of the peak lady - a rival; paired with a lady tambourine - your girlfriend or girlfriend lover.
  • The king is your chosen one; married man; your spouse; your lover.
  • Ace - the house; marriage


  • Six - a short joint trip; Visit to the friends of one of you.
  • Seven - a friendly meeting; company; meeting of like-minded people; combination with the seven peak - a reason to be jealous.
  • The eight is a discussion of the future between you; in combination with the six and the seven tambourines - a common vacation with friends.
  • Nine - first love; friendship without hints.
  • Ten - friendly interest; hope; paired with a dozen clubs - joint shopping.
  • Jack - problems; friendly joint problem solving; young fan; deprivation of virginity; Jack of tambourines under your card - the fear of defloration or the beginning of sexual activity with a chosen one.
  • Lady - you yourself; young girl; lover, if the card of the chosen one is the king of hearts.
  • The king is your object of sigh; young man; someone's son or relative; if the king of tambourines under the card of your chosen one is latent homosexuality.
  • Ace - a letter; official notice; important service; signing a marriage contract near the clubs.


  • Six - business trip; business trip; reason for a quarrel with the presence of a peak next.
  • Seven - a business meeting and job offer; corporate; Ultimate warning.
  • Eight - a joint budget; cost planning; in the presence of spikes - a quarrel over finance, accusations of self-interest;
  • Nine - office romance between you, if you work together; the romance of one of you; strong affection based on finances.
  • Ten - an expensive gift from one of you to the other; income; profit; use of official position for personal purposes.
  • Jack - monetary problems of one of you; the likelihood of rupture due to financial turmoil; romance with standing below the service.
  • Lady - you yourself; your boss; your colleague; mother-in-law; mother in law; neighbor; the lady to whom you owe money; if there is a chosen card next to it, its female sponsor.
  • The king is your young man; Chief; colleague; father; father-in-law; your lender; next to your lady is the foe of the chosen one.
  • Ace is a business; house from the company; the work of one of you.


  • Six - a long road together; unpleasant way; funeral ride; if next to the card of the chosen one - the path that he keeps secret from you.
  • Seven - quarrel with him; bitterness; if a lady is near the peak - an unpleasant meeting.
  • Eight - jealousy; mistrust; Debriefing; scandal; bust with alcohol; joint trip to the guests, which should be abandoned.
  • Nine is a disease; if a number of worms and other peaks - an intimate illness; love with bad intentions.
  • Ten - disappointment of one of you in the other; shattered hopes; tears.
  • Jack - vain efforts; senseless acts; wrong choice; intriguer; if another peak is near - unpromising relationship.
  • Dame - jealousy; anger; hatred; rival; enemy; widow; above the card of the chosen one - the devil.
  • The king is someone noble: official person; widower; new acquaintance; serious foe; above your map is someone who can destroy your feelings towards a young person.
  • Ace - point down - hit or break a relationship; point up - trouble, misunderstanding; discord.

How to find out the attitude of a guy to you?

Guessing on playing cards on the love and thoughts of a man is best done in his name. You need to know his full name and, thinking, constantly think about him, presenting his image before his eyes:

  1. Shuffle deck in 36 cards.
  2. A few piles unfold according to the number of letters in the name, face down.
  3. Opens one row, starting from the bottom.
  4. Look for two or four identical cards at face value.
  5. If not, the next row opens.
  6. If none of the cards were the same, all the piles are collected, not mixing with each other.
  7. Again, lay the cards up by the shirt, but using a diminutive name or nickname.

Decoding cards

  • Two six - marriage; Four - loyalty, as in films;
  • Two sevens - a meeting; four - date;
  • Two eights - conversation; four - quarrel;
  • Two nines - love; four is incredibly strong love;
  • Two dozen - interest; four - calculation;
  • Two Jacks; - troubles; four jacks - vanity;
  • Two ladies - hope; four gossip;
  • Two kings - strong friendship; four - family relationships;
  • Two aces - intimate relationships; four - stormy passion.

What happened? What will happen?

