How to care for a tattoo in the early days? What you need to know about how to care for a tattoo in the early days?


Today, a tattoo is not a luxury.

Many people tend to decorate their bodies with a simple pattern or a real work of art, but few people know that a tattoo heals quite painfully in the first days after its application.

How to care for a tattoo in the early days?

All the details are in this article.

Tattoo and basic information on how to care for a tattoo in the early days

Many masters, before applying a tattoo, warn of a possible temporary discomfort after this manipulation. If we are talking about a small and simple tattoo, then there should not be any special unpleasant sensations. But if you immediately do the voluminous and complex work of applying a tattoo, then you need to be prepared for possible complications after applying it.

How is the drawing applied? Paint gradually fills the space under the skin. Of course, no master will give a one hundred percent guarantee that applying a tattoo will not cause an allergic reaction or other side effects.

In order for all the work to be successful, you need to adhere to some rules:

• Tattoos are best done in the cabin;

• The master must provide a certificate for the paint that will be applied to the tattoo, otherwise it may be made with poor-quality material, with all the ensuing consequences;

• It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the master regarding how to care for a tattoo in the early days.

You should not save money and do the work with low-quality paint, because the tattoo can not be removed as clothes, it remains with its owner for many years, therefore it is worthwhile to be careful about the original work.

But, besides the correct choice of drawing and master, it is important to choose the place of drawing on the body wisely. There are points on the body where tattooing is more painful than the rest. For example, applying a tattoo to the spine, wrists, calves is a painful procedure and such tattoos require additional care.

How to care for a tattoo in the first days, immediately after application

In the tattoo parlor, the master will apply a special disinfecting compound, apply a compress to the drawing. In order to avoid infection of the skin on which the tattoo was applied, the master wraps a compress with cling film. If he is a professional, then there will be no bloody discharge at the place of the tattoo, but if the allocation of the sucrose has begun, then it is worth paying special attention to the tattoo immediately after its application.

You can remove the compress already at home, experts recommend holding it for at least three hours. Depending on the coagulation of blood, with a certain intensity, subsequent manipulations with the tattoo will be performed.

For those who have normal or accelerated coagulation, the healing process will be much easier.

Why can’t you remove the compress in advance? Because crusts will appear at the place of isolation of the anemone. When they disappear, the paint will disappear along with them, then the pattern will not be uniform. The tattoo will be damaged, and the healing of the skin itself will be delayed.

What needs to be done after removing the compress? It is necessary to wash the tattoo with soap with an antibacterial effect. Why is this needed? It is necessary to remove dead cells and bacteria that may cover the healing site.

It’s best to even take a shower with warm water. It is better not to use a hot shower, you should not steam the tattoo.

What also cannot be done?

• Do not wipe the place of tattooing with alcohol-containing lotions;

• You can not use sedatives for the skin, even cream;

• Do not rub the place of tattooing with a washcloth - you can damage the pattern.

After a shower, it’s worth getting a tattoo wet, it is better to use cotton pads. When wet, you do not need to rub the tattoo, just hold the cotton pad for a few seconds.

How to care for a tattoo in the early days, if you have already removed the bandage?

It is worth wiping the place of application with solutions that disinfect and promote healing, they will be prompted by the master. You can use "miramistin."

How to wipe a tattoo?

• Blotting from the center to the edges;

• It is necessary to wipe the tattoo on the periphery, affecting its surrounding area;

• Swabs must be changed as needed.

How to care for a tattoo in the early days, what should not be missed

Be sure to take into account the fact that throughout the healing process you will have to use a number of auxiliary agents. They can not be neglected, otherwise blood poisoning, various skin infections are possible. The master will tell you which cream to use after removing the compress and processing the place of tattooing.

What is the use of cream for? For speedy healing. For those whose blood coagulation is poor, this can take quite a long time. For the purpose of healing, many masters recommend the use of sea buckthorn oil, which will also avoid drying the skin. Ointments with panthenol and vitamins have proven themselves well.

You should not apply all ointments at once, you need to choose one and use it according to the instructions, or on the recommendation of the wizard. It is not worth using the cream more than the period of use specified in the instructions. You can change the tool, if necessary.

Each tattoo heals individually. In this case, the same person different tattoos can heal at different times. Everything is individual, but the average duration of this process ranges from ten to fifteen days.

How to care for a tattoo in the early days, what you have to put up with

What worries customers the most:

• Why the tattoo does not heal for so long (if less than fifteen days have passed and the tattoo has not healed - do not worry);

• Why the tattoo was crusty (this is a physiological process and you have to put up with it);

• Why does itching appear (this is a sign of the healing process, as on children's wounds, you can’t peel off the crust - the picture will be damaged);

• Why you can not visit the beach and the solarium (tattoo can quickly fade);

• Why you can’t lie in the bathroom for a long time and swim in water (this is a precaution so that the tattoo is not damaged).

Many not very comfortable moments, such as itching, should be endured courageously. The most important thing is the result. How to care for a tattoo in the early days - responsibly and carefully. Haste and negligence can lead to negative consequences.

In order for a tattoo to serve its master for years, it needs constant care. It is impossible for a long time without a protective cream to be in the sun. Even when the tattoo heals, they can do much harm. A sharp change in body weight can lead to the fact that its contours float, it will lose its original shape. If it is wrong to care for a tattoo in the early days, this can happen right away.

In any case, for any controversial situations or complications - do not delay the appeal to the master or doctor. If the sucrose flows intensively or suppuration has occurred, urgently need to seek medical help. With proper care of the tattoo, the appearance of unforeseen circumstances is almost unrealistic. It all depends on the vigilance and responsibility of the client and the quality of the tattoo, thoroughness when caring for it in the early days.


Watch the video: BEST TATTOO AFTERCARE STEP BY STEP IN 8 DAYS (June 2024).