Guessing on the cards "What was? What will happen? ”Is intended mainly for relationships. The first stage, as in the final part of fortune-telling on two ladies - two kings, is the selection of the appropriate card. Then the deck shuffles three or five times in a row. Three cards are laid out on the table until the moment when there is no card on the table among the three. Similar in position and interpretation of the card is a good sign, it means that fortune telling is true. Then your card is put off and the shuffle is repeated. If three times your card was at the end of the deck, divination should be postponed for another day.

Left pinky "remove" the deck from yourself.

Next, lay out 5 rows of 3 cards. Another one - the last one, is set aside.

The first pile is for yourself. The second is for the heart. Third - home. The fourth is the past. Fifth - the future. The last single card - the heart to calm down.

Decoding cards


  • Ace - an event in the autumn or evening; evil ear; home of an influential person or family.
  • The king is a friend; military; if there is no king of clubs in the scenario, a guessing one will fail.
  • The lady is a friend; illegal child.
  • Jack - friend; intercessor; military private; the first among jacks - confirmation of the correctness of fortune telling.
  • Ten - danger; disaster; accident.
  • Nine is a legacy; doubts; pleasant conversation.
  • Eight - loss; death.
  • Seven is a short road; success; a new beginning; inheritance; straight position - tears.
  • Six - the sea; vain way; jail.


  • Ace - morning; springtime; home couple; present; warm letter.
  • The king, the red-haired lady, is brown-haired or married; a sudden meeting; nice news.
  • The lady is a married woman.
  • Jack - an uninvited guest.
  • Ten - marriage; platonic relationships; happiness; joy; city.
  • Nine - a love message; surprise; love.
  • Eight - fun, easy conversation; long walk
  • Seven - change; funny conversations.
  • The six is ​​the way of the king or lady; walk; interference
  • All red cards are surrounded by divisive infinite love.


  • Ace - day; summer; letter; news.
  • King - unmarried (in the absence of a diamond lady) young man; date; new acquaintance, promising relationship.
  • The lady is a young girl; traitor
  • Jack - good news; the messenger
  • Ten - money; present; a meeting.
  • Nine - finance; the king or queen of diamonds together with the nine - sympathy of the cards to the guessing.
  • The eight is a good prophetic dream; dream; news about money.
  • Seven - an expensive gift; deal; joy; affairs
  • Six is ​​a winning card that affects all cards, even negative ones; Dreams come true and fast road to a nice place.


  • Ace - night; winter; the loss; sorrow; sad news. With a king next door and an inverted ace - passionate passion.
  • The king is a villain; rival.
  • The lady is a quarrel; gossip; old wicked woman.
  • Jack - evil young man; quarrel; fight; bad news; thoughts of the peak king;
  • Ten - weak state of health; vain hope; failure.
  • Nine is a scandal; loss of a friend; fees on the road.
  • Eight - a disease.
  • Seven is a lie; suddenness
  • Six - the loss of the peak king or lady; long road; late path.
  • Seven cards of the peak suit in the scenario mean the requirement to cancel fortune telling on that day.

Different combinations in the layout:

  1. Four aces - the fulfillment of desire, four aces and four dozen - a real trump!
  2. Four kings - success to those who ask for cards, good news for an outsider.
  3. All the ladies for men are the pet of women, all the ladies for women are intrigues, weave, failures.
  4. Four Jacks - a lot of trouble, a sad position in society at the object of alignment.
  5. Four dozen - order in affairs, dreams coming true.
  6. Four nines - nervous tension.
  7. Four sixes - absolute fulfillment of desires.

You can learn about treason on the cards?

Treason for a woman - a great betrayal that is difficult to identify and difficult to forgive. To reveal it and find out whether your loved one had physical intimacy with someone other than you during the period of a relationship, you can use fortune telling. It is usually done on tarot cards, but you can also use playing cards. It will be harder to understand the meaning of the cards, but divination still remains effective for the able fortune-teller.

Divination for treason - one of the most difficult. For him, you should tune in positively to the person occupying your thoughts. Think only about it and get the negative out of your head. Turn on meditative music to make it easier.

Deciphering fortune-telling on treason on playing cards corresponds to fortune-telling on two ladies and two kings, but the questions answered by the cards vary. The method of calculation also varies.

Remove the well shuffled deck from yourself. Put the first card, under it - the second and third, under them the fourth and fifth, in the bottom - the sixth, under the sixth - the seventh and the eighth. Shirt down:

  • The first card answers the question of your true relationship to your soulmate, which you yourself may not suspect. Hidden desires and secret hopes that drive you.
  • The second card - the reasons for your suspicion of infidelity lover.
  • The third card is the general position of your relationship.
  • The fourth card is a clear answer about whether there was treason or not. Treat it especially carefully, for further cards are interpreted only if the answer was in the affirmative.
  • The fifth map is the development of events after revealing treason.
  • The sixth card is the answer to the question of how to prevent the repetition of treason or return the beloved after it.
  • Seventh - your future relationship to the second half.
  • The eighth is the lover's attitude towards you.

Any fortune-telling on relationships on playing cards can be interpreted in their own way. Listen to your intuition, do not take everything literally. Your young man should occupy all your thoughts, treat him first of all as a loved one. Guessing on playing cards for love that you have with him, was or is planned, designed to customize your thoughts. With the help of divination, you will gain a vision of the situation and tune in to the right actions.

Guessing for the future on the cards

Of course, love card possibilities are not limited. Many wonders want to know what awaits them in life. Расклад на игральных картах на будущее проводится разными способами. Описанный ниже - не самый популярный, но определённо самый толковый. Такое гадание на картах на будущее - самое точное, не оставляющее сомнений и отвечающее на все вопросы. Оно основано на магическом числе тринадцать. Использовать это гадание лучше в ситуации, когда перед вами встаёт выбор и вам необходимо принять решение. В критической ситуации с двумя вариантами развития событий, карты помогут сделать правильный выбор:

  1. Возьмите колоду в 36 карт, тщательно её перетасуйте. Пока мешаете карты, задумайтесь о вставшей перед вами проблеме, визуализируйте её, обдумайте все способы её решения. Не упустите даже гипотетические варианты.
  2. По очереди выложите на стол произвольных 13 карт.
  3. Толкуя карты, учитывайте только нечётные, чётные можете сразу отложить в сторону.

Что указывают карты?

  • Первая - событие или ситуация, беспокоющая вас больше всего в этот момент.
  • Третья - причина затруднений в выборе правильного решения.
  • Пятая - указание на грядущие в ближайшем будущем события.
  • Седьмая - ваши способности, силы, которые помогут вам добиться успеха.
  • Девятая - люди или методы, к которым следует обратиться в ближайшее время.
  • Одиннадцатая - скопление отрицательной энергии, присутствующей в вашей жизни и мешающей вам двигаться вперёд.



  • Шестёрка - непредвиденная поездка;
  • Семёрка и восьмёрка - деловая встреча;
  • Девятка - любовь;
  • Десятка - надежда; с десяткой пик - иллюзия;
  • Валет - огромные проблемы, зачастую неразрешимые;
  • Дама - женщина, вы сама;
  • Король - мужчина, состоящий или состоявший в браке;
  • Туз - дом.


  • Шестерка - поездка по работе;
  • Семёрка - потенциальный клиент;
  • Восьмёрка - серьёзные рабочие проблемы;
  • Девятка - угасшие было чувства вспыхнут с новой силой;
  • Десятка - неожиданная прибыль;
  • Валет - нахлынувшие хлопоты;
  • Дама - влиятельная женщина;
  • Король - влиятельный мужчина;
  • Туз - требующее незамедлительного решения важное дело.


  • Шестёрка - совсем недолгая дорога;
  • Семёрка - серьёзные и долгие деловые переговоры;
  • Восьмёрка - общение с друзьями;
  • Девятка - внезапные чувства к женатому;
  • Десятка - претворение планов в жизнь;
  • Валет - лёгкое разрешение неудач;
  • Дама - любовница или вы сама;
  • Король - друг или молодой человек;
  • Туз - изменения, нововведения в работе.


  • Шестёрка - нежеланная, но обязательная поездка;
  • Семёрка - новости, способные изменить вашу жизнь в худшую сторону;
  • Восьмёрка - расслабьтесь и выпейте, последствий не будет;
  • Девятка - болезнь, которая способна ненадолго уложить вас на больничный;
  • Десятка - ваша надежда не сбудется;
  • Валет - бессмысленность действий;
  • Дама - враг в вашем окружении;
  • Король - новое знакомство с влиятельным человеком;
  • Туз - если острием вниз - неприятные известия; вверх - весёлое мероприятие, вечеринка.

В целях прояснения ситуации по каждой карте, допустимо вынуть из колоды несколько (не более трёх) подсказок. Каждый вопрос озвучьте вслух, перед тем как достать карту.


  • Шестёрка - собирайтесь в дорогу;
  • Семёрка - обыденная суета;
  • Восьмёрка - избавьтесь от страха потерять время на общение с друзьями, это принесёт пользу всем;
  • Девятка - займитесь собой, приведите себя в порядок, вас ждёт встреча с вашим суженым;
  • Десятка - увы, но ваши планы не сбудутся и чудо тут не поможет;
  • Валет - ждите долгих неразрешимых проблем;
  • Дама - если вы женщина - означает вас, если мужчина - означает любовницу;
  • Король - для мужчины - его олицетворение; для женщины - женатый любовник;
  • Туз - ваша семья.

Описание сочетания карт

Гадание на обычных картах с полным описанием сочетания карт приведено ниже.

Случается такое, что при гадании на стол выпадают различные сочетания карт. Такое встречается нередко и каждое сочетание истолковывается по-разному.

На стол выкладывается 9 карт в произвольном порядке. Толкуются только по сочетаниям.

Если выпали карты одной масти:

  • Пиковая: в этом месяце вас ожидает большая неудача или горе. Крепитесь и будьте готовы бороться.
  • Трефовая: вас ожидает бюрократическая волокита - судебные дела, походы по различным инстанциям.
  • Бубновая: богатство и неожиданные доходы, - будьте готовы к неожиданной удаче.
  • Червовая: благополучный и счастливый период во всех отношениях.

Если выпадет «каре», - то есть четыре карты одного номинала:

  • 4 шестёрки: в этом месяце придётся много и, скорее всего, напрасно работать.
  • 4 семёрки: печальное расставание.
  • 4 восьмёрки: рабочие и домашние хлопоты, которые не принесут вам ни горя ни счастья.
  • 4 девятки: приятное удивление, сюрприз.
  • 4 десятки: лучшая комбинация: всё, чего вы ждёте, исполнится.
  • 4 Вальта: финансовые трудности, долговая яма.
  • 4 Дамы: любовный успех для мужчины, ссоры и расстройства для женщины.
  • 4 Короля: удачное каре для всех - деловой успех, продвижение по работе, новое успешное начало.
  • 4 Туза: амбивалентная ситуация, такое каре подразумевает идущих рука об руку удачу с неудачей. Ждите успех в чем-то одном и поражение в другом.

Другие толкования:

  • Дама вашей масти, выпавшая с соответствующим королём, символизирует знакомство с очень значимым для вас в будущем человеком.
  • Дама вашей масти с соответствующим тузом - знамение радостного события.
  • Валет и король одной масти - предупреждение о мошенничестве, остерегайтесь денежных вкладов и сомнительных мероприятий.
  • Окружающие даму мелкие карты - безрадостный месяц, ничего особенного не случится.
  • Расклад без фигурных карт (одни цифры) сигнализирует о том, что сегодня карты не хотят ничего вам рассказывать.

Результат любого магического обряда зависит от того, насколько вы верите ему. Гадание поможет вам понять свои истинные чувства и построить дальнейший план действий. Правильное толкование и доверие к собственной интуиции поможет вам найти правильное решение и наладить свою жизнь.


Watch the video: Card Guessing Trick - Revealed (July 2024).